Show Check-Ins
- Dog Sees God
- Director: Karen
- Having rehearsal every day this week
- Actors are for the most part off book
- Tech week is next week
- TD: Sam
- Had department meetings last week
- Tech meeting happened today – people seem to be feeling ok
- Will talk to Jamie about a plan for move in
- Producer: Danielle Hope Diamond
- Got the poster approved
- GSU poster is up
- Two assistant producers dropped
- Had a problem with the t-shirt company – machine would not print Snoopy on it, but used a different company and all is ok
- SM: Erin
- Rehearsals are going great
- Did a full run yesterday - everyone was off-book and did well
- Another cast bonding planned
- Director: Karen
- The Glass Menagerie
- Director: Victor
- The show is completely blocked
- Have a soft off book and a hard off book set
- SM: Alison
- 3-tiered off book date
- Producers: Andy and Emma
- Had a meeting with all of the assistants
- Going to set up a shoot with some of the actors sometime this week or this weekend for the poster
- Going to visit TTN writing classes to amp up publicity for the show
- TD: Caitlin
- Have a set design
- Cancelled tech meetings for the show
- Going to make a cut list
- Will proceed with department meetings now that Dog Sees God has had all of theirs
- Director: Victor
- Play It Again, Sam
- Director: Daniella
- Finished blocking all of Act I – going to do a run
- Met with producers
- TD: Chris
- Cancelled tech meeting today
- Met with Karen and Daniella about set design
- Producer: Karen and Paulina
- Mocking up some t-shirts
- Going to write up a script for a video promo
- SM: Nicolette
- Act I is blocked - doing a run through on Monday
- Goal is to have the whole show blocked by Spring Break
- Director: Daniella
E-Board Check In
- President: Michael
- Got a bunch of packages from SAO
- Had a meeting with SAO and theater groups
- Tech Show
- Things were difficult sometimes – crew was very small
- Erin:
- Midnight show was just not fun for the cast and crew
- Put on a good, funny show but the audience was incredibly rude and disrespectful
- Not sure how that could be controlled in the future - maybe have stricter rules for the audience, kick people out when they ignore the rules, or limit the midnight show to only dues paying Troupe members?
- VP: Alison
- Room res continues
- Went to the SAO meeting
- VPSP: Danny
- SHOWcase went really well today – small group but it worked really well
- Next SHOWcase will be geared toward One Acts
- Broadway in Boston event has had some sign ups and it will close tonight
- Tech Show happened
- SHOWcase went really well today – small group but it worked really well
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Finally got the stickers
- Secretary: Karlie
- Got the BU Today picture – looks great
- Made a Buzzfeed quiz and people were really into that
- TA: Jamie
- Scheduled a safety training with all of the TD’s of WM and OB and nobody showed up
- Tech Show:
- Being a director was hard