Show Check-Ins
- The Fantasticks
- Director: Ellie
- The set looks gorgeous! Thank you to Devika and everyone who helped bring everything together!
- We got a pianist, Sophia, who will be joining us tomorrow
- Our narrator is ill, but he is working on getting back in shape
- SM: Rachel and Chrissy
- First run in the Theater today. Didn’t get a chance to run act II
- The cast is working really hard and doing very well
- TD: Devika
- Move in went fantastically!
- Set dec will come to the Theater at 5 tomorrow to finish up
- Disappointed that the new lights won’t be coming in on time, but hopefully the new makeup will at least show up on time
- Erin did a great job stepping up as an ASM when the other SMs were not around
- Had a scary incident with an actor and an inexplicable nosebleed. David marked the stage for facilities to know where to clean up drops of blood
- Lights have a lot of cueing to do
- Producer: Brittany
- Things are rocking and rolling
- Flyers are ready for tomorrow
- Snapchat filter will go up on Tuesday
- Things are starting to come together in the lobby
- Another giveaway will be on Wednesday
- Director: Ellie
- Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase
- Sydney
- Casting happened!
- Assembled a tech crew with Chris
- There are still a few tech positions open—accepting emails from anyone who is interested in helping out
- Will be sending out an agenda for the entire process to everyone involved
- Sydney
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Danielle
- Reached out to potential piano players for Just found one earlier today!
- Went to an SAO E-Board Transition Training. Discussed strengths, weaknesses, and future goals of the group
- Went to SAO to secure dates for next semester
- Family & Friends: October 13-15
- Mainstage 1: October 26-28
- Mainstage 2: November 9-11
- One-Acts/Showcase: December 1-2
- VPSP: Sydney
- Made a Facebook group for everyone involved in BUSTies. Will meet with the event managers next week
- Roasts are due on Friday
- Will be sending out an email to the SAAD Committee
- Pitches for Summer Show are due tomorrow
- Hopes to give Summer Show promotional material to Shiney James in hopes that it will be promoted throughout Orientation
- Treasurer: Andy
- Ordered makeup from Abby’s wish list. Should hopefully arrive before Fantasticks’ opening night
- Going to SAO this week to learn how to use the AB Funding
- Production recordings will be posted soon
- Willing Suspensions sent in their payments
- Missing fund transfers from OB
- Will be checking dues at the GM so that only eligible people may vote for Board
- Secretary: Nathan
- Started promoting The Fantasticks. Shout-out to Brittany for creating so much high-quality content
- Published Cast Lists for the Theatre Showcase
- Went to SAO E-Board Transition Training
- Submitted ESA application to nominate Stage Troupe
- TA: Chris
- Devika is an amazing leader. Her move-in for The Fantasticks was incredibly efficient
- Had a double build and move-in this week. Everything went very will, and OB was really respectful of The Space.
- Legally Blonde’s move-in was around 10AM. The Fantasticks started their move-in around noon. Everything was very smooth
- Cami bought us drill bits!
- Got a quote from ALPS for AB lights. Will be getting them delivered soon
- Went to SAO E-Board Transition Training