Show Check-Ins Wit
- Bridget
- Ready for auditions – have picked sides
- Tehya
- Pretty much have a set design
- Meeting with Tsai next Tuesday
- Abby and Andy
- Prepared audition and callback material
- Have had awesome meetings with other creative team people
- Most of the pit is done
- Kyle
- No scheduling issues for GM tonight
- Has an audition plan
Summer Show Checkout
- Karlie
- It would be good to warn possible Summer Show directors that the process is definitely more of a marathon and less of a sprint
- Definitely imperative to have strong director-SM relations
- Jamie
- Having a budget was super helpful
- Need to make sure we pick a show that is sustainable on the tech side – because you’re doing it so much
E-Board Check-Ins
- Going over GM #1 agenda
- Waiting for Liquid Fun to confirm for COMBAT
- We have Photonics for BUSTies
- Thinking about One Acts in BUC
- There was a problem with paying for rights
- Called SAO and handled it
- Had a meeting with producers Hanna and Corey about OrgSync
- Training meeting with SAO on Tuesday
- Michael and Ali are also going
- Still trying to go through AB to get funding for Warren posters
- Had meeting with SAO about SDRs
- Now we’ll be using Amazon Prime and trying to order things in bulk
- Put posters from old shows in Student Theater
- 230ish people signed up for the email list at Splash
- Sent them a GM reminder email on Sunday before GM
- The Theater Now class visits are going well
- Sent the existing membership an upcoming events email for Summer Show Revival and GM #1
- Space Safety and Table Saw Safety workshops will happen the morning of Techstravaganza
- Joining Techstravaganza with OB
- Brittany and Jason are on board
- Want to assign SMs and TDs next Saturday, 9/12
- Applications deadline next Friday, 9/11
- SMs need to email Jamie by next Friday expressing interest
- Went and looked at the cyc
- Don’t need to get a new one – we can just clean it
- Liquid Fun will pay in installments
- Tech form has been updated
- They are due Tuesday, 9/15
- Producers and tech lists will be cross-checked for conflicts
- Tech lists will be post as soon as they are ready
- Add Steve to e-mail list