Show Check-Ins
- Jane the Plain
- Director: Babatunde
- Whole show is blocked
- Tech meeting today
- Cast change this week
- TD: Francis
- Tech meeting today
- Department meetings are this week
- Photoshoot this weekend
- SM: Jennifer
- Moving at a great pace
- Actors are trying to do soft off book already
- Almost done blocking
- Producer: Andy
- Met with Babatunde and Chrissy to talk about promo
- "Ethereal macabre"
- Warren Towers photoshoot this Saturday
- Director: Babatunde
- Smokefall
- Director: Conner
- Blocked Act One
- Blocking Acts Two and Three in the next week
- Talked to Zach about preliminary promo stuff
- Cast is great. Having fun. Excited to get into hands-on stuff
- TD: David
- Did safety training this morning
- Sent out first crew email
- Tech meeting today
- SM: Andrea
- Set off book dates
- Scheduled rehearsals for next two weeks
- Producer: Zach
- Met assistant today
- Talked to Conner about preliminary stuff
- Wants to do some engaging promo with student body
- Director: Conner
- Next to Normal
- AD: Kendall
- Going well
- Read-through/sing-through last week
- Whole cast is really excited
- Had first music rehearsal
- Meeting with tech and creative team on Friday
- MD: Daniel
- Handed out scores and libretti
- First music rehearsal happened
- SM: Lena
- Rehearsals are going smoothly
- Started making schedules
- Excited to work with this cast and creative team
- TD: Alicia
- Super excited to have tech crew
- Met with ATD and split up duties
- First email was sent out
- No tech meeting today, but maybe next Sunday
- Producers: Hannah and Paulina
- Met today
- Excited to get started
- AD: Kendall
- Tech Show
- Director: Caitlin
- It's happening
- Working on getting off book
- TD: Evan
- Had tech meeting last week
- Had department meetings
- Lights are already set up
- Took stock of props
- In good shape
- Director: Caitlin
E-Board Check-Ins
- Chris
- Promoted TA Event
- Helped out with TA Event
- Evan
- Helped out with TA Event
- Abby
- TA Event happened. Went really well
- People entered the cake contest this year
- Met with Rachel to talk about formal
- Set a date for Capture the Flag: March 17
- Going to schedule roast workshop
- Andy
- Submitted Smokefall rights
- Made a Charity Show Eventbrite page
- Assigned producers and emailed them
- Helped with TA Event: raised around $760
- Participated in 20 Minute Musicals
- Lucy
- Promoted TA Event
- Used "live" Instagram feature for pie-ing E-Board
- Will make Tech Show events/add it to calendar ASAP
- Caitlin
- Had tech show rehearsals this week
- Met with Eric on Monday to look at lighting board
- Fixed sound board with Eric
- Had to move around SMs
- Tech lists went out
- Sent out email to all the group TAs for safety trainings
- Need to find ATD for David
- Sent VagMo some stuff about rentals