E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Chris
Talked to a lot of excited freshmen--about 20. Really interested in different departments.
Going to start a Google Doc for gathering Troupe statistics.
Went to meeting with FYSOP leaders who were super nice. We will be doing an open dress of Summer Show for them.
VP: Evan
Called show this week.
Waiting on 25Live news. It may come around mid-July.
VPSP: Abby
Gathering Special Projects statistics.
Treasurer: Andy
Contacted Ellie about F&F rights stuff. Shoutout to Ellie for being responsive.
Need to call Samuel French to go over discrepancies in song rights for F&F.
Gathered data about ticket sales and membership from the past 3 years.
Contacted 5 different businesses about getting donations through for Troupe. If anybody knows of local Boston business that may be interested in getting ad in program, let him know.
Had trouble with light board missing cues during Summer Show. Maybe we should talk about getting a new one.
Secretary: Lucy
Promoted Summer Show and tweeted about Producer and TD apps.
This week's freshmen were very enthusiastic-- got lots of new views on Facebook and new Instagram followers, yay.
Going to look into new cover photo design.
New transfer student may be interested in assistant directing one of the shows.
TA: Caitlin
Decided on F&F TD.
In process of making a list of stuff we will need for build week.