Executive Board Notes 4/9/17

Show Check-Outs

  • The Fantasticks
    • SM: Rachel and Chrissy
      • This was a confusing process for these brand-new SMs, but very grateful for all the people who offered their help
      • Tech week was a headache, and there was little preparation for what the SMs should have expected
      • Tech week went smoothly closer toward the end
      • SMs should really understand how important they are when it comes to running the show during tech week
      • It was difficult to split the work between co-SMs
      • Erin was an absolutely amazing ASM who really stepped up. She’s on the right track to becoming a head SM
    • TD: Devika
      • Strike went beautifully and only took about an hour
      • Monday of tech week was rough due to complications with integrating the pit, creating lighting cues, and teaching the new SMs how to call
      • Chrissy worked incredibly hard and really stepped up on Tuesday. However, full runs were inhibited by ongoing pit complications
      • Regardless of a shaky tech week, the show went up and got really good reviews
      • It’s important for everyone to understand their duties, responsibilities, and levels of authority before coming into the tech week process
      • All people must communicate with others if they are struggling with something. A lot of problems could have been solved with more foresight, but many more people should know that they are able to ask for help
      • Huge shout-out to David who was a great ATD. He also basically stepped in to help as an extra SM. He would be a great TD in the future
      • Yonina and Madison are lighting gods and
      • Mahi was an amazing costumer
    • Producer: Brittany
      • Went well overall. Very happy with the final producing things, especially the new Snapchat integration
      • It was hard to sell tickets during the same week as Legally Blonde. The show sold well, but all could have gone better without the show crossover
      • The lobby was great—the interactive photo booth and activities were well-received
      • Assistants were MIA for quite a bit of the process, but Sam Curley was phenomenal
      • Couldn’t film the show due to miscommunication with Andy

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Registered Baby Board to OrgSync
    • Helped out with some Fantasticks communication issues
  • VP: Erin
    • Went to a rehearsal during Fantasticks to help out the SMs and do some mediation between techies
    • Called facilities about the broken outlet in the Theater
    • Took production photos for The Fantasticks. Should have them available by the end of the week
    • Got audition rooms for Summer Show
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • Made additions to the VPSP guide
    • Made a Google Drive folder of documents for Abby to utilize next year
    • Made an Amazon wish list for BUSTies and solidified more plans with the event managers
    • Going to SAO with Kobi this week to arrange BUSTies logistics
    • SAAD Committee meeting will be later this week
    • BUSTies toppers will be ordered soon
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Finalized the Charity Show funds: $1,172.07. Will go into SAO to figure out how to process the W9 for Girls’ LEAP’s donation
    • Wants to know whether the Summer Show’s royalties need to include its optional music/sound patch
    • Still no word on all the rights for the potential Family & Friends Weekend shows
    • Will deposit Jurors money to tunnel back into Troupe’s funds
    • Will go into SAO this week to figure out how to access AB Funding
    • Started the application next year’s AB Funding
    • Waiting on a funds transfer from OB
    • Cassidy Donohue will produce the Theatre Showcase with assistants Erin Mc Sweeney and Maggie Skaza
    • Working on rights for Summer Show
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Reached out again for Carnage production photos, which are still pending. Will likely post the other shows’ photos directly after Carnage once they’re available
    • Promoted Fantasticks on social media
    • Created drafts for the Showcase and BUSTies Facebook events
  • TA: Chris
    • Devika did a great job as TD. Gave her tech notes on Tuesday and added flats to the set on Wednesday. The quick addition was impromptu yet cheap and easy to accomplish
    • Strike was efficient—finished before Legally Blonde even got to the Space
    • OB was very respectful to the Space
    • Shakespeare Society has the Theater this week, and they will be renting the lighting board
    • Received one TA Application so far
  •  Eric
    • Won’t be around next week for E-Board due to Easter. E-Board will be canceled
    • GM5 will be on April 23rd
    • Will be gone on April 30th, but Steve will be around for the Meeting
    • Final Board meeting on May 7th
  •  Abby
    • Troupe needs to replace more makeup than originally thought