Show Check-In
•Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
° Director: BK
• Show is happening. Getting better every night.
• Lines are still iffy.
° SM: Erin
• Ran into some problems, but always happens with first day of tech week.
• Confident we will be fine for Wednesday.
° TD: David
• Move-in happened. The actors were very helpful.
• First tech run went very well, all things considered.
° Producers: Kobi and HwaYoun
• Everything is going great. Assistant is wonderful.
• Still need to do a few more headshots--will figure out when.
• Planning on ordering shirts for the show in the next few weeks.
E-Board Check Ins
•President: Chris
° Focusing on Summer Show.
° Reached out to Shiney and made promotional materials available to her.
•VP: Evan
° Took on ASM position for Summer Show.
•VPSP: Abby
° Closed BUSTies survey-- feedback was very helpful.
•Treasurer: Andy
° Submitted SDR for new website.
° Sent in the rights for The Flick. Speech and Debate and Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike are all paid for.
° Opened the Producer apps for the fall.
° New lights work and all 4 are up for Summer Show. Going to discuss updating lighting guide
for the future.
•Secretary: Lucy
° New website is up and running (yay!)
° Going to send out reminders about TD and producing applications.
•TA: Caitlin
° Updated tech forms and TD applications-- F&F TD app is due June 24.
° Been having some problems with electrics in the theater. Will reach out to Courtney and Eric
about that.