Executive Board Notes 3/26/17

Show Check-Outs

  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Everything went very, very well
      • Tech week was incredibly smooth. Couldn’t have asked for a better process this week
      • Such a large cast—all of whom are important—is difficult to work with. There was a large time crunch with scheduling, which unfortunately imposed upon rehearsal length and creating a friendly and casual dynamic
      • Suggests putting something on audition forms to indicate whether people are auditioning for multiple groups/willing to be double-cast
      • Ariana was a stunning SM
    • SM: Ariana
      • The show went really well, and the actors were incredibly communicative during tech week
      • Twelve cast members were a lot to work with. Large casts should have larger SM teams
      • Rachel was a fantastic ASM. She may want to ASM another show if she isn’t comfortable herself, but she is definitely capable of being a head SM
    • TD: Sam
      • Build was completely finished by Monday night, and lights finished very quickly
      • Cassidy had great ideas for tech. It was also helpful to run the knife prop over and over again
      • Francis is more than ready to be a TD. He was very attentive and efficient
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Very excited to have sold out two shows
      • Emma is ready to head produce. She is now very informed on the financial side of producing
      • It’s recommended to establish a solid standby system for sold-out shows
      • Producers should always ask the director what they may have in mind for producing. It’s great to be on the same page with the producing vision
      • Producers should absolutely communicate with the TD far ahead of time
      • Still need to do a few SDRs

Show Check-Ins

  • The Fantasticks
    • Ellie
      • Rehearsals are going well!
      • Searching tirelessly for a pit
      • Very excited. Both the cast and crew are great
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • Met with Erin to solidify the plans for tech week
      • Getting sound and lighting cues organized
      • Hard Off-Book is Monday
    • TD: Devika
      • Everything is looking really good right now. Just waiting for one more prop and a couple of set dec. things
      • Should be finished with build by Tuesday
      • Techies have been told to go to rehearsals
      • So far, only one person is unable to go to move-in
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Headshots, poster, and cover photo are live
      • Going to SAO to submit the Warren Poster tomorrow
      • Now that Jurors is done, the assistants are very available to help out
      • Programs, flyers, GSU Link, and lobby plans are in the works and will be figured out this week
      • The Snapchat is going really well. Will be posting “Get to Know the Cast” blurbs until the show
      • Shirts and stickers have been delivered
      • Concerned with the two-show weekend, but hopefully tickets will sell well

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Talked to people regarding pitches and E-Board elections
    • People who are thinking about pitching/running for Board can greatly benefit from talking to E-Board Members
    • Shout-out to Daniel Stocker for stepping in and playing the piano for The Fantasticks’ performance at the TodayTix Event.
    • The production board in the lobby of the Student Theater should be maintained and kept professional for when productions are actually happening
  • VP: Erin
    • The SAO inter-theatre group got pushed back to 4PM on Wednesday
    • Got an email from Wandering Minds wanting to talk about future planning
    • Went to a Fantasticks rehearsal and met with the SMs to prepare them for tech week
    • Reserved rooms for the Showcase auditions
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Got awesome feedback about the new Reading Committee structure
    • Asked people to join the SAAD Committee
    • Still needs directors for the Showcase
    • Had a few people drop BUSTies Roasts, but nevertheless filled in the gaps
    • Talked to Andy about setting up a BUSTies budget
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Still needs to calculate the God of Carnage money
    • Will fill out tax forms at SAO
    • Will be ordering makeup with the help of Abby Kass’ wish list
    • Needs to call Home Depot
    • Will be picking up god of Carnage and Twelve Angry Jurors posters this week
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Promoted Jurors on social media
    • Made some updates in the Secretary guide after catching on to some helpful publicity strategies (additional hashtags, etc.)
    • Published Facebook event for Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase Auditions
    • Published The Fantasticks event and updated the “What’s On Stage Next” links
    • Submitted The Fantasticks to the Daily Free Press, ArtsBoston, and General BU calendars
    • Still waiting on the go-ahead from the God of Carnage producers to post production photos. Jurors photos are ready and will soon follow.
  • TA: Chris
    • Jurors strike was very smooth, and Sam was phenomenal
    • The cast was extremely active in strike
    • Used some of the Fantasticks’ build budget to buy some
    • Coordinating with OB for the double tech week coming up
    • The new lights from AB Funding are hopefully coming in time for The Fantasticks
    • Wandering Minds was great to work with while coordinating their Space usage
    • The workshop needs extra care during Space Cleaning this semester

General Meeting #3 Recap

Spring Has Sprung!

Okay, not exactly, but the sun isn't setting at 4PM anymore, so I call that a win.
Anyway, hey! Thanks to all of you who came out to GM3—your attendance has greatly influenced the FUTURE of STAGE TROUPE. Whoa whoa whoa, that's fun, huh? If you couldn't make it to the meeting, no problem! We'll still keep you updated. Here's all that went down:
Fall 2017 Season
After a fun round of pitches, we are incredibly excited to announce the Mainstage Productions for our Fall 2017 Season!
The Flick
Written by Annie Baker
Directed by Lucy Gamades
Speech and Debate
Written by Stephen Karam
Directed by Sarah Sosland
Congratulations, directors! We're so excited to see more of what you have planned for the upcoming semester!
We will be re-opening pitches for our Family & Friends Weekend Show. If you are interested in pitching for F&F, please submit your pitch at 111 Cummington Avenue, Room B17, by Friday, March 24th, at 4PM!
E-Board 2017-2018 Nominations
We held formal Executive Board nominations for the 2017-2018 academic year! Here are the nominees thus far:
Christopher Remillard
Vice President
Evan Creedon
Cassidy Donohue
David Murauskas
Vice President of Special Projects
Abby Kass
Kobi Kassal
Andy Moeller
Lucy Gamades
HwaYoun Kang
Voting for the Executive Board will take place at our Fourth General Meeting on Sunday, April 2nd, at 7PM in The Student Theater. The candidates will have two minutes to deliver a speech, followed by a brief question-and-answer period for each position.
Remember, you must be present at the meeting in order to cast your vote! Additionally, you can still be nominated! Have another member nominate you and another to "second" the nomination at GM4 itself, and you will be entered into the election. If you are in the running, or are considering going this electoral race, you are both welcome and highly encouraged to reach out to the current E-Board Member holding the position you're after!
Our Technical Advisor position is selected differently than the rest of the E-Board, as it includes filling out an application and sending it in for review. Those interested can reach out to the current TA, Christopher Remillard, at chrisre@bu.edu for information. The TA Application will be due on Wednesday, April 12th!
Spring 2017 Theatre Showcase Auditions
We're gearing up for Stage Troupe's new Theatre Showcase, which will take place on April 21st and 22nd at 8PM in the Student Theater! If you have a monologue, musical number, or short scene that you and/or a friend would like to present in the Showcase, we want you to audition! You don't need to be completely off-book or performance-ready in order to audition. And, of course, if you want to perform but don't have any song or scene in mind, reach out to us, and we'll try to help you find something!
Auditions will be held on March 27th and 28th from 6-10PM. Keep your eyes peeled for a Facebook event and announcement of the location! We hope to see you there!
Summer Show 2017 Pitches
Will you be in Boston this summer? Looking to direct a show that could greatly influence both BU's and Troupe's first impressions to incoming freshmen? You should pitch for Summer Show! If you're interested, please fill out a Summer Show pitch form by Monday, April 3rd, at 4PM. Make sure you ffill out the form, seal it in an envelope, and drop it off at Eric Jacobsen's office in 111 Cummington Avenue, Room B17.
BUSTies 2017 Hosts
Move over, NPH. Stage Troupe has our hands on the best award-show hosts anyone could ask for. We're excited to announce that Lucy Gamades and Christopher Remillard are teaming up (surprised?) to host of this year's BUSTies! This, one of our favorite events of the year, will be on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 6:30PM. Mark you calendars; you won't want to miss the hosts, the roasts, the ghosts (will there be ghosts? You'll have to show up to find out.)!
Upcoming Production
HOLD UP! We have a show this weekend! Don't forget to come back down to the Student Theater this week for our next Mainstage Production!
Twelve Angry Jurors
Directed by Cassidy Donohue
March 23rd, 24th, & 25th at 8PM
The Student Theater at Agganis Arena
$8 General Admission, $7 Stage Troupe members
Have a great start to your week, Troupies, and we'll see you all at Twelve Angry Jurors this weekend! In the meantime...
Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website
Don't slip on the ice (no, reallyI'm, like, insanely bruised),

Nathan Wilgeroth

Boston University Stage Troupe

Executive Board Notes 3/19/17

Show Check-Ins

  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Steve was a fabulous guest director
      • Everyone is extremely prepared for tech week
      • Move-in was smooth. Managed to run a lot of potential issues with tech, and everything worked well
    • SM: Ariana
      • Move-in went really well
      • The crew is fantastic
      • Call will be 6PM all week
    • TD: Sam
      • Build week went so well (especially considering the failed/delayed wood order)
      • Noticed some things that could be bought for the Space—Twelve’s budget can help contribute to a new clothing rack and some new white paint for fire-proofing
      • Thank you to everyone for being flexible and dealing with the Home Depot issues
      • Move-in went really smoothly; all problems were solved extremely quickly
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • The cover photos and profile pictures will go up today
      • A Snapchat geofilter will be available at the GSU this week
      • Programs are finished and should be printed tomorrow
      • The Warren poster is going up tomorrow
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • The producing team is incredible
      • Still dealing with some scheduling conflicts, but the cast as a whole has been great to work with
      • The music sounds gorgeous
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • Soft off-book went very well; the actors are way ahead of the game
      • Hard off-book is this week
    • TD: Devika
      • Having a Tech Meeting today
      • On the same page with most departments, but still needs to meet with set dec.
      • Hair & makeup and costumes are going really well and really stepped up for the photo shoot today
      • Will be doing a Home Depot run for paint on the 26th
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Photo shoot went really well today
      • Shirts are set and will be ordered soon
      • Stickers will arrive soon
      • The Snapchat account for the show is going well—recommended for future Producing teams to implement

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Talked to incoming freshmen interested in Troupe
    • Reserved rooms for the Fantasticks photo shoot and set up the lights
    • The TodayTix Event will be next weekend. Great networking opportunity for anyone to be a part of
    • Talked to people about pitches
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Reading Committee went very smoothly
    • Edited the VPSP Guide
    • Met with BUSTies event managers
    • Going into SAO this week to coordinate the room arrangement in Photonics
    • Contacted Eric and Steve for information about the Saad Committee protocol
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • The wood order for Twelve was a bit of a mess, but everything is sorted out. Will be contacting Home Depot for a refund
    • Got deposits from the God of Carnage Will calculate the money raised by the end of next week
    • Looking to coordinate a fundraiser with Cane’s
    • Looking for companies to reach out to for donations
    • Needs to upload the God of Carnage video
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Published Twelve event; continually posting the producers’ videos on the event’s feed
    • Submitted Twelve to the Daily Free Press, ArtsBoston, and General BU calendars
    • In touch with a prospective Secretary
    • Still waiting for the go-ahead to publish the God of Carnage production photos
  • TA: Chris
    • Move-in went incredibly smoothly. Sam Curley is a spectacular TD
    • Trying to get the AB funding lights sorted out this week
  •  Steve
    • Guest directed for Twelve

Executive Board Notes 3/12/17

Show Check-Ins

  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Dan Leary was an incredibly helpful guest director
      • The cast seems very prepared to open in two weeks
    • SM: Ariana
      • Met with all the cast members to run lines, so hard off-book is going fabulously
      • The producers have done an amazing job
    • TD: Sam
      • Everything tech-wise is in pretty good shape
      • As much of the crew as possible went to runs of the show. The vision is clear and consistent among the crew
      • Going into build week. Today’s tech meeting went very well, and everything looks prepared for the big week
      • Wood order got delayed, but everything should come in tomorrow
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Assistants are phenomenal
      • Promotional material is rolling out
      • The wood is ordered (kinda)
      • SAO has been difficult to work with
      • HwaYoun is developing a snap filter and stickers
      • Cover photo and Warren poster are finished
      • Shirts are ordered
      • Headshots are edited
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Kicking fight choreography into full gear this week
      • Wants to discuss swords with Francis—flimsy plastic is disconcerting from a combat perspective
      • The music sounds beautiful, and James and the cast have been working incredibly hard
    • TD: Devika
      • Having department meetings with everyone this week
      • Going to rehearsals was extremely helpful
      • Production photo shoot will be on Sunday—hair & makeup and costumes wants to go to The Space this week
      • Going to have a tech meeting on Sunday
      • Needs to meet with both Ellie and James regarding tech concerns
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Snapchat filter is ordered for the week of the show
      • Shirts are ordered
      • Stickers are ordered and should be here tomorrow
      • Needs a photo shoot room (hopefully in COM) for Sunday
      • Looking to reserve a spot for the GSU link
      • The cover photo is ready to go
      • Assistants have been busy, but everything is going extremely well so far

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Worked with the TodayTix representative and arranged for Fantasticks to perform at a theatre networking event
  • VP: Erin
    • Called facilities and asked for help fixing the ceiling tile/doorknob in the Theater
    • Picked up packages at SAO
    • Will meet with SAO on Friday as per request
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Thanks to people who signed up for Reading Committee
    • Pitches are due tomorrow
    • Finalized roasters/roastees
    • Sent out an email to BUSTies event managers to help plan
    • Hoping to go into SAO to discuss the room arrangements in Phototonics
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Dramatists apparently never received the payment for Contacted SABO to get their payment taken care of.
    • Will go into SAO to finalize
    • Producing this semester has been incredible. Very happy with the producing direction Troupe has been going on
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Hoping to get access to all Carnage photos to post on Facebook and Flickr
    • Created GM3 Facebook event and sent email reminder
    • Updated “What’s On Stage Next” links to direct to Twelve’s Facebook event
  • TA: Chris
    • The Home Depot wood order was incredibly frustrating. They will hopefully do an emergency delivery tomorrow. Regardless, Twelve’s build
    • There were a couple of fire code violations in the OB corner of the Space. Unsure of how it happened, but reached out to Cami anyway.
    • Willing Suspensions has the Theater this week. They are renting lights from us, but they’ve been unable to get the board to work. Reached out to skilled lighting designers for help
    • Picked up packages from SAO with Erin
  •  Eric
    • Needs to coordinate pitches and SAAD nominations with Sydney
    • Will be in Denver for BUSTies, but Steve will handle everything else

General Meeting #2 Recap

Forward MARCH

We're nearly there, Troupies. A much-needed, very refreshing, my-goodness-please-hurry-up-and-get-here-already Spring Break is just around the corner! We believe in you all—pound your way through this week, and then relish in your well deserved minute to breathe!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our second General Meeting! If you weren't able to make it, that's no biggie! Below is a recap of all the important dates n' details that we reviewed! Read up, folks, there's a lot you don't want to miss.
Fall 2017 Season Pitches
It's nearly time to start selecting our season for next semester! If you are interested in directing next semester, please fill out a Family & Friends Weekend pitch form or a mainstage pitch form. Pitches will be due to our faculty advisor, Eric, on Monday, March 13th, at 4PM. Fill out the form, seal it in an envelope, and drop it off at 111 Cummington Avenue, Room B17
Summer Show 2017
We're also accepting pitches for our Summer Show, which will be presented to incoming freshmen at Orientation this summer! If you are interested, please fill out a Summer Show pitch form by Monday, April 3rd, at 4PM.
Reading Committee
Everyone in Troupe is an integral part in the way this group runs, and we greatly value your input! One way you can help influence the upcoming season and have your voice heard is by participating in Reading Committee! As members of Reading Committee, you will be able to learn about one of the shows pitched for the Fall and help review how fit it would be for a Stage Troupe production.
If you'd like to contribute, please email scharvat@bu.edu stating your interest! 
Spring 2017 Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase
This semester's One-Acts & Monologues Festival is changing its structure! Instead of producing a set of One-Acts with directors, full tech, etc., we will be holding our first Stage Troupe Theatre Showcase! If you have a monologue, musical number, or short scene that you'd like to perform by yourself or with friends, you're welcome to audition to be part of the show! Auditions will be held on March 27th & 28th from 6-10PM (don't worry, we'll remind you later, too). We hope this new format will keep the end of the semester as stress-free (but as fun-filled) as possible!
BUSTies 2017
Don't forget! If you're interested in roasting a senior at this year's BUSTies, please email scharvat@bu.edu saying who you'd like to crucify (with love, of course) before Spring Break!
GM3: Fall 2017 Voting & E-Board Nominations
GM3 is gonna be extremely important, and your attendance is critical the future of Stage Troupe and next semester's season! At GM3, all the prospective directors who are pitching for the Fall will present their visions and answer questions raised by the Reading Committee. All the present, dues-paying members will then vote on the mainstages that will be put on in the following semester! You must be present in order to vote on the season, so make sure you join us!
In addition to show voting, we will also begin nominations for next year's Executive Board. We will open up the floor for anyone to nominate somebody whom they believe would fulfill an E-Board position well (people may not nominate themselves). Should that person choose to accept the nomination, they will be in the running for elections at GM4 in April!
If you are interested in being on E-Board, we highly encourage you to come sit in on our weekly E-Board meetings and to chat with the person who currently holds the position you're after. We would love to fill you in on what to expect as a potential Board member!
GM3 will be on Sunday, March 19th, at 7PM in the Student Theater. We hope to see many of you there!
Upcoming Production
While there's a lot of planning to do in preparation for next semester, we can't forget about the great season that has only just gotten started! Make sure you see our next production coming later in March!
Directed by Cassidy Donohue
March 23rd, 24th, & 25th at 8PM
The Student Theater at Agganis Arena
$8 General Admission, $7 Stage Troupe members
Stay tuned for a Facebook event and ticket information!
WOWZA. So many things! So many details! Thanks for staying tuned! If you have any questions whatsoever about anything whatsoever, never hesitate to email stage@bu.edu or reach out individually to any of us on E-Board! Otherwise, we'll be updating you throughout this month on social media as each of the above dates approach. If you'd like to keep up with us, make sure you:
Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website
Have a super-wonderful-amazing-awesome Spring Break, everyone! You've worked hard, and you've done well. I'm proud of ya.

Nathan Wilgeroth Secretary Boston University Stage Troupe stage@bu.edu | bustagetroupe.com


Executive Board Notes 2/26/17

Show Check-Out

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Everyone seemed really happy with the show overall
      • Really great experience. Everything went so smoothly
    • SM: David
      • The actors were very cooperative and on-time to every call
      • Julia was an amazing ASM. If she would SM One-Acts, she would be ready to SM a mainstage
    • TD: Brian
      • Build week was a lot of fun
      • Shout-out to Sydney and Nathan for being such supportive E-Board members
      • SM should check-in with TD to schedule tech runs
      • If future TDs have difficulty contacting their crew via email, it is very effective to text them directly
      • During move-in and strike, it is much more efficient to ask specific people to do specific things than simply to ask for volunteers
      • ATD Sophia was absolutely amazing. She felt more like a co-TD than an ATD. She is ready to TD a mainstage
      • We need a new barrel and/or dolly for the Space
    • Producer: Elle
      • Sold around 30 tickets on the first day, 45 on the second, and 56 on the last day
      • Adapted well to the marketing aspect, but not so well on the budgeting side
      • Really enjoyed working on this show

Show Check-Ins

  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Only had 3 rehearsals this week due to conflicts, but things are going great
      • Dan Leary is coming to guest direct on Monday
      • Cast is very close to being completely off-book
      • Doing full runs every rehearsal
    • SM: Ariana
      • It’s been difficult to deal with last-minute conflicts
      • The cast is working very hard to get off-book
      • Met with producing team. Should be done by the end of next week
    • TD: Sam
      • Every department is doing really well, especially costumes; they got a head start because of the photo shoot
      • Set design is ready. Will be sitting down with Chris to make cut lists
      • Had a tech meeting today
      • Will have the wood order in this week
      • More notice for character headshots would have been better for the costumes department. It was stressful to get costumes prepared for headshots in time
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Finished cast photo shoot. Character headshots are done
      • Promo videos will be done this week
      • T-shirt design is finished
      • Bio/shirt form will be sent out soon
      • HwaYoun is almost done with the Warren poster, which will be submitted before Spring Break
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Things are good
      • Had a combat rehearsal today
      • Tech is coming to see rehearsals this week
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • Everything is going really well
      • Planning out how to work with the new script
    • TD: Devika
      • Build, lights, and set design will be coming to rehearsal to plan their designs around Ellie’s blocking
      • Everything will hit the ground running after Spring Break
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Will confirm t-shirt designs this week
      • Hoping to confirm due dates for other designs and cast photo shoots at the upcoming producers’ meeting this week
      • All plans should be settled so that everything will be ready to go after spring break

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Spoke to a lot of members to clarify the upcoming pitching process
    • Everything appears to be minimally stressful as a whole
    • Meeting with Carly from TodayTix this week
  • VP: Erin
    • Reached out to the SMs for Jurors and Everyone says things are going smoothly
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Charity Show went extremely well. Communication with Girls’ LEAP has been difficult
    • Noticed some falling ceiling tiles in the Student Theater
    • Met with Shiney James to talk about Summer Show plans. Will reach out to her once the show is decided
    • Will be accepting pitches for everything as of tonight
    • Will be contacting the seniors who will be roasted to confirm that they want to be involved
    • Anyone who wants to roast a senior should contact scharvat@bu.edu before Spring Break
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Fixed the Eventbrites for every show so that sales don’t get cut off an hour before they begin
    • SABO has taken a very long time to process Small Dollar Reimbursements. Will reach out to them to get things moving
    • Needs to check in on the Amazon order from last week
    • Will be getting a recording of God of Carnage from Elle soon
    • Will look into a new trashcan and dolly for the Space
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Published GM2 Facebook event
    • Promoted God of Carnage on social media
    • In contact with Tori, who took production photos. God of Carnage’s photo album should be up within the week or at some point during Spring Break
    • Updated the “What’s On Stage Next” links on the website, Twitter, and Instagram
    • Will send out GM2 Recap email this week
  • TA: Chris
    • VagMo and Carnage had strike at the same time. Everything was extraordinarily efficient, and Taylor was very flexible and great to work with
    • Brian did a fantastic job as TD. Agrees that Sophia is ready to be a TD in the future
    • Will try to access AB funding for the new lights


  • Abby and Dylan
    • The hair and makeup kit needs to be replaced. Looked into prices for a replacement (~$40-$50)
    • Makeup brushes also need to be replaced. Troupe should get new [cheap] ones every year for sanitization purposes
    • Willing to chip in for new supplies with the current mainstages’ budget

Executive Board Notes 2/19/17

Show Check-Ins

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Just had the first run in the Theater
      • Everything is going so, so well!
    • SM: David
      • Everyone is completely off-book
      • Today’s run went extremely well
      • The show is about 1 hour and 10 minutes
      • Call time will be 6PM throughout the week
    • TD: Brian
      • Moved in today. Everything was very efficient
      • Everything was moved in and set up within the first three hours
      • Call time is noon tomorrow
      • ATD has been amazing to work with
      • Got a piece of art donated from Olivia Williams for set dec. It would be a great idea to continue reaching out to CFA students for donations
    • Producer: Elle
      • All marketing materials are finished
      • T-shirts have been delivered
      • The poster is going up this week
      • Programs have been printed
      • Will be decorating the lobby this week
  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • The show is fully blocked, and the cast has run through the entire show twice since finishing blocking
      • The show is fully blocked, and the cast has been able to run through the entire show twice since blocking
      • Everyone is really starting to have a sense of their characters. Character meetings have been very constructive
      • This is the first full week with a complete cast. Things are infinitely better in terms of collaboration and professionalism
    • SM: Ariana
      • Very excited to have been able to run through the show
      • Conflicts are starting to die down
      • Hard off-book on Thursday; everyone is doing well in terms of lines
    • TD: Sam
      • Set design is in progress
      • Props and set pieces (combs and a water jug) have been ordered
      • Costumes have been phenomenal. Went to rehearsal and got approval from Cassidy
      • Talking about getting some of the crew to rehearsals
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Headshots begin tomorrow. Working on scheduling a second date for those with conflicts
      • Haven’t spent much money
      • Promotional materials are in the works
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • We have scripts! A huge thank you to everyone who made it happen
      • Rehearsals have been fantastic (ha ha ha)
      • Everyone has been working so well as a team
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • Scheduling rehearsals for the week; will email the cast soon
      • Connecting with the TD and Ellie for future photo shoot dates
    • TD: Devika
      • Held most department meetings this week. More have been scheduled for Tuesday
      • Took a lot of tech notes and reviewed a to-do list with Ellie
      • Will be sitting in on rehearsals soon
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Had another producer meeting; assigned different tasks to each member
      • Have preliminary ideas for every design
      • Set tentative dates for photo shoots and a promotional video

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Filled out a mid-year review survey from SAO
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Reached out to Girls’ LEAP again and still have not gotten a response
    • Made an Amazon Wish List of things we need for the Theater, Space, etc.
    • Added more to the VPSP guide about Reading Committee and Pitches
    • People who want to roast someone should email scharvat@bu.edu before Spring Break
    • Reached out to Shiney James on Monday to discuss the upcoming Summer Show. No response, but will follow up on Monday
    • Pulling shows from the Play Library to have available for prospective directors
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Needs to buy a bulletin board. Purchased things from the Amazon Wish List, including a vacuum (thanks, Summer Show!), gloves, etc.
    • Fantasticks scripts are in, and rights are all paid for
    • Talked to Chris and Dylan Herina about getting new makeup and a new makeup kit
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Published God of Carnage Facebook event
    • Registered God of Carnage on the ArtsBoston, Daily Free Press, and General BU calendars
    • GM2 Facebook event will come out this week
    • Carly from TodayTix is looking for a member of Stage Troupe to help represent the BU community in New England’s first “Next Generation” event, which connects industry professionals and college theatre groups (Danielle is open to joining)
  • TA: Chris
    • OB rented the cyc and projector
    • For 20-Minute Musical, OB submitted a security deposit. Worked with SAO to make the collaboration go smoothly
    • The Playwright’s Theater matinee performance interfered with VagMo’s build time, so the Athena Players have gotten another time scheduled
    • God of Carnage build week was great. Brian was really well organized.
    • The leak in The Space is still in question
    • All the oil-based paint has been picked up
    • Will make moves on getting the source-four lights with AB Funding
    • Not certain about whether the Fire Inspection happened. Everything should be up-to-code regardless
    • Will not be voting for BUSTies hosts; recently applied as a contender

Executive Board Notes 2/12/17

Show Check-Ins

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Cast is getting along extremely well
      • Sydney was super helpful as a guest director
      • Actors are off-book
      • Doing full runs
      • Met with Elle for headshots
      • Met with costumes, props, and set department heads
    • SM: David
      • Soft off-book yesterday went very well. Most, if not all, lines are memorized
      • Rehearsals are scheduled all the way through move-in
      • Call times for tech week will be 6:00, and actors are doing their best to eliminate conflicts for the last two weeks of the show
    • TD: Brian
      • Had department meetings this week. They were a little rocky, but things are going to move forward
      • Has now met with every department—feels okay about where everything is
      • Build week begins tomorrow. It shouldn’t be too stressful. Hoping to be done before Friday
      • Sat through a run and really enjoyed it
      • Talked with Sofija about getting CFA artist friends to donate their art to the show
      • Met with props—the vomit seems to be in good hands (gross)
      • Recommendation: People who have never been TD/ATD can be a competent TD with the help of a supportive TA, but the time crunch of working on the first show of the season doesn’t give them the time to get the hang of the position
    • Producer: Elle
      • T-shirts are finished
      • Headshots are almost complete
      • The order for the poster is in
      • Cover photos will be finished sometime this week
      • Collecting cast and crew bios
  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Rehearsals are going well.
      • It has been difficult to block the show because cast members are failing to show up to rehearsal without letting the SM know in advance
      • Apart from the new conflicts and absences, everything else has been going smoothly
    • SM: Ariana
      • Reviewed blocking for Acts I and II, so now the entire cast is up to speed
      • Soft off-book is tomorrow, and hard off-book is next week. Actors seem to be very comfortable with the lines
      • Had an ASM drop, but Rachel Rex has offered to step up and take her place
      • Actors are coming up with new conflicts without warning ahead of time
    • TD: Sam
      • Met with Francis and Cassidy to discuss tech vision
      • The shared folder on Google Drive is proving to be very efficient. It helps everyone be able to look at the same document during tech meetings to avoid confusion
      • Had a tech meeting today and established goals of what to work on going forward. Got to check in with most departments, including producing
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Met with all three assistants on Saturday and delegated specific roles to each of them
      • Set deadlines for the promotional material, t-shirts, bios, etc.
      • Received a full budget breakdown and contacted department heads with their budgets
      • In contact with the SM about scheduling the photo shoot. It will probably be divided into multiple nights due to scheduling conflicts
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Rehearsals are going well. Blocking and character work are moving quickly
      • Very impressed with the cast/crew’s enthusiasm
      • It’s been tricky to block without physical scripts, but everyone’s making it work
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • Everything is going well
      • Scheduling has been going smoothly, and the cast is getting consistent rehearsal updates each week
      • Splitting up and alternating character/blocking notes
    • TD: Devika
      • Had first tech meeting today. Some departments didn’t show up
      • Scheduled some department meetings
      • May or may not have a tech meeting next week—seeing how department meetings go first
      • Hoping to meet with James soon
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Set up a meeting with assistants for this week
      • Will read the script this week

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Congrats to Tech Show
    • Contacted directors and advised them to cancel rehearsals on the snow day
  • VP: Erin
    • Got rooms reserved for Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Trying to get the Theater reserved for a day or two for God of Carnage
    • Got an email from Wandering Minds’ VP about scheduling an inter-theatre group meeting
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Assassins has ended (Elina Kent is the winner—long live the Queen!)
    • Tech Show went really well. There was a great turnout for the midnight show, but the 8PM performances had a lower overall turnout than previous years
    • Guest directed God of Carnage on Tuesday
    • Tried to contact Girls’ LEAP via email, but have yet to receive a response. Will try to email/call them this week
    • BUSTies: seniors who want to get roasted and anyone interested in hosting should email scharvat@bu.edu by Monday at 11:59PM
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Went to SAO—figuring out the scripts issue with The Fantasticks
    • Met with all the producers. Everything seems to be going really well
    • Trying to find and set deadlines for them
    • Will order a vacuum for the Student Theater
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Sent out reminder email for GM2
    • Promoted Tech Show
    • The God of Carnage Facebook event will be ready to go up once the Eventbrite link is live and the cover photo is finished
    • Made further additions to the Secretary Guide
  • TA: Chris
    • Tech Show—Freaky Friday—was so much fun. It was a great bonding experience for everyone involved
    • Sydney was incredibly supportive and led another successful special project
    • Carnage build week is coming up. Brian is very on top of everything and is doing a great job
    • Playwrights is in the theater above the Space this week, so build will stop by 7:30 on Thursday and Friday
    • The Vagina Monologues is building later this week
    • OB has the Theater this week
    • Working on getting lights through AB funding
    • A Stage Troupe E-Board alumnus will be at OB's Arts panel on Monday. People should come!

Second General Meeting Reminder (and more!)

Howdy, Troupies! Happy snow day! We hope this storm allows you to be safe, rested, and fully caught up on New Girl and This is Us.  Here are a few things to keep on your radar in the world of Troupe:

BUSTies Hosts n' Senior Roasts Ever dreamed of hosting the Tonys, only to realize that Neil Patrick Harris basically has the job lined up for him every year until 2054? Settle for less and host this year's BUSTies! If you're interested in being the fun face for our annual awards show, please email scharvat@bu.edu by 11:59PM on Monday, February 13th with your name (and, if applicable, your co-host's name) and a short pitch explaining why you'd be the best host(s).

SENIORS! We know you want to get dragged through the mud by your closest friends. If you want to get roasted at BUSTies, please email scharvat@bu.edu by 11:59PM on Monday, February 13th. If you don't contact Sydney, you won't be able to be featured in everyone's favorite part of BUSTies!

General Meeting #2 Our second GM of the semester will be on Sunday, February 26th, at 7PM in CAS 313! Mark your calendars—at this meeting, we'll be finding out how much money we will have raised with Charity Show, and then we'll hear about all the Fall 2017 pitch processes that everyone—even those not pitching—will want to know about! Keep your eyes peeled for an event on Facebook!

Upcoming Shows We have two spectacular productions coming just around the corner! Hop on over to the Student Theater this month for Troupe's first shows of the season!

Tech Show 2017 Friday, February 10th, at 8PM and Midnight Saturday, February 11th, at 8PM The Student Theater at Agganis Arena FREE admission Facebook Event

Charity Show: God of Carnage Thursday, February 23rd at 8PM Friday, February 24th at 8PM Saturday February 25th at 8PM The Student Theater at Agganis Arena $8 for general admission; $7 for Stage Troupe members

We hope to see you all there!

Heads Up! Fall 2017 Pitches Mainstage and Family & Friends Weekend show pitches will be due on Monday, March 13th, at 4PM. We will, of course, give you all the details you need to know at GM2, but we wanted to give you all a good warning! If you have any questions about the pitching process in the meantime, or are curious about what it's like to direct in Stage Troupe, feel free to contact us!

Social Media You can stay in the Troupe loop by following us on social media!

Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website

Thanks for bearing with me, friends! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email stage@bu.edu! Now go cuddle up with a bowl of soup and enjoy the rest of the snow day!


Executive Board Notes 2/5/17

Show Check-Ins

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Rehearsals have been going well; made it through the whole show
      • The new creative team has been great to work with
    • TD: Brian
      • Had first tech meeting today
      • Setting up department meetings for the upcoming week
      • Build week is next week
    • Producer: Elle
      • Finished poster
      • Booked the space for the GSU Link
      • Nathan made Google Forms for T-Shirts and Bios
      • T-Shirt design is almost finished
    • SM: David
      • Soft and hard off-book dates are set. Actors are on top of their lines
      • Made rehearsal schedule all the way up to tech week
      • Added an act break to make things easier for tech
  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • The entire show is cast! Re-auditions did not go well; only two people showed up. Happy with results regardless
      • Rehearsals have been going well
      • Two acts fully blocked
      • Character meetings have been going well
      • Soft off-book next week
    • SM: Ariana
      • Blocked all the way through act two
      • In contact with new ASM
      • Rehearsals are scheduled through the next two weeks
    • TD: Sam
      • Had first tech meeting today
      • Everyone on tech has been added to a Facebook group
      • Created a Google Drive folder to share among the entire tech crew
    • Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
      • Met with Cassidy to talk about the producing vision
      • Set dates for everything, including headshots
      • Will hopefully meet with the entire producing team this week
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Still don’t have scripts, but read through the show with the outdated script
      • Had first stage combat rehearsal today
      • Everyone is really excited and ready to work on the show, especially those who are new to Troupe
    • TD: Devika
      • Met with Ellie to get on the same page about the tech vision
      • Will have first full tech meeting next week
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Met with the producers and Ellie to do some preliminary talk about the show and the vision
      • Have dates/deadlines set for everything
      • Will be reading the script and meeting with the producing team again after tech show
    • SM: Chrissy and Rachel
      • First rehearsal is tomorrow
      • Have tentative rehearsal schedule for the week

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Talked to directors, creative teams, etc. to see what help can be offered throughout their show processes
  • VP: Erin
    • Met with all the SMs to go over the general stage-managing procedures
    • Working on reserving rooms for Twelve Angry Jurors
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Assassins is going well. Only four people are left alive
    • Nearly have all the money in from Assassins
    • Raised over $400 in cash (not including the Venmo exchanges from the auction)
    • Will update the VPSP guide about the TA Event
    • Charity show seems to be going really well
    • February 13th is the due date for BUSTies Host pitches as well as the date for senior to sign up to be roasted
    • Will meet with SAO to talk about the Photonics room arrangements in for BUSTies
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Raised $656.24 at the TA Event—All this money will be going directly to Girls’ LEAP itself
    • Needs to set up a meeting with producers
    • Will be sending out budget details to all the producers tonight
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Announced the casting call for Twelve Angry Jurors.
    • Reached out to OB, Wandering Minds, and Shakespeare society, specifically, to let them know about the auditions. Also posted a link in the Class of 2017 Facebook Group
    • Updated every Current Season page with all new cast members
    • Promoted the TA Event, also reaching out to the BU Theatre community
    • Created Facebook event for Tech Show
  • TA: Chris
    • Tech lists are finalized. It was a big challenge filling certain positions. There are 48 techies filling 72 positions
    • SMs were tough to gather, but everything has been sorted out
    • TAs need to be ruthlessly optimistic about tech lists; there
    • Had tech meetings for Twelve and TDs are going to do extremely well
    • Had Tech Show rehearsals all week. Move-in was incredibly efficient
    • Call this week is at 7PM
    • OB has the Theater next week for 20-Minute Musicals. Will let them into the Theater so that they can get acquainted with the projector

Open Casting Call for "Twelve Angry Jurors"

Hello, Troupies!
We have an important announcement for all of you. This Thursday, February  2nd, Twelve Angry Jurors will be holding an open round of auditions in order to re-cast the role of Juror #7. All male, dues-paying members who are not currently in a mainstage cast are welcome to audition! If you are interested in being considered as the newest addition to the show, please print and fill out an audition form (which you can find here). No other means of preparation are necessary.
Here are the details for auditions:
Twelve Angry Jurors – Juror #7 Auditions
Date: Thursday, February 2nd
Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM
If you have any questions, please contact us at stage@bu.edu, or the director, Cassidy Donohue, at donohuec@bu.edu. We hope to see you there!

Executive Board Notes 1/29/17

Show Check-Ins

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Had first read-through today
      • Met with Brian to work on tech stuff
      • Ellie has been phenomenal to work with
      • Rehearsals start tomorrow. Really easy to coordinate with such a small cast
    • TD: Brian
      • Met with Erin and Maggie this week. Discussed tech vision
    • Producer: Elle
      • Working on cover photos and profile pictures
      • Nearly finished Warren poster
  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Had first read-through. A couple of people were missing, but it went well overall
      • Planning for the first week of rehearsals—waiting for SM
      • Chris and Sydney have been an amazing help
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Waiting to get the books before scheduling the first read-through

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Had auditions this week. A good amount of people showed up, and we saw a lot of new faces
  • VP: Erin
    • Got rehearsal rooms reserved for Carnage and Still working on getting rooms for Fantasticks. Will send room numbers to the directors and SMs tonight
    • Has SM keys to give to Emma for Tech Show
    • Fantasticks can work in the Student Theater until their rooms are reserved. They can arrange and negotiate schedules with Tech Show
    • Will send the SM guide to the season’s SMs once they are assigned
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Assassins is going well. A safety item has been announced, and those who have fallen will be announced every Friday. No issues so far
    • Erin and Maggie have been amazing to work with for Charity Show. Andy has been communicating with Girls' LEAP.
    • Expecting a good turnout for the TA event this Friday, 2/3
    • There will be a $5 cover charge for the TA event. Everything is prepped and planned, including ballots and labels
    • Looking for people to donate items/talents for the auction as well as cakes for the dessert contest (email scharvat@bu.edu if interested)
    • Sam Curley and Kobi Kassal have been chosen as the event planners for BUSTies
    • Seniors who want to get roasted should email scharvat@bu.edu by 2/13 (must be dues-paying members)
    • Now accepting pitches for prospective BUSTies hosts until 2/13
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Submitted rights for Still waiting on confirmation
    • Ellie is an amazing producing for Charity Show
    • Everybody must pay dues, even if they are on the creative team. If you’re
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Helped run auditions. People seemed much less confused about the protocol this semester as opposed to the fall. Room numbers/times must be reiterated through as many social media platforms as possible. Active social media presence helped lessen the independent questions
    • Posted callbacks and cast lists without much trouble. Directors should pre-alphabetize callback lists beforehand in order to get them public as quickly as possible
    • Contacted by a member of TodayTix Boston—she will help give Stage Troupe access to coupon codes for Boston-area theatre
    • Created a Facebook event for the TA Event: King Chris’ Crusty Coronation
    • There were a few issues in the back end of the website. Spent a couple of hours fiddling with the options to fix them. Updated Secretary guide with extra tips on how to deal with Wordpress.
  • TA: Chris
    • Tech Show is going really well
    • Ali has been a great TD
    • Had Tech Meeting yesterday. Had a good turnout—filled all the seats. Thanks to all the directors and every Board member for attending
    • Got what is apparently a low number of tech forms, but everything seems to be working really well
    • Assigned three TDs. SMs are pretty much set.
    • Mediation happened. The casts are wonderful. Thanks so much to Eric and Steve for their support

Spring 2017 Cast Lists

Be honest. How many times did you refresh this page before this post appeared? There's no shame in your enthusiasm, pal. Go take a peek and see the cast lists below! If you were cast, congrats! You’ll be hearing from your new directors soon, keep your eyes peeled!

If you were not cast, we offer you our deepest condolences. This is a confusingly hard feeling to sit with. But, please, know that these results do not directly reflect your talents as an actor; casting is extraordinarily competitive, and it was difficult for each and every director to choose their actors. No matter what, we all want you to stick around with us at Stage Troupe!

You still have a whole load of opportunities to tech and produce for this season!

We need techies, and we would love you to hop onto our crews! Our Tech Meeting is this Saturday, 1/28, at 12:00PM in “The Space.” Even if you’ve never teched before, we have many passionate Troupie techies who are dying to teach some curious new friends! With our motto “Learning by Doing,” we know that anybody who wants to learn something new can and should give it a shot! This is an amazing opportunity to expand your skill set while staying part of our Stage Troupe family. Tech is an insanely important aspect of theatre, so come join us at the tech meeting to find something that interests you!

In addition to tech, theatre heavily relies on Producers! Producing consists of all the marketing, promotion, and ticket sales-related parts of theatre. As a producer, you can play with graphic design, production programs, and advertising that will be posted all throughout the BU campus. If you'd like to produce, you can fill out a producer form and email it to our Treasurer, Andy Moeller, at moellera@bu.edu.

And remember, if you still want to act this semester, we’ll be providing details for more acting opportunities later this semester, so make sure to keep in touch with us!

Thank you, everyone, for coming out to audition for us! The directors were all overwhelmed by your talent, and we can't wait to see you around throughout the rest of the Spring 2017 Season!


God of Carnage

Michael: Eli Saracino

Veronica: Kaitlyn Jones

Allan: Jonny Arruda

Annette: Taylor House


Twelve Angry Jurors

One: Flannery Gallagher

Two: Anna Spier

Three: Elliot Pope

Four: Abby Kass

Five: Lucy Gamades

Six: Gabriel Ben-Jakov

Seven: TBD

Eight: Zach Triechel

Nine: Elina Kent

Ten: Evan Creedon

Eleven: Adam DeAngelo

Twelve: Kobi Kassal


The Fantasticks

El Gallo: Rama Lauw

Matt: Nathan Wilgeroth

Luisa: Danielle Diamond

Hucklebee: Kim Zak

Bellony: Conner Gallacher

Henry: Ryan Kelly

Mortimer: Andrew Kim

The Mime: Claire Jennings


Spring 2017 Callbacks List

Go ahead—frantically scroll down in search for your name. I’ll wait, I get it. Just make sure you scroll back up and read this once you’re done! Did you get a callback? If so: dude, congratulations! Callbacks will be Thursday, 1/26, from 6:00PM – 10:00PM in CAS 211. This time around, you will be expected to arrive at 6:00 and stay for the entirety of the auditions.

If you have any kind of time conflict (other auditions, classes, etc.), please email stage@bu.edu with the details of your scheduling conflict along with the names of the shows for which you were called back, and we'll do our best to accommodate for you. *If you were also called back to a show with BU On Broadway, please report to their auditions first, before you come to Stage Troupe.* If you decide to drop a callback, please contact us in advance as well.

Also, if you haven’t paid your dues, you must get that done before you go in for your callback. Otherwise, you won’t be allowed to audition!

If you were not called back, our hearts truly go out to you. There's no denying that this is a disappointing moment, but you still have so many ways to stay involved with Stage Troupe. Namely, you can come TECH for us! Join us at our Tech Meeting, which will take place on Saturday, 1/28, at 12:00PM in our build space. No experience with tech? No problem! We're all about "learning by doing" at Troupe, so we'll teach you how to do a bunch of fun, new things!

If you're interested in marketing, ticket sales, or graphic design, you can also apply to produce for the season! Just fill out a producer form and email it to moellera@bu.edu!

There's still space on the stage for all of you who want to act! Keep in touch with Stage Troupe so that you can stay up-to-date about other acting opportunities later this semester!

It was awesome to see all of you at auditions this week! You're all so incredibly talented, and we hope to see your bright and shining faces throughout the rest of the semester!

And, finally, to those of you called back: BREAK A LEG!


God of Carnage

Jonny Arruda

Evan Creedon

Elliot Davis

Adam DeAngelo

Adam Dolinsky

Flannery Gallagher

Lucy Gamades

Taylor House

Kaitlyn Jones

Tori Jones

Brittany Kamson

HwaYoun Kang

Abby Kass

Luke Markham

Elliott Pope

Sathvika Ramachandran

Eli Saracino


Twelve Angry Jurors

Jonny Arruda

Gabriel Ben-Jakov

Erin Callahan

Evan Creedon

Elliot Davis

Adam DeAngelo

Danielle Diamond

Adam Dolinsky

Connor Gallacher

Flannery Gallagher

Lucy Gamades

Elliot Gordon

Taylor House

Emily Huber

Kaitlyn Jones

Tori Jones

Brittany Kamson

Abby Kass

Kobi Kassal

Ryan Kelly

Elina Kent

Andrew Kim

Arielle Kimbarovsky

Rama Lauw

Jacqui Manning

Fernando Martinez

Lara McCallister

Andy Moeller

Elliott Pope

Sathvika Ramachanran

Eli Saracino

Anna Spier

Zach Treichel

Masha Vernik

Nathan Wilgeroth


The Fantasticks

Adam DeAngelo

Danielle Diamond

Connor Gallacher

Claire Jennings

Brittany Kamson

Ryan Kelly

Andrew Kim

Rama Lauw

Katie Lewis

Lara McCallister

Roberto Nunes

Anna Spier

Nathan Wilgeroth

Kim Zak


GM1 Recap – Spring 2017

Welcome Back to Stage Troupe! 

It was so great to see everyone at our first General Meeting tonight! Nothing was cooler than reuniting with everybody, meeting all the new, friendly faces of Troupe, and seeing how PUMPED UP you all are for this new semester with us! If you didn't get a chance to come to the meeting—or if you just want a solid rundown with all the details—here's a recap of everything we covered!
Spring 2017 Season
Everyone's looking forward to our Spring 2017 Season!
Charity Show, God of Carnage, February 23rd, 24th, & 25th
Mainstage #1, Twelve Angry Jurors, March 23rd, 24th, & 25th
Mainstage #2, The Fantasticks, April 6th, 7th, & 8th
Auditions for the season are taking off right away! You can RSVP to the Facebook event here! The dates, times, and locations for this week's auditions are:
Monday, 1/23, 6:00PM – 10:00PM, CAS 315
Tuesday, 1/24, 6:00PM – 10:00PM, CAS 211
Wednesday, 1/25, 6:00PM – 10:00PM, SOC B57
Remember, you only have to show up for ONE of these dates, and you won't be expected to stay throughout the entire 4-hour period! You can show up at any time within the timespan. Before you audition, make sure you PAY DUES through Eventbrite and print out a separate audition sheet for each show that you intend to audition for (forms can be found on our website here)!
The callbacks lists will be posted on our website on Wednesday night at the end of auditions. Callbacks will take place on Thursday, 1/26 from 6:00PM – 10:00PM in CAS 211. This time, you will be expected to stick around for the entirety of the callback time. If you do receive a callback but have a conflict, notify us by emailing stage@bu.edu, and we'll find a way to accommodate you.
Tech Meeting
Absolutely anyone can engage in a vast number of tech opportunities, no matter their experience! You won't want to miss our Spring 2017 Tech Meeting on Saturday, 1/28, at 12PM in our build space, conveniently called "The Space." You'll hear from our Technical Advisor, Chris Remillard, about all the tech your heart desires, and you will get a breakdown of each directors' tech visions for their individual shows!
The Space is a bit hidden, but you can find directions here! For a very recognizable point of reference, the entrance to The Space is directly behind the Raising Cane's in West Campus.
Remember, if you want to tech, you must pay dues and fill out a tech form, which can be found here!
If you have questions regarding tech, you can email chrisre@bu.edu, and if you're interested in producing, you can find a producer form on the website, as well, and email it to moellera@bu.edu!
Special Projects
Here's a rundown of some of the special projects absolutely anyone can be a part of!

TA Event – Friday, February 3rd; 7PM, The Student Theater at Agganis Arena Tech Show – Friday, February 10th; 8PM & Midnight; Saturday, February 11th; 8PM BUSTies – Tuesday, May 2nd; 6:30PM; Photonics 906


Executive Board Notes 1/22/17

Show Check-Ins

  • God of Carnage
    • Directors: Erin and Maggie
      • Met with Ellie about producing
      • Will meet with TD, Brian, soon
      • Picked sides for auditions
  • Twelve Angry Jurors
    • Director: Cassidy
      • Chose audition sides, still need to print
      • Thinking of blocking
  • The Fantasticks
    • Director: Ellie
      • Chose audition sides
      • Will email Chris about tech vision within the week
      • Collaborated with James

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Gave run-down of auditions process.
      • Emphasizes that Troupe is casting a season—directors should keep the whole group in mind when trying to cast.
      • TDs, Producers, and SMs are there to work with directors, not for Collaboration is key
    • Working on a director’s guide that may take a while; directors can, however, talk to her and ask for help whenever. There are a lot of people with directing experience who are available to help
    • Had a great week getting everything organized
    • Met with OB about the mediation process. Very productive meeting—these check-ins between other groups and mediators should happen in future semesters
  • VP: Erin
    • Rooms for all the auditions are booked
    • Will work on getting rehearsal rooms for every show
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Mediation meeting with OB was really productive
    • Assassins starts tomorrow night. New rules and safety items have been created
    • Made to-do lists for TA Event and BUSTies
    • TA Event donations are in the works. A lot of people have offered things to donate. Tasty Burger has donated a $10 gift card, and other companies are in contact
    • Will try to find an event manager or assistant for BUSTies
    • Charity Show is happening. Andy helped reach out to Girls’ LEAP
    • Changed the Reading Committee section of the VPSP guide
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Transferring a lot of videos to the Stage Troupe hard drive
    • Working on getting rights for The Fantasticks
    • Rights for God of Carnage and Twelve Angry Jurors are basically nailed down
    • Made an Eventbrite for Spring dues
    • Will contact SAO to get approval for events
    • Got AB funding
    • Updating the producer guide
    • Made a Warren poster and cover photo for the Spring season
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Chose not to do Meet Your Leaders Monday for the Spring; there were so many transitional things going on that it was difficult to organize. It should nevertheless continue in future semesters
    • Created ballot survey for voting. It went well, and keeping votes anonymous and for Eric and Steve’s eyes only went very smoothly. Tried to update the membership via the Blog as much as possible
    • Created an anonymous feedback form for the “Contact Us” section on the website
    • Got show descriptions and cast breakdowns for the “Current Season” tabs on the website
    • Updated Calendar on the website
    • Created Facebook events for GM1 and Auditions
    • Sent a GM1 Reminder email to the membership
    • Made pamphlets for Winter Weeks of Welcome’s “Break the Ice”
      • Got about 20 new sign-ups for the email list
      • Sent a GM1 reminder email to new sign-ups
    • WR100: The Theater Now is on hiatus until Spring 2018, so we will not be promoting the group as usual. Future E-Boards should continue this relationship
    • Will make a Tech Meeting event ASAP
  • TA: Chris
    • Updated the tech form and TD application, which are now on the website
    • Tech show is in the works. The first read-through happened today. Rehearsals will continue throughout the week
    • Assigned a TD for Charity Show
    • Met with Cami to discuss the Space. Relations with her should be great this semester
    • The tech meeting is at noon on Saturday
  • Steve
    • Explained audition-room etiquette to directors
    • Gave Chris is E-Board binder and TA keys

Two Announcements for Stage Troupe's Upcoming Season

going on ‘seventeen. 
Happy New Year! 
We hope you all had safe and fun evenings as the new year rolled in.

2017 is going to be spectacular. How do we know that, you ask? Well, we’ve got two spectacular announcements about our Spring 2017 season! Read up, folks—you don’t wanna miss this.

New Mainstage Announcement The votes are in, and we’re thrilled to say that Ellie Lavelle and James Robson will be directing The Fantasticks as Stage Troupe’s final mainstage of the season! These two have shown incredible dedication to Stage Troupe already, and it’s going to be amazing to see what they do as directors. Congrats, Ellie and James!

New Director Announcement Due to academic and personal reasons, Daniel Leary has decided to resign as the director of Twelve Angry Jurors this season. Dan will be spending much of his spring semester pursuing an impressive future in medical school and beyond, and we truly wish him the best of luck. Troupe will always be here to welcome Dan in whatever capacity he may be involved; academics always come first, and we respectfully understand and commend his decision to set himself up for postgraduate success.

As recompense for stepping down, Dan has proposed that Cassidy Donohue take his place as director. The E-Board has taken his suggestion into serious consideration, and we all agree that Cassidy will do a tremendous job as director of “Twelve Angry Jurors.” Cassidy is extraordinarily passionate about this show and more than fit to be its brand-new director. Welcome, Cassidy, to the team of Spring ’17 directors!

General Meeting #1 GM1 is just around the corner, so mark your calendars for Sunday, January 22nd! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for another reminder with more details about its location. It’ll be so great to see all of your well-rested faces! Of course, in the meantime, don’t forget to follow us on social media:

Like our Facebook page Join our Facebook group Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Visit our website

Take a cup o’ kindness for auld lang syne, Troupies! Cheers,

Nathan Wilgeroth Secretary Boston University Stage Troupe stage@bu.edu | bustagetroupe.com 


We love hearing from you! If you have any questions or concerns for the E-Board, never ever hesitate to reach out to us! It can be a little daunting, we know, but we’re all your friends, here, and we want to make sure that you’re having a blast with Troupe. So, hey, send us an email, shoot us a text, or even type up a message on our fancy, new anonymous feedback form on the “Contact Us” section of our website. We’re always looking for ways to make sure everyone is as in love with Troupe as we are.

Mainstage #3 Pitch for Spring 2017

Hello, Troupies! We're excited to announce the pitch for the third slot in the Spring 2017 season! By the close of yesterday's deadline, we received a pitch for:

The Fantasticks Book and Lyrics by Tom Jones; Music by Harvey Schmidt Director: Ellie Lavelle Music Director: James Robson

Thank you, Ellie and James, for your pitch! The Reading Committee will be taking a look at the show, and then the membership will submit their votes later next week!

If you would like to see the pitch for The Fantasticks, you may read it here. Otherwise, keep your eyes peeled for an online form on which the creative team will answer their questions via single-take video clips. We will provide access to the form on Wednesday, December 28th, and the membership will have 48 hours to submit their votes.

Again, thank you all so much for your patience with this transitional period. Regardless, we are thrilled to see what this creative team has to present for their pitch! Enjoy the beginning of your winter breaks, everyone, and safe travels to all!


Important Announcement Regarding the Spring 2017 Season

Dear Stage Troupe, Out of consideration for concerns from the membership, the creative team of Avenue Q has decided to pull their show from the Spring 2017 Season.

This special circumstance means that we will be re-opening pitches for the third mainstage slot of the semester. While we understand that this is an unexpected change of plans, we nevertheless welcome prospective directors to jump into action. The deadline for pitches will be this coming Wednesday, December 21st. Please send your pitches to stage@bu.edu, jacobsen@bu.edu, AND smarois@bu.edu.

How will pitches work?

This is going to be a quick process, but the E-Board aims to make this selection as efficient and fair as possible. We would more than appreciate your help by taking part in Reading Committee! If you're interested in joining Reading Committee, please contact scharvat@bu.edu by Wednesday, December 21st as well. Once Reading Committee is assigned, their reports and questions are to be finished by Saturday, December 24th @ 12PM. E-Board, having also taken part in the Committee, will review the reports and compile questions to ask the directors.

Do we get to vote?

Of course! Voting will take place through an online poll that we will release to the membership on Wednesday, December 28th. On the poll, there will be video clips of the directors pitching and answering Reading Committee questions all in one take. This will ensure that the pitching process is as similar to the usual GM format as possible. The membership will have 48 hours to hear the directors' visions and submit their vote for the final show.

There are a lot of technicalities to sort through during this process, but we want to be sure that we have the best season possible! If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing your pitches!


General Meeting #4 Recap

Happy Holidays!  Thanks so much to everyone who helped out with Space Cleaning and showed up for our final GM of the semester! We're glad to have seen our best pals before plunging into finals and tumbling out into Winter Break. If you weren't able to make it (we missed you, dude!), we've got you covered. Here's a recap of everything we went over:

BUSTies Voting

BUSTies is our annual awards ceremony at the end of the Spring semester during which the shining stars of the year are given trophies and the seniors of Stage Troupe are roasted to a crisp before they head off into their postgraduate lives. At this GM, the Troupe membership filled out ballots to vote for the actors, techies, and directors who will receive BUSTies at the end of the year. And now we wait...

Spring 2017 Technical Advisor

We can't be more excited to announce that our Technical Advisor for Spring 2017 is going to be Chris Remillard, a dearly loved techstraordinaire who is going to be returning from his National Lampoon's European Vacation in the spring! Our E-Board is entirely confident that Chris is ready to take on and master such a pivotal role in Stage Troupe. Welcome to the team, partner!

Senior Divas Holiday Showcase

We have just one more event before we wrap up: it's time for OB and Stage Troupe's annual Senior Divas Holiday Showcase! Come to the Student Theater this Tuesday, December 13th, at 7PM to see your favorite BUT seniors show off in a fun holiday concert! 

General Meeting #1

I miss Troupe already, and I'm sure you do, too. Worry not—GM1 for the Spring is only a few weeks away! We hope to see you all on Sunday, January 22ndfor our first meeting back. Keep your eyes peeled for a Facebook event and an email reminder with the time and location.

Spring 2017 Auditions

Auditions for the Spring 2017 season will be soon after GM1 on Monday, January 23rd, Tuesday, January 24th, and Wednesday, January 25th! Details of the process will be revealed at the next GM!

Social Media

Don't forget to follow us on social media for updates, reminders, and everything to keep you in the Troupe loop:

Like our Facebook page
Join our Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Visit our website

We wish you the best of luck with finals and hope you have a safe and happy holiday! Thank you all for a wonderful season of theatre—your passion and talent have helped Stage Troupe thrive, and we're so excited for another magical season. 

Glad tidings, 

Nathan Wilgeroth

Boston University Stage Troupe