Show Check Ins
- Seussical
- Director: Abby
- Holding office hours tomorrow
- A full week of full runs before tech week
- Feeling very good about the progress of the show – especially with opening in a week
- Finally have a full pit – found a bassist
- 16 person pit
- Figured out percussion business
- SM: Alison
- Having some ASM problems
- Might need some more hands for tech week – will keep us updated
- Can actors be added to the GSU link?
- Corey: will add
- Having some ASM problems
- Producer: Corey
- Poster is being finalized
- Stickers drama
- Trouble with vendors through SAO
- Will print them on normal paper and hand them out if we can’t get the stickers in time
- Headshots are almost done
- Just need 3 more people
- Emerson said that they need a down payment of $35 to loan out a costume when Karen went there
- Never has happened before
- Nervous that percussion equipment guy will ask for payment before dropping off equipment
- Amazon
- Need to order things immediately because it’s unpredictable
- Karlie will make the event as soon as we have the cover photo and poster
- TD: Tehya
- Concerned about Amazon items coming in on time
- Some departments are close to reaching their budget
- Had trouble with POs but worked it out for this show
- Lights need some extra things
- Director: Abby
- The Skriker
- Director: Kyle
- Run time is down to 65 minutes
- Doing full runs even with about a month out
- Skrikers are still having a bit of trouble with the dialogue
- Having two rehearsals for them exclusively
- SM: Jamie
- Will have rehearsals
- Producer: Danielle
- Can we have binders for the Staged Reading?
- Brittany: yes, ST will purchase them
- No fog machine allowed in Student Theater – maybe dry ice?
- Going to look into it
- Kyle: not married to the idea – if it’ll work that would be great
- Scheduling a shoot for poster and headshots
- Maybe this week?
- Have really great ideas
- Can we have binders for the Staged Reading?
- Director: Kyle
- W;t
- Director: Bridget
- Took a break from rehearsals this week for Follies because of crossover
- Had a lot of character meetings
- About ¾ of the way through the script
- Took a break from rehearsals this week for Follies because of crossover
- SM: Sarah
- Aiming to be done blocking on Thursday
- Producer: Paulina
- Had another creative meeting with Joe
- Headshots date for October 13th
- Know there are conflicts – Bridget will help with headshots
- Zoe is finalizing t-shirt
- “paper lobby”
- TD: Caitlin
- Had most of the department meetings – having two more tonight
- Making sure that they read the script
- Worried crew isn’t aware of how soon the show is
- Had most of the department meetings – having two more tonight
- Director: Bridget
- Really Really
- Director: Rachel
- Had first full run of Act 1
- Made rehearsal schedule for the next two weeks with Erin
- Gave actors homework
- Everyone is making a character Twitter account
- Incorporated some scene changes
- SM: Erin
- Lines are going pretty well
- Planning to have the whole show blocked with a month to go
- Can we have the Student Theater for the week before tech week?
- Eric will check
- TD: Danny
- Finished department meetings
- Gave everyone in tech an assignment to send him a picture of something that represents their tech for the show
- Using an app called RemindMe to communicate with crew
- Trying to figure out a new date for poster shoot
- Kickball got rescheduled to that date
- Actors will be measured for costumes soon
- Producer: Sarah
- Have a location for photoshoot
- Director: Rachel
E-Board Check Ins
- President: Michael
- Play library
- Looked into buying plays for library – going to wait until we get further into the season to decide if we’ll buy them all
- Found a murder mystery play – maybe can do that for extra event next semester?
- Filling the poster space in the lobby
- SAO needs to communicate The Space decision from SAO with other theater groups
- Play library
- VP: Alison
- Very involved with facilities this week
- Nails sticking out of the stage
- One of the actors got sick outside of the Student Theater at Seussical rehearsal – called facilities
- Very involved with facilities this week
- VPSP: Ali
- Changed Kickball to October 24th because of rain
- OB Troupe bonding weekend – October 23rd will go see The Suffragettes
- 5th slot for next semester
- Open to new ideas to supplement our spring season
- Wants to plan a BUC takeover for next semester with WM and OB
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Figuring out PO situation
- Going to give SMs a budget
- How do we do that with Parents’ Weekend?
- A lot of things have been going over budget
- Not really ok, people need to be a bit more strict in the budget
- Warren poster for One Acts next semester
- Pavement sponsorship will pay for programs for One Acts next semester and this semester
- Need to check in with producers
- Need the dates for shows for next semester
- Secretary: Karlie
- Directors need to send materials to Karlie in order to be covered on social media - particularly Instagram
- TA: Jamie
- Playwright’s Theater
- Mark from the Playwright's Theater called Jamie on Friday morning and said he lost his key
- Jamie had to go in and turn off the heat so it didn’t disturb their performance
- They should call facilities in the future
- Lights people looked at light board
- Don’t know what to do
- Eric will look at it
- Will fix the cyc herself
- Next group is ok with it and their set will block the stain
- Space Cleaning
- Usually is Sunday after One Acts – One Acts is now on that day
- December 13th will be the new Space Cleaning crew
- Playwright’s Theater