Show Check-Ins
- Smokefall
- Director: Conner
- It went so well!
- Nuts on Sunday, but everything went really smoothly
- Super happy
- Communication from the beginning was really helpful in pulling off this show
- Having rehearsals in one space was nice for cohesiveness
- TD: David
- Happy with how the week went
- Water and tree were two proudest accomplishments
- Strike went well. Shoutout to everyone
- Big shoutouts to Andy and Liz
- Cam was awesome
- Don't be afraid to think outside of the box
- SM: Andrea
- Tech week went smoothly. Started late most nights but everyone got into the swing of things
- Show nights went very well
- ASMs got to call an act of the show on Friday
- Happy with how everything went
- Producer: Zach
- Will send in check out ASAP, recovering after track weekend
- Director: Conner
- Next to Normal
- Director: Lara
- Things are going well
- Doing full runs this week
- In a really good place going into pre-tech week
- Cast sounds beautiful
- A few people from tech came to rehearsal this week
- MD: Daniel
- Doing runs
- Drumset is still set for delivery
- Changed sitzprobe time
- TD: Alicia
- Feeling very good about build week
- Readjusting to figure out movement of set pieces
- Met with all departments this past week
- Producers: Paulina and Hannah
- Getting tech head shots this week
- Getting ready for the promo to launch this week
- Whole producing team has their jobs for programs and shirts
E-Board Check-Ins
- Director: Lara
- Chris
- Dealt with some reshuffling of tech crews
- Had Smokefall
- Evan
- Helped out with ushering on Saturday night for Smokefall
- Unlocked the Space
- Abby
- Assembled SAAD Committee
- Sent out roasts email
- Will be meeting with Shiney James about Summer Show
- Helped Lucy with COMBAT ESA questions
- Need to talk to Caitlin about showcase tech
- Andy
- Guesstimate for Charity Show is at least $3000 raised
- LD'ed this week
- Meeting with Chrissy after Heathers is done
- Helped collect dues at the GM this week
- Facilities people in the Theater are so nice. Should send them a thank-you note
- Lucy
- Filled out three ESA applications
- Promoted Smokefall
- Sent GM recap email
- Caitlin
- Got keys back from Andy and David
- Wood order issue with N2N
- Opened the Space a lot this week
- Assistant stepped up a lot for Smokefall
- Super need a Space Cleaning and dumpster is reserved
- Needs to talk to Abby about Showcase