Executive Board Notes 9/10/17

Show Check-Ins:

  • Summer Show Check-Out: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
    • Director: BK
      • Overall, fun time. Got a lot of interested students.
      • Hard for graduates to direct because of time commitments/post-grad stuff.
      • Some issues with scheduling. For the future, maybe tell everyone the dates way in advance to keep free.
      • Great producers and TD and shout out to Evan for SMing when Erin left. 
    • TD: David
      • Had a good last show. Everyone loved the set and tech.
      • Strike was super fast. 
      • Need a dustpan in the workshop. 
      • Had a lot of fun TDing Summer Show. E-Board made it easy.
      • Make sure that build people are actually going to be in Boston for move-in. Lots of work right up front, but once it's all straightened out, you can sit back and watch it happen. 
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Kobi
      • Great overall; most everything went smoothly.
      • Enjoyed working together. Assistant Abby was phenomenal.
      • Shouldn't start a show at 7:45 PM because there was a lot of confusion. 
    • SM: Evan
      • Good to get experience as a stage manager. Nice perspective for talking to stage managers in the future.
      • The cast was a little tough to manage at times, but overall it was a good experience. 
      • Advice for the future: make sure ASMs know what they're signing on to.  
  • F&F Weekend: Grease
    • Director: Ellie
      • Met with Ariana today and set a rough schedule. 
      • Excited for auditions. 
    • Asst Director: Lara
      • Loved Sam's designs. 
      • Super excited. 
    • TD: Alicia
      • Waiting on the set design to be finalized. 
      • Making cut list on Monday with Cait. 
      • Got the key for the Space. 
      • Working on opening up line of communication with Tsai.
    • Producer: Sam
      • Met with Ellie and Lara to get their vision for the show. Ran through promotional ideas.
      • Working on finalizing some logos for Andy to get copyright approval. 
      • Looking into using a car museum for photoshoot spot. 
      • Wood order deadline is this week. 
    • SM: Ariana
      • Have idea of when we want everything choreographed and blocked.
      • Hard off book will be October 3.
  • Speech and Debate
    • Director: Sarah
      • Looking forward to the GM and auditions.
      • Finalizing audition sides and director questions.
  • The Flick
    • Director: Lucy 
      • Picked out audition sides.

E-Board Check-Ins:

  • President: Chris
    • Met with mediators for casting negotiations. 
    • SPLASH was really successful. Great turnout. Handed out all of our stickers. 
  • VP: Evan
    • Booked a room for this meeting. 
    • Reserved Student Theater for all rehearsals, performances throughout the year. 
    • Has SM keys for Ariana.
    • Worked on a census report.
  • VPSP: Abby
    • Would like to have Ice Cream Social before COMBAT. Interested in combining it with tie-dyeing the old Troupe shirts. Looking at 22 or 23 for that. 
    • Need to pick a date for kickball, so will reach out to Rachel in OB.
    • Need room res for day of COMBAT. 
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Made the dues Eventbrite. 
    • Filled out a form for Grease on Eventbrite, so that will be set up soon. 
    • Did receive a disk with everything for Speech and Debate except some projections. Those should be at SAO. 
    • Still need to fill out a few reimbursements. 
    • Ready to mediate this week.
    • Treasurer training tomorrow from 6:30 to 8.
  • Secretary: Lucy
    • Made the FB event for auditions. Will make tech meeting one tomorrow.
    • Sent out GM reminder emails and emails to SPLASH and Orientation signups.
    • 148 people signed up for email list at SPLASH.
  • TA: Caitlin
    • Sat down with Chris and Alicia at the set meeting for Grease
    • Going to start pushing tech forms. 
    • Need to chop down door frame from Summer Show.
    • There is a wash up in the theater for COMBAT. 
    • Need to talk to Sarah and Lucy about tech meeting.
    • Hyped about mediating.
  • Steve
    • Tom is the name of the new Tsai person. 
    • Looking forward to the casting meeting on Thursday. 

Executive Board Notes 9/3/17

Show Check-Ins:

  • F&F Weekend: Grease
    • Director: Ellie
      • Meeting this week to set rehearsal schedule and get it out of the way.
    • TD: Alicia
      • Working on set design. 
      • Going to meet with Cait and Chris to get a cut list. 
      • Sam has set a date for the wood order. 
      • Working on the car.
      • Excited to get a tech crew. 
    • Producer: Sam
      • Super excited. 
      • Talked with Andy and Alicia over the summer to set deadlines. 
      • Drew up some logos to submit for approval. 
      • Flyer designs are ready for the dorms. 
      • Preliminary t-shirt designs done as well. 
      • In really good shape. 
    • SM: Ariana
      • Planning time with Ellie and Lara to talk about deadlines.
      • Started taking down conflicts from people. 
  • Speech and Debate
    • Director: Sarah
      • Excited!
      • Question about music rights. 
  • The Flick
    • Director: Lucy
      • Finished Wishes/Wants/Needs form. 

E-Board Check-Ins:

  • President: Chris
    • Assisted other board members with their tasks over the summer.
    • Communication is essential.
  • VP: Evan
    • Rooms are pretty much booked for the whole semester.. 
    • Only thing not booked are rooms for COMBAT and audition/rehearsal rooms for One Acts.
    • Worked on gaining SM experience over the summer.
  • VPSP: Abby
    • Did a lot of preliminary prepping for the semester.
    • Reached out to other groups about COMBAT. 
    • Planning Ice Cream Social. 
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • New Troupe stickers. 
    • Snapchat Geofilter.
    • First Blaze Pizza fundraiser on Friday.  
    • Talked to Ellie about songs for Grease performance.
    • All producer apps are open now. 
    • All rights are taken care of for the shows, except the two songs for the extra performance, which are in process.
  • Secretary: Lucy
    • Created FB events for the First GM and Blaze Pizza Fundraiser. 
    • Shared GM event with Class of 2021 FB page. 
    • Updated the display case outside the theater. 
    • Finished Spotlights today.
    • Submitted Summer Show Revival to ArtsBoston and BU calendars.
    • Updated website calendar for the fall. 
  • TA: Caitlin
    • Assigned TD and SM for F&F. 
    • Got dumpster for the Space. 
    • Space is ready to go for first Tech GM. OB will be having it the same day in the same space.
    • Re-worked Tech application.
    • Made an SM app. 
    • Making wish list with Andy for Space.
    • Had some issues with lights in the theater. 
  • Steve
    • First GM is really important for recruitment. 
  • Eric
    • Small problems can become large problems if ignored. Good to think about going into the year.

Executive Board Notes 8/20/17

E-Board Check-Ins:

  • President: Chris
    • Met with Eric & Steve to go over everything from the summer.
    • First official E-Board meeting will be on September 3 in IT. 
    • Received librettos for Grease.
  • VP: Evan
    • Summer Show Check-In:
      • Scheduled some rehearsals for the August 30 show.
      • TBD on revival rehearsal.
    • Booked rooms for all but COMBAT and One-Act rehearsals for the semester.
    • October 5 is Model UN day so there are no CAS classrooms anywhere. Other than that, no problems. 
    • OB confirmed callbacks for Troupe and OB will be in same building. 
    • Officially stepped in as SM for Summer Show. 
  • VPSP: Abby
    • COMBAT is happening soon-- sent out first email a while ago to the groups who have been invited. Will be reaching out again in the next week. 
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • F&F Producer: Sam
      • Designed some logo options.
      • Talked to Alicia to designate date for wood order deadlines.
    • Made the event for Summer Show revival. 
    • Submitted an Eventbrite for revival-- should hear back from them soon.
    • Sent Sam all the info for Grease
    • Updated the Producer's Guide.
    • Gave Lucy a budget for the display case. 
    • Need to find someone to film Summer Show revival. 
    • Ordered 300 Troupe stickers.
  • Secretary: Lucy
    • Submitted Troupe photos to SAO to be considered for posters in their office.
    • Wrote introduction for the administration packet. 
    • Will have new cover photo and poster this week. 
    • Finished up the E-Board Spotlight Sundays.
    • Will try to update display case this week.  
  • TA: Caitlin
    • Met with Alicia. Made deadline for when the Grease set should be done. 
    • Talked to Andy about order for the Space. 
    • Reminded directors to work on their WWNs list. 
    • Assigned SM for Grease: Ariana! 

Executive Board Notes 7/31/17

E-Board Check-Ins

  •  President: Chris
    • Working on FYSOP thing.
  • VP: Evan
    • Also involved with FYSOP thing.
    • Reserved CAS 313 for the GM and rooms for all 4 nights of auditions in CAS. In process of getting rooms for The Flick and Speech and Debate.
    • Unfortunately, dream of having just one room for whole process might be impossible, but will have rotation of 3 rooms.
  • VPSP: Abby
    • Working on BU Theatre Formal.
    • Picked date for COMBAT: September 30.
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Applied for Grease movie song rights. Submitted bill to SAO today. Deadline is August 24.
    • First fundraiser with Blaze is first week of classes.
    • Finished a draft of section of large Troupe report.
    • F&F Producer: Sam
      •  So excited to produce this show!
      • Reached out to Alicia about deadlines and spoke to Andy about necessities.
  •  Secretary: Lucy
    • Has been posting Spotlight Sundays.
    • Haven’t heard back about cover photo-- will follow up. Also going to email Cody about graphics/poster.
    • Phone call tomorrow with Lauren from that Northeastern festival.
    • Tweeted about the SM applications and uploaded file to website.
  •   TA: Cait
    • Made SM app and put it up.
    •  Started planning for Techstravaganza.
    • Made supply inventory.
    • Checked in with Alicia. Meeting on Thursday.
    • Emailed facilities man. He’s great. Got us a dumpster in under a week’s notice. It’s coming Friday.
    • Emailed Playwrights that we are getting the dumpster. Probably won’t be any build conflicts with them.

Executive Board Notes 7/2/17

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Chris
    • Talked to a lot of excited freshmen--about 20. Really interested in different departments.

    • Going to start a Google Doc for gathering Troupe statistics.

    • Went to meeting with FYSOP leaders who were super nice. We will be doing an open dress of Summer Show for them.

  • VP: Evan

    • Called show this week. 

    • Waiting on 25Live news. It may come around mid-July.

  • VPSP: Abby

    • Gathering Special Projects statistics.

  • Treasurer: Andy

    • Contacted Ellie about F&F rights stuff. Shoutout to Ellie for being responsive.

    • Need to call Samuel French to go over discrepancies in song rights for F&F. 

    • Gathered data about ticket sales and membership from the past 3 years.

    • Contacted 5 different businesses about getting donations through for Troupe. If anybody knows of local Boston business that may be interested in getting ad in program, let him know.

    • Had trouble with light board missing cues during Summer Show. Maybe we should talk about getting a new one.

  • Secretary: Lucy

    • Promoted Summer Show and tweeted about Producer and TD apps.

    • This week's freshmen were very enthusiastic-- got lots of new views on Facebook and new Instagram followers, yay.

    • Going to look into new cover photo design.

    • New transfer student may be interested in assistant directing one of the shows.

  • TA: Caitlin

    • Decided on F&F TD.

    • In process of making a list of stuff we will need for build week. 

BUSTies Survey Results from the VPSP

Hello Troupies!

In the past few years, Stage Troupe has, from time to time, sent out feedback forms after shows to assess the feelings of the cast & crew about the process that they just took part in. As your new Vice President of Special Projects, I thought that these feedback forms would also be a great way to gather some information about membership feelings about special events. The BUSTies feedback form is the first, but I anticipate trying to gather feedback after every major special project to continue to improve these events and make sure everyone in Stage Troupe gets the most out of special projects.

Based on the feedback from the BUSTies form, I am going to try to implement the following changes to BUSTies 2018:

  • More food options

    • While substantial meals might be, monetarily speaking, not the best idea, I believe we can at least provide more snacks and options to eat throughout the night.

  • Length of roasts

    • Next year, a strict time limit will be enforced. In order to accommodate this, the length of roasts will be extended to 7 minutes. This will be a hard time limit, and roasters will be cut off.

    • I believe that extended the time of roasts by 2 minutes is the best option for combatting overly long roasts. This is because many roasters do not really pay attention to the 5 minute time limit when writing their roasts, so they end up being closer to 10 or 15 minutes. I think that giving an extra two minutes but enforcing a hard time limit will cut down on the total time of BUSTies.

    • The event management team next year will be in charge of enforcing the time limit, and will be given the power to cut people off.

  • Content of roasts

    • The content of roasts next year will be monitored more closely.

    • In order to help myself and my event management team do this, I will be requiring actual scripts for roasts, and will need to approve all PowerPoints.

    • Roasters will not have to have every single word that they intend to say written down, but they do need to have the general points and flow of the roast in writing.

    • We will be saying no to content in roasts that we deem to be too harsh, or too inappropriate. I am not asking roasters to keep things PG, but I would like to avoid overly explicit roasts.

    • To make sure all roasts are approved, the deadline that roasts are due will be strictly enforced. Roasts cannot be turned in the day before BUSTies except in the case of emergencies, because that is unfair to me as VPSP, and especially unfair to the event managers. I understand that BUSTies occurs at a busy time of the year, but the people planning the event are equally busy and that should be respected. A person signing up to roast someone is a commitment that should be honored out of respect to everyone involved.

    • If roasters go off script while roasting, they will be cut off by the event managers. Again, this is not saying that roasters have to have every word planned (and we will not be taking line notes), but bringing up topics or stories that were not approved will not be okay. It is best to just include all of the raunchiest material in the original script and have it vetoed but still be allowed to roast, than to turn in a script that gets approved, and try to sneak in more uncomfortable material.

    • I understand that some people are okay with extremely embarrassing/inappropriate information being shared about them in their roasts. And I am not saying that roasts can’t make people cringe a little bit. But there is a limit. And there are many other people in the room besides the roaster and roastee who might not be as comfortable hearing these things. BUSTies is a night of celebration, and the E-Board does not want anyone to leave feeling uncomfortable.

  • Roast workshop

    • To aid roasters, especially first-timers, in writing their roasts, I will be bringing back a roast workshop early in the spring semester.

    • I believe that by talking to potential roasters and giving examples of good roasts and outlining ahead of time what is not okay will make the creation of roasts easier for everyone.

    • Ideally, I would like to have this workshop before signups for roasting are officially due so that people who have some interest can see what roasting is about without having to commit first.

In addition to the above recommendations, I would also like to answer a few questions and clear up some additional things related to BUSTies that members expressed concern about:

  • How nominees are chosen

    • First, directors are asked to determine which categories they would like their actors to be nominated in. Then, directors choose one actor, one technician, and one member of the producing team to serve on the Nomination Committee. The 3 individuals chosen by each director are the members of the NomCom for that semester.

    • Next, nominees in each individual category are chosen by the Nomination Committee. If there are 5 or less individuals in a particular category, then all individuals receive a nomination. But when there are more than 5 individuals that could receive nominations in a particular category, the members of the NomCom each cast an anonymous ballot indicating the 5 people that they think should be nominated for a BUSTies.

    • Only a maximum of five options can be given for any category, other than Best Special Project.

  • Superlatives

    • Superlatives are informal and usually chosen, for the most part, by the BUSTies hosts.

    • Superlatives are intended to be light-hearted, and not receiving a superlative is not any kind of judgement.

    • The membership has the opportunity to nominate other members for a superlative on their BUSTies voting form each semester. This is not a guarantee that your chosen superlative will make the ceremony, but they are all considered.

I hope that the membership feels like I have heard their concern and am trying to reform BUSTies to make it the best it can be. If anyone has any further questions, comments, or concerns, my inbox, both email (abbyk@bu.edu) and Facebook (Abby Kass), are always open to talk. My role as VPSP is to facilitate the most enjoyable events for the membership that I can.

 The rest of the E-Board and I are very appreciative of the interest the members have shown in continuing to improve Troupe and some Troupe traditions. We always welcome feedback about anything.

 Have great rest of your summers, and I will see you in September!

 VPSP Love,


Executive Board Notes 6/18/17

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Chris
    •  Got this board's nametags. 
    • Talked to a few freshmen at Summer Show-- they were excited about joining Troupe.
  • VP: Evan
    • Trained to call a show so can assist with any possible future SM issues.
    • Waiting to hear back about 25Live Training (should be any day now).
  • VPSP: Abby
    • Going to publish BUSTies survey results this week.
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Producers for Summer Show are going to have desserts from Catering on the Charles for after the show. Kobi is getting the numbers ready.
    • The producers added blurbs about Troupe in the lobby, like e-board profiles, social media handles, and photos of past shows. 
    • Contacted producers from past year about providing addresses for SAO to send checks.
  • Secretary: Lucy
    • Promoted Summer Show on all social media.
    • Going to start rolling out Sunday Spotlight on E-Board Members and Directors next Sunday. 
    • Answered correspondence about Summer Show. 
  • TA: Caitlin
    • Talked to some people who are considering applying for F&F Weekend TD.
    • Going to send out Summer Show TD Feedback Form this week.
    • Looked into getting a dumpster. 

Executive Board Notes 6/4/17

Show Check-In
  •Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
       ° Director: BK
          • Show is happening. Getting better every night. 
          • Lines are still iffy. 
       ° SM: Erin
          • Ran into some problems, but always happens with first day of tech week. 
          • Confident we will be fine for Wednesday. 
       ° TD: David
          • Move-in happened. The actors were very helpful.
          • First tech run went very well, all things considered.
       ° Producers: Kobi and HwaYoun
          • Everything is going great. Assistant is wonderful. 
          • Still need to do a few more headshots--will figure out when. 
          • Planning on ordering shirts for the show in the next few weeks. 

E-Board Check Ins
   •President: Chris
      ° Focusing on Summer Show.
      ° Reached out to Shiney and made promotional materials available to her.
   •VP: Evan
      ° Took on ASM position for Summer Show. 
   •VPSP: Abby
      ° Closed BUSTies survey-- feedback was very helpful.
   •Treasurer: Andy
      ° Submitted SDR for new website.
      ° Sent in the rights for The Flick. Speech and Debate and Vanya and Sonia and Masha and    
        Spike are all paid for.
      ° Opened the Producer apps for the fall. 
      ° New lights work and all 4 are up for Summer Show. Going to discuss updating lighting guide
        for the future. 
   •Secretary: Lucy
     ° New website is up and running (yay!)
     ° Going to send out reminders about TD and producing applications. 
   •TA: Caitlin
     ° Updated tech forms and TD applications-- F&F TD app is due June 24.
     ° Been having some problems with electrics in the theater. Will reach out to Courtney and Eric
       about that. 

Welcome to the NEW Website!

Things look a little different around here, don't they? It was about time we got a makeover. Take a look around and see what you think! Navigation should be fairly easy-- all of the tabs are exactly the same as before. There is a new Calendar widget on the homepage that should make finding dates and times for everything easier than ever before!

As always, email stage@bu.edu if you have any questions or concerns!

Executive Board Notes 5/21/17

Show Check-In

  • Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
    • SM: Erin
      • Planning on rehearsals Monday-Thursday this week and inviting tech.
      • Struggling a lot with conflicts.
      • NEEDS an ASM.
    • TD: David
      • Had most department meetings.
      • They have a set design.
      • Going to Home Depot this week to get paint.
      • Looks like move-in will be Friday, June 2.
  • E-Board Check-Ins
    • President: Chris
      • Working on getting the TA guide from a previous TA.
    • VP: Evan
      • Reaching out to people about ASMing-- hasn't heard anything yet.
    • VPSP: Abby
      • Posted survey about BUSTies to membership—getting a lot of helpful feedback. Will go into further detail next meeting when survey has closed.
    • Treasurer: Andy
      • Sent out all of the budget information to summer show producers—they sent it to David.
      • Found 1 assistant producer for Summer Show who is great at graphic design.
    • Secretary: Lucy
      • Emailed directors about show info and bios.
      • Emailed E-Board about website updates.
      • Started building Squarespace website. Need feedback on design, but optimistically could have it up and running in about a week.
      • Needs recent photos of One-Acts, Tech Show, and special projects from the fall.
    • TA: Caitlin
      • Posted about ASM for summer show, but no one reached out. Will talk to Erin and David about how to proceed.
      • Going to start getting the F&F TD application together and work with Lucy to get it online and to the membership once TA guide is acquired.

Executive Board Notes 5/15/17

  • Show Check-In

    • Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
      • Director: Brittany
        • Started blocking and rehearsals; they're going well.
        • First time as director, so she is feeling "shook," but in a good place.
        • A little worried because the time frame is so short. Build week is next week.
        • Erin isn’t here, so doing her best to work around not having an SM present.
      • TD: David
        • Got tech list and is in the process of setting up in-person department meetings for this week.
        • Scheduling is proving to be a challenge because he and BK have opposite schedules, but they’re making it work.
        • Thinks they can get almost everything from the Space besides Snow White dresses.
      • SM: Erin
        • Blocked most of the show.
        • There is a rehearsal schedule for this week.
        • Having issues getting everyone together for rehearsals, people have a lot of conflict right up to the first show.
  • E-Board Check-Ins
    • President: Chris
      • Instituting weekly E-Board check-ins during the summer over Google Hangout. Membership is always welcome to join in!
      • There is still a pile of trash in the Space. Going to deal with that this summer when more people are here.
      • Knows how to get a dumpster now.
      • Going to send out last TA stuff to get "crew review" list and pass that info on to Cait. Working on getting the TA Guide to send on to her as well.
    • VP: Evan
      • Went with Erin to SAO in attempt to reserve Colloquium Room for BUSTies; discovered OrgSync is down and will not come back up until switch to 25Live in July. Can’t reserve rooms until email from SAO comes in (probably mid-July) and he does the training.
      • Made Facebook post for seniors to reserve time for Space signing. Deadline is end of Thursday night.
    • VPSP: Abby
      • Started thinking about BU Theatre Formal. Will talk to OB soon.
    • Treasurer: Andy
      • Applied for Speech and Debate rights and Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike rights through OrgSync. Called today about them, so they will be done ASAP.
      • Emailed Eric & Steve about rights for The Flick; website requires an advisor to sign off.
      • Submitted SDR for renewing website domain.
      • Announced Summer Show producers: HwaYoun Kang and Kobi Kassal.
      • Talked to producers about dates and budget breakdowns.
      • Posted in Facebook group about needing assistant producers.
      • Checked in about AB funding; decisions are rolling out between now and May 21.
      • In the process of uploading the rest of show videos from this season to YouTube and going through Troupe hard drive.
      • Working on finalizing Troupe budget stuff.
      • Needs to make OrgSync Summer Show event.
    • Secretary: Lucy
      • Looked into transferring website to Squarespace ASAP. This will mean redoing the design of the website and transferring both the domain and all the content. Will take a while, but best to do it over the summer.
      • ‘Meet Your Leaders Mondays’ will happen this summer as well. Will be emailing about that soon.
      • In the process of making updated banner for Troupe Facebook page.
    • TA: Caitlin
      • Assigned Summer Show TD and made tech list.
      • Still looking for ASMs because Erin is going abroad. She won't be here if we have a revival.
    • Steve
      • Poked Eric about The Flick rights, but Eric is very busy with malware stuff at IT;  they'll get on it ASAP.

Executive Board Notes 5/6/17

Show Check-Ins

  • Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
    • Director: Brittany
      • Erin joined the team as the SM! She's been sick, but a rehearsal schedule will soon be in the works
      • The first read-through went very well
      • Character meetings will start soon
      • Excited to get a tech team soon

E-Board Check-Outs

  • President: Danielle
    • No one really knows what it’s like to be on Board until they’re on it. It's more than just resume booster; it's a good life experience that puts things in perspective.
    • Full-time job. Don’t take position lightly.
    • Make it known you’re here to listen to membership as a Board Member. Be as approachable as possible.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Vice President: Erin
    • People don’t understand the job unless they’re on E-Board itself. People will argue.
    • One of the best decisions made—a great experience.
    • It takes a little bit of time to figure out the flow, but it eventually gets more intuitive.
    • Board Members should know to take care of themselves first
    • Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
    • Lend a helping hand if you can.
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Learn to turn off your phone. E-Board echoes in every part of your life, so take care of yourself.
    • Recognize that people will have a lot to say to you about your own position. Learn how to be your own filter
    • E-Board Members are elected by their peers and are ultimately trusted to represent the interests of the membership to have this position
    • The VPSP and TA positions generally interact most with the membership.
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • The biggest thing is communication. Things will come up, so everyone should use constant communication methods to their advantage.
    • Ask questions.
    • Never be afraid to ask for help. All the E-Board jobs are hard, and everyone has to go above and beyond the constitution in order to make E-Board work.
    • Reach out to people. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors.
    • Treat your E-Board like your family.
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • This is a job about listening, and so it has been an exciting challenge to learn how to gauge the membership and be strategic about the best ways to communicate.
    • Don’t get wrapped up in making mistakes. It's so easy to apologize and fix it, and worrying about messing up only causes more stress than necessary.
    • Work together. Ask for help. Expect to fail and accept that mistakes are inevitable. It’s okay, because there’s always a solution.
  • TA: Chris
    • It takes a while to learn how to do the job required of an E-Board position.
    • Don’t worry if it’s overwhelming or tough at first.
    • Because there are two previous Board members on the current team, some growing pains can be alleviated.
    • People can never make everyone happy, but what's important is that they do their best.
    • Listen to each other. Ask questions. Reach out to old Board Members for help.
  • Steve
    • It's been a pleasure to work with everyone. Excited to work with the new team.

Summer Show 2017 Cast List

Thank you so much to everyone who came to audition for this year's Summer Show, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike! We were happy to have you all show such a great interest in bringing Stage Troupe to the incoming freshmen during Orientation! If you were not cast, our hearts go out to you. Know that the competition was tight and that you all greatly impressed our director. We would still love to have you contribute to this fun process! All are welcome to express their interest in tech and producing—we would love to hang out with you over the summer and play a crucial role in putting on some great theatre. If you're interested in Summer Show tech, please email chrisre@bu.edu, and if you're interesting in producing, please email moellera@bu.edu. We'd love to have you on board!

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to stage@bu.edu!

Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Vanya: Conner Reed

*Masha: Mary Kate Heagerty/Alexandra Edwards

Sonia: Lucy Gamades

Spike: Christopher Remillard

Cassandra: Lauren Linn

Nina: Rachel Smith

*Note: this role is double-cast

Executive Board Notes 4/30/17

Show Check-Ins

  • Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
    • Director: Brittany
      • Picked sides for auditions

E-Board Check-Ins

  • VP: Erin
    • Ordered cords for the seniors; will hand them out at BUSTies
    • Reserved rooms for Summer Show auditions
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Picked a Summer Show that people seem really excited about
    • Will only be holding auditions on Monday, but people with conflicts are able to contact Brittany for one-on-one auditions
    • Met with hosts and event managers for BUSTies and planned some final logistics
    • Got Amazon packages for BUSTies decorations
    • Coordinated times to meet with catering the night of BUSTies
    • SAO gave incorrect information for BUSTies planning, which threw a few curveballs at everyone planning
    • Counting ballots tonight
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Contacted SPS and FMP to put in BUSTies requests
    • Squared away Catering on the Charles purchases
    • Sending in rights request for Summer Show this week
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Sent GM5 recap email
    • Created Summer Show Auditions Facebook event
    • Created Space Cleaning Facebook event
    • Renewed the domain name for the website
  • TA: Chris
    • Still working on the dumpster for Space Cleaning. Spoke to a connection through SAO, but there is still difficulty in getting everything sorted out. Eric or Steve may have to reach out and organize things. There is an alternative plan, however, for the instance that we don’t have a dumpster
    • Talked to Caitlin about Space Cleaning plans
    • In good shape for Summer Show, tech-wise
  • Steve
    • Everyone must bring keys to next week’s E-Board meeting
    • New Board will be meeting at 3:30PM, old Board will come at 5:30

Fifth General Meeting Recap

Holy Finals, Batman!  Thank you so incredibly much to everyone who came out to our fifth and FINAL General Meeting of the year! It was great to see all of you before we plunge into these last couple of weeks of classes. If you weren't able to make it to GM5, then golly, you know the drill—a full recap is listed below!

Spring Has Sprung Last weekend, we completely finished off our Spring 2017 Season with a hilariously fun event, "Once Upon a Showcase!" A humungous congratulations to each and every one of you who participated in any production throughout our Season. It's because of all of your individual efforts that we are able to collaborate and put on such amazing theatre! Pat yourselves on your theatrical lil' backs, Troupies!

Technical Advisor for the 2017-2018 Academic Year VP-elect Evan Creedon has spoken, and the membership has overwhelmingly approved: our Technical Advisor for the upcoming academic year has hopped on Board! We're happy to announce that next year's TA will be Caitlin Fournier, a rising senior from Columbia, MD, who studies Sociology and Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences!

Everyone's so psyched to have Caitlin take on this immensely honorable leadership role. Congrats!

Family & Friends Weekend Show 2017
It's with great pleasure that we introduce our next production for Family & Friends Weekend!
Directed by Ellie Lavelle
Assistant Direction by Lara McCallister
Musical Direction by Jacob Hudgins

BUSTies 2017 While our Season may be over, that doesn't mean the fun has ended! We still have BUSTies, a Stage Troupe favorite, to take care of! BUSTies is an amazingly fun night of awards, laughs, and senior roasts—a perfect way to end the year and bid adieu to all the soon-to-be Troupe alumni. Not sold yet? There will also be DESSERT and COFFEE. So suit up in your fancy skirts and bowties, and b̶r̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶v̶e̶s̶ get pumped up for what your hosts, Chris n' Lucy, have prepared for you!

Tickets for BUSTies are $10 and can be purchased here.

And, of course, to stay up-to-date about BUSTies news, make sure to RSVP to the Facebook event here.

Space Cleaning All right, you rascals, theatre is messy, and so our Space needs tidying up at the end of every semester! We need all hands on deck to join us on Sunday, May 7th, to come down to The Space and help us reorganize and declutter. A Facebook event for Space Cleaning is in the works, so look out for it!

Remember, while we encourage all Troupies to lend a helping hand, we require anyone who worked on a mainstage this semester to clock in some time to help clean. We all made this mess together, and we gotta make sure everything is clean for next semester. Every mainstage show from this Season must contribute a collective 40 hours of service from the cast and crew. Our TA, Chris, will soon post a Google Form for you to sign up for as many hours of work your able to contribute. So, hey, clear your schedules for the 7th so that we can all clear The Space as efficiently as possible!

Summer Show 2017 The selection for this year's Summer Show is still in the works, but worry not! We're very close to making a decision, and we'll let you know the very second everything is finalized.

If you are going to be in Boston over the summer, WE WANT YOU! Please consider joining our Summer Show production so that we can put on a great, theatrical first impression to all the prospective Troupies who will come see us perform during Orientation! This is a great way to keep your theatre muscle active as well as to recruit new members for the Stage Troupe family!

Auditions for Summer Show will take place the first week of May. Stay tuned for a Facebook event with all the details!

If you're interested in being a Technical Director for Summer Show, please email Chris Remillard at chrisre@bu.edu.

If you're interested in being a Producer for Summer Show, please email Andy Moeller at moellera@bu.edu.

We hope all our Boston-based Troupies will join us for Summer Show!

Well, that's it for your final GM recap of the year! It's truly bittersweet, and I'm sad to stop sending you all these colorful, cheesily GIFed emails every month. But, hey, we've still got a month left until everything is truly over, and we clearly have a whole lot more to do with Troupe before we wrap up finals! Good luck with all your final projects and exams, kids. I believe in you and your GPAs. Of course, you can always keep the happiness alive by brightening up your social media feeds with all things Stage Troupe:

Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website
Study hard, sleep well, eat fruit, and know that summertime is waiting just around the corner.

Executive Board Notes 4/23/17

Show Check-Outs

  • Once Upon a Showcase
    • Director: Sydney
      • Interesting process. Because this was a new event, there was no pre-established outline—both good and bad.
      • Lots of issues—acts dropping, people not helping
      • Francis was great. David Gomez also great.
      • Rachel could head SM.
      • Decent turnout, more than anticipated.
      • Inserted some stuff about it in the VPSP guide. Showcase is a good alternative to One-Acts if needed. But make sure people are committed.
    • Producer: Cassidy
      • Producing went really smoothly
      • Worked very well with assistants to get everything done on time
    • Chris
      • Francis could definitely head TD

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Went to meeting at SAO with Andy
    • Talked to new E-Board about transitionary things
  • VP: Erin
    • In the process of setting up a meeting with other theatre groups for May 4
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Showcase and BUSTies nomination committee happened
    • BUSTies: Submitted requests for student production services and facilities, Amazon wish list for decor, bullet list of food needs
    • Working on Summer Show with the folks interested
    • Meeting next Saturday with everyone involved in BUSTies
    • Will order plaques for the Theater after BUSTIes
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • AB funding submitted
    • Hair and makeup stuff came in. Still need to order second half.
    • Lights are ordered through SAO. Should be coming in soon.
    • Ordered BUSTies Amazon stuff, but will check to see if everything will come in on time. Trophy toppers came in.
    • SPS and FFP requests for BUSTies submitted
    • Need to help Chris order dumpster for Space Cleaning
    • Need to get rights for Flick and Speech and Debate.
    • Went to SAO theatre meeting
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Published BUSTies, Showcase, and GM5 Events
    • Sent GM5 email reminder
    • Updated “What’s On Stage Next” links on social media
    • Uploaded production photos to Flickr
    • God of Carnage, Twelve Angry Jurors, and The Fantasticks production photos are on Facebook and tagged
    • Promoted Showcase on social media
  • TA: Chris
    • Helped with the Showcase tech
    • Haven’t ordered dumpster yet; will try to rush it for next weekend.
  • Eric
    • Not here next week.
    • Needs keys back at last meeting to count them before Summer Show.
    • Moving last E-Board Meeting to May 6.

Executive Board Notes 4/9/17

Show Check-Outs

  • The Fantasticks
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • This was a confusing process for these brand-new SMs, but very grateful for all the people who offered their help
      • Tech week was a headache, and there was little preparation for what the SMs should have expected
      • Tech week went smoothly closer toward the end
      • SMs should really understand how important they are when it comes to running the show during tech week
      • It was difficult to split the work between co-SMs
      • Erin was an absolutely amazing ASM who really stepped up. She’s on the right track to becoming a head SM
    • TD: Devika
      • Strike went beautifully and only took about an hour
      • Monday of tech week was rough due to complications with integrating the pit, creating lighting cues, and teaching the new SMs how to call
      • Chrissy worked incredibly hard and really stepped up on Tuesday. However, full runs were inhibited by ongoing pit complications
      • Regardless of a shaky tech week, the show went up and got really good reviews
      • It’s important for everyone to understand their duties, responsibilities, and levels of authority before coming into the tech week process
      • All people must communicate with others if they are struggling with something. A lot of problems could have been solved with more foresight, but many more people should know that they are able to ask for help
      • Huge shout-out to David who was a great ATD. He also basically stepped in to help as an extra SM. He would be a great TD in the future
      • Yonina and Madison are lighting gods and
      • Mahi was an amazing costumer
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Went well overall. Very happy with the final producing things, especially the new Snapchat integration
      • It was hard to sell tickets during the same week as Legally Blonde. The show sold well, but all could have gone better without the show crossover
      • The lobby was great—the interactive photo booth and activities were well-received
      • Assistants were MIA for quite a bit of the process, but Sam Curley was phenomenal
      • Couldn’t film the show due to miscommunication with Andy

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Registered Baby Board to OrgSync
    • Helped out with some Fantasticks communication issues
  • VP: Erin
    • Went to a rehearsal during Fantasticks to help out the SMs and do some mediation between techies
    • Called facilities about the broken outlet in the Theater
    • Took production photos for The Fantasticks. Should have them available by the end of the week
    • Got audition rooms for Summer Show
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Made additions to the VPSP guide
    • Made a Google Drive folder of documents for Abby to utilize next year
    • Made an Amazon wish list for BUSTies and solidified more plans with the event managers
    • Going to SAO with Kobi this week to arrange BUSTies logistics
    • SAAD Committee meeting will be later this week
    • BUSTies toppers will be ordered soon
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Finalized the Charity Show funds: $1,172.07. Will go into SAO to figure out how to process the W9 for Girls’ LEAP’s donation
    • Wants to know whether the Summer Show’s royalties need to include its optional music/sound patch
    • Still no word on all the rights for the potential Family & Friends Weekend shows
    • Will deposit Jurors money to tunnel back into Troupe’s funds
    • Will go into SAO this week to figure out how to access AB Funding
    • Started the application next year’s AB Funding
    • Waiting on a funds transfer from OB
    • Cassidy Donohue will produce the Theatre Showcase with assistants Erin Mc Sweeney and Maggie Skaza
    • Working on rights for Summer Show
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Reached out again for Carnage production photos, which are still pending. Will likely post the other shows’ photos directly after Carnage once they’re available
    • Promoted Fantasticks on social media
    • Created drafts for the Showcase and BUSTies Facebook events
  • TA: Chris
    • Devika did a great job as TD. Gave her tech notes on Tuesday and added flats to the set on Wednesday. The quick addition was impromptu yet cheap and easy to accomplish
    • Strike was efficient—finished before Legally Blonde even got to the Space
    • OB was very respectful to the Space
    • Shakespeare Society has the Theater this week, and they will be renting the lighting board
    • Received one TA Application so far
  •  Eric
    • Won’t be around next week for E-Board due to Easter. E-Board will be canceled
    • GM5 will be on April 23rd
    • Will be gone on April 30th, but Steve will be around for the Meeting
    • Final Board meeting on May 7th
  •  Abby
    • Troupe needs to replace more makeup than originally thought

Fourth General Meeting Recap

Hoppy April!hahahaha 

Don't worry, Troupies, you won't have to deal with my punnies for too much longer; the Executive Board for the 2017-2018 academic year has been chosen, and I will soon peter (cotton tail) out once my successor steps up!
Thank you so much to everyone who came to vote at the GM! We were so glad to see such an enthusiastic bunch of the membership show up to choose their representatives for the upcoming year. If you weren't able to make it, that's all right! Check out this recap to get up-to-date on all Troupe goings-on!
Executive Board 2017-2018
We are stoked, proud, and a lil' weepy-eyed to announce the future Executive Board for the 2017-2018 academic year! 
Christopher Remillard
Vice President
Evan Creedon
Vice President of Special Projects
Abby Kass
Andy Moeller
Lucy Gamades
Congratulations, everyone! We're all extraordinarily excited to see such an impressive group of leaders step up to keep Stage Troupe thriving!
Our Technical Advisor position is selected differently than the rest of the E-Board—prospective TAs must send in their applications for the new VP-elect to review. Once Evan decides (with the guidance of the current VP and TA) whom he feels is best fit for the job, he will seek out a majority vote of approval from the membership at GM5. Those interested in being Technical Advisor for next year can find an application here, which will be due to Evan at ecreedon@bu.edu by Wednesday, April 12th!
Summer Show 2017 Pitches
Pitches for Summer Show are due Monday, April 3rd, at 4PM. If you're looking to direct our Summer Orientation production, please hand in your pitch to Eric Jacobsen at 111 Cummington Avenue, Room B17!
BUSTies is coming up! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 2nd, at 6PM, and keep your eyes peeled for an Eventbrite and Facebook event in the near future! This is a wacky, Tonys-like evening of awards, senior roasts, and general hilarity. You won't wanna miss it!
Don't forget: if you are roasting a senior, your roasts are due on Friday, April 7th, to Sydney Charvat (scharvat@bu.edu), Sam Curley (srcurley@bu.edu), & Kobi Kassal (kassalk@bu.edu)!
Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase Technicians
We're still looking for extra sets of hands for our Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase! If you would like to assist with lights, please email Chris at chrisre@bu.edu! And if you're interested in producing, please email Andy at moellera@bu.edu!
Both positions will be super casual and super-duper low-key. We would appreciate any help you guys have to give us!
Upcoming Productions
Those of you who came to the GM got a great little sneak-peek of the set for Stage Troupe's final mainstage, which is going up at the end of this week!
The Fantasticks
Directed by Ellie Lavelle
Musically Directed by James Robson
April 6th, 7th, & 8th at 8PM
The Student Theater at Agganis Arena
$8 General Admission, $7 Stage Troupe members
But, hey, just because The Fantasticks is our final mainstage, that doesn't mean that Troupe is done with its productions! Check out what else is coming up this month:
Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase
April 21st & 22nd at 8PM
The Student Theater at Agganis Arena
FREE admission
The fun never ends! We're so excited to see you all at The Fantasticks this weekend!
General Meeting #5
Our final GM of the semester isn't too far away, either! GM5 will be on Sunday, April 23rd, at 7PM! At the meeting, we'll be voting on BUSTies for the spring season as well as the new Technical Advisor for next year. 
That's all, folks! We wish you all a pleasant week and a very ~Fantastick~ weekend! Make sure you stay in the Troupe loop by following us on social media, and email stage@bu.edu if you have any questions whatsoever!
Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website
[insert exhausting Easter pun here],

Nathan Wilgeroth

Boston University Stage Troupe

Executive Board Notes 4/2/17

Show Check-Ins

  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • The set looks gorgeous! Thank you to Devika and everyone who helped bring everything together!
      • We got a pianist, Sophia, who will be joining us tomorrow
      • Our narrator is ill, but he is working on getting back in shape
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • First run in the Theater today. Didn’t get a chance to run act II
      • The cast is working really hard and doing very well
    • TD: Devika
      • Move in went fantastically!
      • Set dec will come to the Theater at 5 tomorrow to finish up
      • Disappointed that the new lights won’t be coming in on time, but hopefully the new makeup will at least show up on time
      • Erin did a great job stepping up as an ASM when the other SMs were not around
      • Had a scary incident with an actor and an inexplicable nosebleed. David marked the stage for facilities to know where to clean up drops of blood
      • Lights have a lot of cueing to do
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Things are rocking and rolling
      • Flyers are ready for tomorrow
      • Snapchat filter will go up on Tuesday
      • Things are starting to come together in the lobby
      • Another giveaway will be on Wednesday
  • Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase
    • Sydney
      • Casting happened!
      • Assembled a tech crew with Chris
      • There are still a few tech positions open—accepting emails from anyone who is interested in helping out
      • Will be sending out an agenda for the entire process to everyone involved

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Reached out to potential piano players for Just found one earlier today!
    • Went to an SAO E-Board Transition Training. Discussed strengths, weaknesses, and future goals of the group
    • Went to SAO to secure dates for next semester
      • Family & Friends: October 13-15
      • Mainstage 1: October 26-28
      • Mainstage 2: November 9-11
      • One-Acts/Showcase: December 1-2
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Made a Facebook group for everyone involved in BUSTies. Will meet with the event managers next week
    • Roasts are due on Friday
    • Will be sending out an email to the SAAD Committee
    • Pitches for Summer Show are due tomorrow
    • Hopes to give Summer Show promotional material to Shiney James in hopes that it will be promoted throughout Orientation
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Ordered makeup from Abby’s wish list. Should hopefully arrive before Fantasticks’ opening night
    • Going to SAO this week to learn how to use the AB Funding
    • Production recordings will be posted soon
    • Willing Suspensions sent in their payments
    • Missing fund transfers from OB
    • Will be checking dues at the GM so that only eligible people may vote for Board
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Started promoting The Fantasticks. Shout-out to Brittany for creating so much high-quality content
    • Published Cast Lists for the Theatre Showcase
    • Went to SAO E-Board Transition Training
    • Submitted ESA application to nominate Stage Troupe
  • TA: Chris
    • Devika is an amazing leader. Her move-in for The Fantasticks was incredibly efficient
    • Had a double build and move-in this week. Everything went very will, and OB was really respectful of The Space.
    • Legally Blonde’s move-in was around 10AM. The Fantasticks started their move-in around noon. Everything was very smooth
    • Cami bought us drill bits!
    • Got a quote from ALPS for AB lights. Will be getting them delivered soon
    • Went to SAO E-Board Transition Training

Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase Cast List

Thank you to everyone who came out to audition for the Spring 2017 Stage Troupe Theater Showcase! The dates of the performance will be April 21st and 22nd at 8PM in the Student Theater at Agganis Arena—we can't wait to see everyone there! "Only Us" from Dear Evan Hansen performed by Danielle Hope Diamond and Evan Creedon

An original comedic monologue* performed by Daniel Leary

"Stars and the Moon" from Songs for a New World performed by Marcella Mazzenga

Scenes from Matt and Ben performed by Mary Kate Heagerty and Hanna Anderson

"Triple-Take," an original poem performed by Nathan Wilgeroth

"The Nightman Cometh" from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cast (in order of appearance) Glenn Howerton as Dennis as Baby Boy/The Dayman: Elliott Pope Kaitlin Olsen as Dee as Coffee Shop Princess: Erin Billings/Lucy Gamades Rob McElhenney as Mac as The Nightman: Dylan Herina Danny DeVito as Frank as The Troll: Dan Leary Charlie Day as Charlie as The Dayman Redux: Zach Treichel Mary Elizabeth Ellis as The Waitress: Abby Kass Old Woman Accompanist: Idine Mousavi

"Shy" from Once Upon a Mattress performed by Lara McAllister

"Untitled," a monologue performed by Chrissy Sardano

*Is it Bee Movie? WHO KNOWS?!