Show Check-Ins
- Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
- Director: Brittany
- Erin joined the team as the SM! She's been sick, but a rehearsal schedule will soon be in the works
- The first read-through went very well
- Character meetings will start soon
- Excited to get a tech team soon
- Director: Brittany
E-Board Check-Outs
- President: Danielle
- No one really knows what it’s like to be on Board until they’re on it. It's more than just resume booster; it's a good life experience that puts things in perspective.
- Full-time job. Don’t take position lightly.
- Make it known you’re here to listen to membership as a Board Member. Be as approachable as possible.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Vice President: Erin
- People don’t understand the job unless they’re on E-Board itself. People will argue.
- One of the best decisions made—a great experience.
- It takes a little bit of time to figure out the flow, but it eventually gets more intuitive.
- Board Members should know to take care of themselves first
- Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
- Lend a helping hand if you can.
- VPSP: Sydney
- Learn to turn off your phone. E-Board echoes in every part of your life, so take care of yourself.
- Recognize that people will have a lot to say to you about your own position. Learn how to be your own filter
- E-Board Members are elected by their peers and are ultimately trusted to represent the interests of the membership to have this position
- The VPSP and TA positions generally interact most with the membership.
- Treasurer: Andy
- The biggest thing is communication. Things will come up, so everyone should use constant communication methods to their advantage.
- Ask questions.
- Never be afraid to ask for help. All the E-Board jobs are hard, and everyone has to go above and beyond the constitution in order to make E-Board work.
- Reach out to people. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors.
- Treat your E-Board like your family.
- Secretary: Nathan
- This is a job about listening, and so it has been an exciting challenge to learn how to gauge the membership and be strategic about the best ways to communicate.
- Don’t get wrapped up in making mistakes. It's so easy to apologize and fix it, and worrying about messing up only causes more stress than necessary.
- Work together. Ask for help. Expect to fail and accept that mistakes are inevitable. It’s okay, because there’s always a solution.
- TA: Chris
- It takes a while to learn how to do the job required of an E-Board position.
- Don’t worry if it’s overwhelming or tough at first.
- Because there are two previous Board members on the current team, some growing pains can be alleviated.
- People can never make everyone happy, but what's important is that they do their best.
- Listen to each other. Ask questions. Reach out to old Board Members for help.
- Steve
- It's been a pleasure to work with everyone. Excited to work with the new team.