Show Check-Ins
- Dog Sees God
- Director: Karen
- Printed out sides
- Concerned that Dog will be the same weekend as OB’s Songs and Vag Mo
- TD: Sam
- Excited about the show
- A little nervous about tech lists coming out 2/5 – a little late
- Director: Karen
- The Glass Menagerie
- Director: Victor
- Have sides printed out
- Just want to know about how room res and how casting works
- Director: Victor
- Play It Again, Sam
- Director: Daniella
- Printed sides
- Thinking about tech ideas
- Decided to double cast female roles – 3 M, 4 F
- Director: Daniella
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Michael
- The Theater looks great post-cleaning
- Working on finding an appropriate trophy case for our awards
- Will send out a link for sign ups for the table at auditions
- VP: Alison
- Requested a lot of rooms
- Made many OrgSync events
- Got the fourth room for Tuesday of audition week
- VPSP: Danny
- Need to set a date to write the E-Board skit for the TA Event
- Michael: day before would be great
- Held 2 meetings with Debra to discuss her role in the TA Event
- Made an order for the event
- Have receipt for clothespin materials to get reimbursed
- Plaques for the Theater are all set and ready to be ordered
- With Debra contacted over 20 local businesses to get free gift cards for TA Event
- Discussed Broadway in Boston group ticket events with Brittany
- Significantly cheaper to go on 4/8
- Told Chris Kuiken this info
- Gauging interest from membership at the First GM tonight
- Sent Assassins participants a reminder email to bring $2 to the first GM in addition to list of all the rules
- Will try to go to all the OB E-Board meetings this semester to represent ST
- All of board will help during the TA Event
- Need to set a date to write the E-Board skit for the TA Event
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Not satisfied with how the stickers came out
- Place we got them through is sending us another order for free soon
- Supposed to get them 2/2
- Got new things for The Space
- Need to pick them up from Home Depot with Jamie
- Trying to get SAO funding for BIB trip
- Getting producer apps in
- Producer workshop will be happening next week
- Meeting with woman from the charity for Dog Sees God next week to pick up things for the TA event
- Not satisfied with how the stickers came out
- Secretary: Karlie
- Tweeted a lot today about the fabulous Troupe Sunday we’re having
- Answered many inquiry emails about the upcoming season, auditions and tech
- Visited all 5 The Theater Now writing classes
- They went super well – made a great relationship with head of that program that should be continued in the future
- Someone needs to print out audition room signs and assign rooms for each show – gets a little hectic when we do it the day of
- Directors probably should get to auditions ~10ish mins early
- We have to remember to bring tape
- TA: Jamie
- Assigned Sam Kinde to TD Charity Show
- TDs and SMs for other shows will be assigned on 1/29
- Made a tech show rehearsal schedule