E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Chris
- Got this board's nametags.
- Talked to a few freshmen at Summer Show-- they were excited about joining Troupe.
- VP: Evan
- Trained to call a show so can assist with any possible future SM issues.
- Waiting to hear back about 25Live Training (should be any day now).
- VPSP: Abby
- Going to publish BUSTies survey results this week.
- Treasurer: Andy
- Producers for Summer Show are going to have desserts from Catering on the Charles for after the show. Kobi is getting the numbers ready.
- The producers added blurbs about Troupe in the lobby, like e-board profiles, social media handles, and photos of past shows.
- Contacted producers from past year about providing addresses for SAO to send checks.
- Secretary: Lucy
- Promoted Summer Show on all social media.
- Going to start rolling out Sunday Spotlight on E-Board Members and Directors next Sunday.
- Answered correspondence about Summer Show.
- TA: Caitlin
- Talked to some people who are considering applying for F&F Weekend TD.
- Going to send out Summer Show TD Feedback Form this week.
- Looked into getting a dumpster.