Show Check Ins
- Really Really
- Director: Rachel
- Really smooth process on her end
- Felt confident as a director and in her abilities
- Expectations as a director in Stage Troupe isn’t made clear to those who aren’t already aware of traditions in Stage Troupe
- There should be a more systematic way to introduce new directors into Stage Troupe
- Stage Manager: Erin
- First time head stage managing a show
- Helpful to have Karlie in the rehearsal room as a past SM to provide quick answers to questions
- Really helpful that she got put on the fourth slot show – gave her more time to really learn the role as a new SM
- All of the heads who are in the booth with SM must be there every night (ie. sound and lights)
- Had really fantastic assistants
- Returned keys
- First time head stage managing a show
- TD: Danny
- Being hyper organized was super helpful
- Talkback was highly successful – definitely recommend for the future
- Email is best form of communication currently
- Advice for future TDs: stay calm, stay cool, stay collected
- Producer: Andy and Sarah
- Amazon wish list was difficult to use but ended up being ok
- Still had to do a fair amount of SDRs because it’s impossible to get certain things from Amazon
- Processing SDRs right now
- Came in extremely under budget
- E-Board can use the remainder of the budget however it sees fit
- Could definitely use it to replenish producer’s booth supplies – order Andy and Sarah put into SAO to do so got messed up
- Sold out on Saturday night
- Talkback went well – not a fit for every show but should be used more
- Should do 5” x 7” headshots not 8” x 10” because it’s more expensive to do the latter
- Hard to have producers be involved with a show when they have a show going up right after
- Still need a new organizer for the producer’s booth
- During performances, people were putting things in the producers booth without asking – should be avoided in the future
- Amazon wish list was difficult to use but ended up being ok
- Director: Rachel
- One Acts
- Directors: Danny
- Necessary to have directing for monologuers
- VPSP: Ali
- We should keep musical numbers in
- Need to make sure that we have monologue and musical numbers director apply in the future to ensure that they’re committed
- Respect issue between all parties involved in One Acts
- “It’s just One Acts” attitude needs to stop
- Chris was an incredible TD
- Strike was a little messy but it happened
- We should keep musical numbers in
- President: Michael
- We’re going to do a survey for everyone involved in One Acts soon
- TD: Chris
- BUC was a great place to have One Acts – good alternative to the theater
- Tech meetings were ineffective – people didn’t come so there wasn’t much that could be accomplished
- Musical numbers need to be set in stone from casting on – people changed songs during tech week
- Division of power was very unclear – felt like the TD and the overall director of One Acts
- Returned keys
- Lighting was very limited in BUC
- Directors: Danny
E-Board Check Ins
- President: Michael
- Sent cast feedback to Really Really
- Have sent cast feedback to all of the shows this semester
- Will present findings after the survey has been distributed to those in One Acts
- Had a meeting with SAO this week about storage space and working with the other theater groups
- Sent cast feedback to Really Really
- VP: Alison
- Did a walkthrough of the theater with Michael
- Will consult Eric and Steve to talk about which of these desired changes will be made
- Want to chat with Rachel about making sure directors are informed of the expectations of Stage Troupe directors
- Got keys back from Erin
- Did a walkthrough of the theater with Michael
- VPSP: Ali
- Nomination Committee went smoothly
- Wrapping up planning Senior Divas
- Collecting BUSTies votes tonight and will hopefully have them all by the end of the week
- VPSP Elect: Danny
- Scheduling a meeting with Chris Kuiken
- Met with Debra about a special project for the spring
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Need to look at getting shirts for next semester
- Board needs to discuss pricing of tickets for next semester
- Need to talk to Michael about buying the plays performed by Troupe in the recent past for the Play Library
- Will start looking for producers for next semester
- Secretary: Karlie
- Got information about the Spring 2016 shows from directors for the website
- Reset the password for the original Stage Troupe Flickr account with the help of a past Secretary at Mock
- Will upload pictures from recent shows to the account over Winter Break
- Live tweeted The Wiz Live and will do it again for Grease Live in January
- Want us to seriously look into getting full color programs
- TA: Jamie
- Ordered a dumpster for Space Cleaning
- Need to confirm its delivery for this Sunday
- Tech feedback for Really Really happened
- Need to find more ways to include assistants in the tech process
- Received all of the keys back from this semester
- Will go with Brittany to SAO to purchase materials for the Space
- Ordered a dumpster for Space Cleaning