- Special Projects Check-Ins
- BUSTies
- Hosts
- On track
- Wrote part of opening monologue
- Took promo photos today
- Event Managers
- Have an EventBrite link
- Will be making absentee ballots
- Starting slide show
- Hosts
- Murder Mystery
- Went well
- People had fun
- Good turnout
- Summer Show
- Director: David
- Had auditions. Not many people showed up but has great cast
- Probably won't be having a June 27th show because of conflicts
- Planning on meeting with everyone on Saturday
- Will have first formal rehearsal after classes are over
- Ben Skross is coming on as AD
- Director: David
- Showcase
- Pipe and drape went up
- Not many people showed up
- Cait needs to coordinate with Abby about what's going on this week
E-Board Check-Ins
- Chris
- Went to OBOB
- Went to the Transition training
- Evan
- Tabled auditions on Wednesday night
- Booked rooms
- Went to transition training
- Made post about graduation cords. Everyone has to message Evan by midnight on Thursday to get a cord
- Abby
- Worked one night of Summer Show auditions
- Assembling NomCom
- Showcase is happening
- Updating VPSP guide for Ariana
- Reached out to Shiney
- Wants to have a stress-relief study period event
- Andy
- Went into SAO with Abby and ordered chicken fingers for BUSTies
- Working on reimbursements
- Did five-light wash for Showcase
- Lucy
- Had productive FaceTime convo with Kimmie to go over Secretary Guide
- Made FB events for Summer Show auditions and Murder Mystery
- Will make so many FB events this week and send out reminder email
- Went to OBOB
- Renewed our domain and switched all the website stuff over to Kim for the big Squarespace charge
- Went to Transition Training
- Worked on BUSTies host stuff
- Wrangled a cast together for Showcase and went to Move-In
- Caitlin
- Asked for SM keys for Abby so someone else has keys for the week
- Led the Showcase move-in
- Tabled auditions for an hour
- Opened the Space for Wandering Minds this week
- Been receiving interest for Summer Show tech
- Getting ready to promote Space Cleaning
- Eric
- Got the rights for F&F
- Ariana
- Working on BUSTies
- Tabled for Summer Show auditions