Show Check-Out
- God of Carnage
- Directors: Erin and Maggie
- Everyone seemed really happy with the show overall
- Really great experience. Everything went so smoothly
- SM: David
- The actors were very cooperative and on-time to every call
- Julia was an amazing ASM. If she would SM One-Acts, she would be ready to SM a mainstage
- TD: Brian
- Build week was a lot of fun
- Shout-out to Sydney and Nathan for being such supportive E-Board members
- SM should check-in with TD to schedule tech runs
- If future TDs have difficulty contacting their crew via email, it is very effective to text them directly
- During move-in and strike, it is much more efficient to ask specific people to do specific things than simply to ask for volunteers
- ATD Sophia was absolutely amazing. She felt more like a co-TD than an ATD. She is ready to TD a mainstage
- We need a new barrel and/or dolly for the Space
- Producer: Elle
- Sold around 30 tickets on the first day, 45 on the second, and 56 on the last day
- Adapted well to the marketing aspect, but not so well on the budgeting side
- Really enjoyed working on this show
- Directors: Erin and Maggie
Show Check-Ins
- Twelve Angry Jurors
- Director: Cassidy
- Only had 3 rehearsals this week due to conflicts, but things are going great
- Dan Leary is coming to guest direct on Monday
- Cast is very close to being completely off-book
- Doing full runs every rehearsal
- SM: Ariana
- It’s been difficult to deal with last-minute conflicts
- The cast is working very hard to get off-book
- Met with producing team. Should be done by the end of next week
- TD: Sam
- Every department is doing really well, especially costumes; they got a head start because of the photo shoot
- Set design is ready. Will be sitting down with Chris to make cut lists
- Had a tech meeting today
- Will have the wood order in this week
- More notice for character headshots would have been better for the costumes department. It was stressful to get costumes prepared for headshots in time
- Producers: HwaYoun and Andy
- Finished cast photo shoot. Character headshots are done
- Promo videos will be done this week
- T-shirt design is finished
- Bio/shirt form will be sent out soon
- HwaYoun is almost done with the Warren poster, which will be submitted before Spring Break
- Director: Cassidy
- The Fantasticks
- Director: Ellie
- Things are good
- Had a combat rehearsal today
- Tech is coming to see rehearsals this week
- SM: Rachel and Chrissy
- Everything is going really well
- Planning out how to work with the new script
- TD: Devika
- Build, lights, and set design will be coming to rehearsal to plan their designs around Ellie’s blocking
- Everything will hit the ground running after Spring Break
- Producer: Brittany
- Will confirm t-shirt designs this week
- Hoping to confirm due dates for other designs and cast photo shoots at the upcoming producers’ meeting this week
- All plans should be settled so that everything will be ready to go after spring break
- Director: Ellie
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Danielle
- Spoke to a lot of members to clarify the upcoming pitching process
- Everything appears to be minimally stressful as a whole
- Meeting with Carly from TodayTix this week
- VP: Erin
- Reached out to the SMs for Jurors and Everyone says things are going smoothly
- VPSP: Sydney
- Charity Show went extremely well. Communication with Girls’ LEAP has been difficult
- Noticed some falling ceiling tiles in the Student Theater
- Met with Shiney James to talk about Summer Show plans. Will reach out to her once the show is decided
- Will be accepting pitches for everything as of tonight
- Will be contacting the seniors who will be roasted to confirm that they want to be involved
- Anyone who wants to roast a senior should contact before Spring Break
- Treasurer: Andy
- Fixed the Eventbrites for every show so that sales don’t get cut off an hour before they begin
- SABO has taken a very long time to process Small Dollar Reimbursements. Will reach out to them to get things moving
- Needs to check in on the Amazon order from last week
- Will be getting a recording of God of Carnage from Elle soon
- Will look into a new trashcan and dolly for the Space
- Secretary: Nathan
- Published GM2 Facebook event
- Promoted God of Carnage on social media
- In contact with Tori, who took production photos. God of Carnage’s photo album should be up within the week or at some point during Spring Break
- Updated the “What’s On Stage Next” links on the website, Twitter, and Instagram
- Will send out GM2 Recap email this week
- TA: Chris
- VagMo and Carnage had strike at the same time. Everything was extraordinarily efficient, and Taylor was very flexible and great to work with
- Brian did a fantastic job as TD. Agrees that Sophia is ready to be a TD in the future
- Will try to access AB funding for the new lights
- Abby and Dylan
- The hair and makeup kit needs to be replaced. Looked into prices for a replacement (~$40-$50)
- Makeup brushes also need to be replaced. Troupe should get new [cheap] ones every year for sanitization purposes
- Willing to chip in for new supplies with the current mainstages’ budget