Summer Show: No Exit
- Director: David M.
- First show went well and was well-attended
- Looking ahead to working with Taylor in July
- TD: David G.
- First run was great!
- Finding and solving minor problems along the way
- Producer: Rachel R.
- Has more things to put up in the window outside the Student Theater
- SM: Ariana T.
- Had the first performance! Great turnout!
- First show went well despite being nervous
- Had laid-back rehearsal yesterday
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Alba
- Contacted other theatre groups, told them to contact Ariana with interest in 6/27 showcase
- Lots of interest in performing songs
- Met potential new members at first Summer Show
- Ordered name tags
- Resolved issue re: Footloose contract; will follow up when she hears back from SAO
- Met with Babatunde to discuss Footloose plans; reaching out to other groups on campus
- VP: Erin
- Still in France!
- Enjoying France!
- Talked to some people about potentially pitching
- VPSP: Ariana
- Met lots of new potential members at Summer Show!
- Trying to work out a way for new members to get connected
- 6/27 showcase: getting a lot of interest to sing for showcase
- Talked to David G. about possibly setting up a "drop-in" tech for showcase
- Anticipating making a post for reading committee
- Treasurer: Chrissy
- Rights for The Nerd as well as revival performance of No Exit are completed!
- Creating OrgSync events for both shows
- Participating in No Exit; helping Rachel with producing
- Secretary: Kim
- Made Facebook events for the first two Summer Show performances
- Made pitch deadline extension announcement
- Started the Summer Sunday Spotlight Series
- Got No Exit production photos from Rachel; shared on social media
- Talked with someone about potentially pitching for the fall season
- TA: Alicia
- Helping with Summer Show tech
- Updated the TD F&F application and setting a deadline; putting it on Troupe's website
- Talked with Babatunde and Abbey about Footloose set
- Reminder: will be leaving campus at the end of the week
- Compiling list of things we need to restock for Troupe; will work with Chrissy