Spring 2017 Cast Lists

Be honest. How many times did you refresh this page before this post appeared? There's no shame in your enthusiasm, pal. Go take a peek and see the cast lists below! If you were cast, congrats! You’ll be hearing from your new directors soon, keep your eyes peeled!

If you were not cast, we offer you our deepest condolences. This is a confusingly hard feeling to sit with. But, please, know that these results do not directly reflect your talents as an actor; casting is extraordinarily competitive, and it was difficult for each and every director to choose their actors. No matter what, we all want you to stick around with us at Stage Troupe!

You still have a whole load of opportunities to tech and produce for this season!

We need techies, and we would love you to hop onto our crews! Our Tech Meeting is this Saturday, 1/28, at 12:00PM in “The Space.” Even if you’ve never teched before, we have many passionate Troupie techies who are dying to teach some curious new friends! With our motto “Learning by Doing,” we know that anybody who wants to learn something new can and should give it a shot! This is an amazing opportunity to expand your skill set while staying part of our Stage Troupe family. Tech is an insanely important aspect of theatre, so come join us at the tech meeting to find something that interests you!

In addition to tech, theatre heavily relies on Producers! Producing consists of all the marketing, promotion, and ticket sales-related parts of theatre. As a producer, you can play with graphic design, production programs, and advertising that will be posted all throughout the BU campus. If you'd like to produce, you can fill out a producer form and email it to our Treasurer, Andy Moeller, at moellera@bu.edu.

And remember, if you still want to act this semester, we’ll be providing details for more acting opportunities later this semester, so make sure to keep in touch with us!

Thank you, everyone, for coming out to audition for us! The directors were all overwhelmed by your talent, and we can't wait to see you around throughout the rest of the Spring 2017 Season!


God of Carnage

Michael: Eli Saracino

Veronica: Kaitlyn Jones

Allan: Jonny Arruda

Annette: Taylor House


Twelve Angry Jurors

One: Flannery Gallagher

Two: Anna Spier

Three: Elliot Pope

Four: Abby Kass

Five: Lucy Gamades

Six: Gabriel Ben-Jakov

Seven: TBD

Eight: Zach Triechel

Nine: Elina Kent

Ten: Evan Creedon

Eleven: Adam DeAngelo

Twelve: Kobi Kassal


The Fantasticks

El Gallo: Rama Lauw

Matt: Nathan Wilgeroth

Luisa: Danielle Diamond

Hucklebee: Kim Zak

Bellony: Conner Gallacher

Henry: Ryan Kelly

Mortimer: Andrew Kim

The Mime: Claire Jennings