Show Check-Ins:
- Summer Show Check-Out: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
- Director: BK
- Overall, fun time. Got a lot of interested students.
- Hard for graduates to direct because of time commitments/post-grad stuff.
- Some issues with scheduling. For the future, maybe tell everyone the dates way in advance to keep free.
- Great producers and TD and shout out to Evan for SMing when Erin left.
- TD: David
- Had a good last show. Everyone loved the set and tech.
- Strike was super fast.
- Need a dustpan in the workshop.
- Had a lot of fun TDing Summer Show. E-Board made it easy.
- Make sure that build people are actually going to be in Boston for move-in. Lots of work right up front, but once it's all straightened out, you can sit back and watch it happen.
- Producers: HwaYoun and Kobi
- Great overall; most everything went smoothly.
- Enjoyed working together. Assistant Abby was phenomenal.
- Shouldn't start a show at 7:45 PM because there was a lot of confusion.
- SM: Evan
- Good to get experience as a stage manager. Nice perspective for talking to stage managers in the future.
- The cast was a little tough to manage at times, but overall it was a good experience.
- Advice for the future: make sure ASMs know what they're signing on to.
- Director: BK
- F&F Weekend: Grease
- Director: Ellie
- Met with Ariana today and set a rough schedule.
- Excited for auditions.
- Asst Director: Lara
- Loved Sam's designs.
- Super excited.
- TD: Alicia
- Waiting on the set design to be finalized.
- Making cut list on Monday with Cait.
- Got the key for the Space.
- Working on opening up line of communication with Tsai.
- Producer: Sam
- Met with Ellie and Lara to get their vision for the show. Ran through promotional ideas.
- Working on finalizing some logos for Andy to get copyright approval.
- Looking into using a car museum for photoshoot spot.
- Wood order deadline is this week.
- SM: Ariana
- Have idea of when we want everything choreographed and blocked.
- Hard off book will be October 3.
- Director: Ellie
- Speech and Debate
- Director: Sarah
- Looking forward to the GM and auditions.
- Finalizing audition sides and director questions.
- Director: Sarah
- The Flick
- Director: Lucy
- Picked out audition sides.
- Director: Lucy
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Chris
- Met with mediators for casting negotiations.
- SPLASH was really successful. Great turnout. Handed out all of our stickers.
- VP: Evan
- Booked a room for this meeting.
- Reserved Student Theater for all rehearsals, performances throughout the year.
- Has SM keys for Ariana.
- Worked on a census report.
- VPSP: Abby
- Would like to have Ice Cream Social before COMBAT. Interested in combining it with tie-dyeing the old Troupe shirts. Looking at 22 or 23 for that.
- Need to pick a date for kickball, so will reach out to Rachel in OB.
- Need room res for day of COMBAT.
- Treasurer: Andy
- Made the dues Eventbrite.
- Filled out a form for Grease on Eventbrite, so that will be set up soon.
- Did receive a disk with everything for Speech and Debate except some projections. Those should be at SAO.
- Still need to fill out a few reimbursements.
- Ready to mediate this week.
- Treasurer training tomorrow from 6:30 to 8.
- Secretary: Lucy
- Made the FB event for auditions. Will make tech meeting one tomorrow.
- Sent out GM reminder emails and emails to SPLASH and Orientation signups.
- 148 people signed up for email list at SPLASH.
- TA: Caitlin
- Sat down with Chris and Alicia at the set meeting for Grease.
- Going to start pushing tech forms.
- Need to chop down door frame from Summer Show.
- There is a wash up in the theater for COMBAT.
- Need to talk to Sarah and Lucy about tech meeting.
- Hyped about mediating.
- Steve
- Tom is the name of the new Tsai person.
- Looking forward to the casting meeting on Thursday.