Show Check Ins
- Seussical:
- Directors: Abby and Andy
- Moved in yesterday
- Start rehearsals in Tsai on Monday
- Very calm and excited going into tech week.
- Sitzprobe on Saturday went very well, the pit sounds amazing.
- Got W-9 from the drummer in the pit
- Producers: Corey and Hanna
- T-Shirts hopefully on Wednesday
- Programs have been ordered and processed at Kinkos
- GSU Link starts Tuesday
- Lobby plans have been made, giant Dr. Seuss books exist
- All headshots have been taken, they will be printed this week
- Promo video will be filmed and released some time this week
- Problems with Amazon
- EVERYBODY needs to order through Amazon Prime, some items will not be in by show dates, some items were ordered to the wrong address (due to misinformation from SAO), very frustrating, SAO doesn’t understand our timelines as theater groups
- Looking forward to a great week
- SM:Alison
- Actors know their lines
- PaperTech went really well, pancakes included
- New ASM on board, she is great and will be included in the playbill
- TD: Tehya
- We are building and putting the set up as we speak
- Very smooth move in
- The extra day to move in was wonderful
- Directors: Abby and Andy
- Skriker:
- Producer: Danielle
- Scheduling has been the worst, trying to get a Warren poster in ASAP, needs to do the photoshoot during Seuss tech week which is tough
- Back up poster is ready to go if need be.
- Shirts have been ordered and will be in on time
- Dry ice fog for the lobby seems like a possibility
- SM: Jamie
- W;t lighting team will hang a wash for Skriker that will then stay up for W;t
- Producer: Danielle
- W;t:
- Directors: Joe and Bridget
- W;t has been going well
- Full run and soft off book both happened last week
- Short staffed in Stage Management
- Producers: Zoe and Paulina
- Deadline set for POs and Amazon wishlist (10/19, some 10/21)
- Still trying to figure out Home Depot
- T-shirt design and form are out (due 10/16)
- Photoshoot will be Tuesday, will coordinate with Skriker
- BUS ad being worked on
- SM: Sarah
- Show is almost entirely blocked
- Soft off book happened
- Hard off book coming up
- TD: Caitlin
- Tech meeting today went really well with interdepartmental discussions
- A lot of plans being made in every department, knowing the deadlines are coming up
- Tied up with Seuss this week, but will be attending rehearsals after this week and is urging the crew to do the same
- Can’t order wood until set design is in
- Directors: Joe and Bridget
- Really Really
- Director: Rachel
- Actors are rising to the challenges of the text
- Has been emailing SARP, they’ve been a little unresponsive
- Producer: Andy
- Nothing new, stressing Amazon orders to be done sooner rather than later, but hasn’t received any yet
- Photoshoot for Warren poster scheduled for 10/24
- T shirt and program ideas will become more developed once Seuss is done
- TD: Danny
- Seuss is taking up a lot of the crew’s time
- Costumes is measuring the actors this upcoming week
- Heads of department are good at communication
- Preliminary set design was worked through and is close to being finalized
- Director: Rachel
- E-Board Check Ins
- President: Michael Gobiel
- Wandering Minds has sent us a contact list for their E-Board
- They’ve asked us to do the same
- Should be sending it some time this week
- Posters in the lobby still need to be taken care of
- The Little Shop poster has just fallen, that leaves us with three
- Everything needs fixing before Skriker goes up
- Did anybody message John B?
- Wandering Minds has sent us a contact list for their E-Board
- VP: Alison
- Facilities dealt with the nails on stage (they are much less dangerous than they were before)
- Collected Seuss’s keys to the Student Theater
- VPSP: Ali
- Danny is confirmed to direct Monologues
- WM wants to get involved with One Acts
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Talked with SAO about Amazon, SAO wants us to use it in a way that doesn’t work for us
- SAO treated one of our producers poorly when they shouldn’t have
- Needs to set up EventBrites for all of the shows
- We will not get access to the EventBrite for Parents’ Weekend until the week of the show, but we’re updated getting updated lists of who’s bought tickets and how many have been sold
- We will have swipe cards for opening night
- SAO said Home Depot in-store POs can’t happen
- Secretary: Karlie
- Made the Seussical Facebook event live on Saturday morning
- In the future need cover photos for shows sooner so we can get the events up and running ASAP
- Made the Seussical Facebook event live on Saturday morning
- TA: Jamie
- WM is renting things for their show
- Seuss had build week last week, everything in the Space is still functioning
- WM will be building in the Space next week, Jamie has their build schedule and will be opening the Space for them
- All groups have been safety trained
- Looked at items that are expendable in the Space to make room for other things
- Wants to have a mid-semester Space cleaning with just the Troupe and OB E-Boards, SAO buys us the dumpster
- Advisors: Eric and Steve
- SAO has been talked to about the lock box key at the Space
- 2nd semester Calendar has been made and distributed
- President: Michael Gobiel