Summer Show: No Exit
- Director: David M.
- Nothing new!
- TD: David G.
- Last run went fine
- happy with how tech is going
- Tech for Showcase is pretty simple—looking forward to it!
- Producer: Rachel R.
- Producing for No Exit is pretty much all wrapped up
- Producing for showcase: working with Andrea to possibly create a program
- SM: Ariana T.
- Last run went well
- Only concern is about transitioning into Taylor joining the performances; navigating conflicts
- Met with David, working on rehearsal schedules
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Alba
- Picked up name tags today—missing Alicia's; sending an email to company
- Filled out some Orgsync event work for Footloose
- In showcase this week—exciting!
- VP: Erin
- Still in France!
- Doing 25 live training
- Working on getting rooms for auditions—corresponding with other groups to organize that; will work on this more in depth when she returns from France
- VPSP: Ariana
- Showcase is happening!
- Had showcase rehearsal yesterday and it's coming together—much less concerned now
- Had one person drop—total of seven acts
- Integrating tech elements
- Thinking of having each person performing introduce themselves before their performance
- Reading committee: a bunch of people have signed up which is great!
- Will make a reminder post for Reading Committee
- Working out ways by which membership can hear from directors and vote on a show
- Treasurer: Chrissy
- Approved several Orgsync requests
- Waiting on reimbursements; will probably take care of that next week
- Still working on resolving unpaid balance from Smokefall
- Secretary: Kim
- Received several pitches!
- Finished updating E-Board page on website
- Contacted other groups re: showcase promotional material
- Made third spotlight series post on Sunday
- Working with Footloose team