Show Check Ins
- Seussical
- Director: Andy
- Half of act I finished vocally
- Everything is choreographed except 2 numbers that are waiting on tech elements to be decided
- SM: Alison
- Had two days of rehearsals
- Put actors’ schedules into a calendar
- Initial schedule for this week set up
- TD: Tehya
- Have a meeting with Tsai this coming Tuesday about set design and blacklights
- Producers: Hanna
- Budget is ready to distribute
- Graphic designer is happening and will have a logo by the end of the week
- Need a photoshoot with Mikey in just the Cat In The Hat hat – trying to figure out where to get that
- Eric
- Distributed important info to Parents’ Weekend producers and Andy from MTI
- Director: Andy
- The Skriker
- Director: Kyle
- We have a cast
- Hoping to do a read through tomorrow
- Still don’t have the Samuel French script – Kyle reached out to them to verify that he has the correct version of script we licensed
- Brittany will look into it
- TD: Jamie
- Is learning how to be an SM
- Producer: Danielle
- Want to do promo video really playing up on the horror element of the show
- Considering doing a sort of costume contest to play up on Halloween
- Director: Kyle
- W;t
- Director: Joe and Bridget
- Made a group and tried to schedule a read through – thinking Tuesday might work better
- Set up a Monday meeting night for production heads
- Rehearsals will start this week
- SM: Sarah Kimball
- Excited to get started
- Producer: Paulina
- Just had a preliminary meeting with Brittany
- TD: Caitlin
- Have a meeting schedule with Joe to go through the script and talk through ideas
- Director: Joe and Bridget
- Really Really
- Director: Rachel
- Had first read through today
- Met SM today and she came to rehearsal
- SM: Erin
- Excited to SM her first show
- Producer: Andy
- Meeting with Danny soon to talk to him
- TD: Danny
- Came to the first read-through today
- Setting up meetings with team this week
- Went through all of act 1 in the script and came up with ideas today
- Director: Rachel
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Michael
- Auditions week went well
- Decided to have Staged Reading to get cast with equal priority to the rest of the season
- Managed to get into Play Library
- Wondering why it’s locked in the first place
- Agree to keep Play Library unlocked to make it a bit more approachable
- Who is in charge of the play library?
- President
- Reorganized the Play Library
- After each semester ask directors to either donate their script or Brittany will purchase those plays for it
- Wondering why it’s locked in the first place
Vice President: Alison
- Messaged directors and asked about room reservations for this upcoming week
- Waiting on their responses
Vice President of Special Projects: Ali
- Responsible for moderating callback room
- Could be improved – maybe a callback schedule for next semester
- Had a meeting with OB VPSP
- One Acts is the same weekend of OB’s 3rd production of the semester
- Can we switch it to the Saturday and Sunday, December 5th and 6th?
- Would make it easier for OB to see One Acts
- Lee to musically direct and Brittany to direct the musical numbers
- OB will have a special project
- OB-Troupe movie special project outing to see Pan on October 9th
- BYOB will be in BUC – either October 19th or 22nd
- Maybe Troupe E-Board will perform
- Senior Divas holiday concert – December 12th
- One Acts is the same weekend of OB’s 3rd production of the semester
- Danielle will help make a poster for COMBAT
Treasurer: Brittany
- Had a meeting with SAO
- Mostly repetitive
- Applied for AB funding for posters
- Approved for Seussical and Skriker
- Want to get stickers
- Logos, shows etc.
Secretary: Karlie
- Need to utilize E-Board audition week schedule more for next semester’s auditions
- Not everyone needs to be there for the whole week – way too exhausting and unnecessary
- Sent GM #1 email recap
- Need to finalize 2015-2016 mailing list
- Waiting on final dues list (post-tech assignments) to create it
- Cast lists tab on website was successful – nobody was confused about where to find info
- Posted on the blog for permanent keeping
TA: Jamie
- Having tech forms at auditions was super super successfuk
- Personally emailed everyone who signed up and said they were interested in tech
- 9 total TD-ATD tech forms
- 81 general tech forms
- Tech Meeting
- Went really well
- High attendance
- Shared a TD guide with this season’s TDs
- Going to meet with TDs sometime this week on how they should really be teaching techies and not just doing it themselves
- Techtravaganza next weekend
- 12PM-3PM
- OB’s tech pool will be there as well
- Make a Facebook event for it
- Hopefully releasing tech lists by Wednesday
- Distributing of keys
- Want to talk about expectations from the membership of E-Board members
- Respect at E-board meetings
- Democracy
- Want the whole membership to vote and have perspective on things
- Remain vigilant about what is being said about our group
- Address negative issues within Troupe
- Stay neutral
- Always remain unbiased
- Make sure membership understands things that are being voted on
- Be understanding of what directors do outside of the E-Board room
- Make sure cast bondings are appropriate
- Be open-minded
- Have sturdy beliefs but be open to interpretation