Show Check-Ins
- Jane the Plain
- Director: Babatunde
- Wonderful process
- Amazing for such a short amount of time
- Make sure everyone is happy and having fun
- Nice having an AD for cohesiveness and vision
- SM: Jennifer
- "Wow, that was fast"
- Process went very well
- Actors were very on top of their lines
- Grateful for people to rely on around her
- TD: Francis
- Focused on making sure cast and crew felt cohesive
- Everything went really well
- Producer: Andy
- Producing felt really in the loop with the show
- So hard to get producing stuff done in such a short amount of time
- Sold out last show
- Director: Babatunde
- Smokefall
- Director: Conner
- Ran the show and did a lot of scene work
- Finished all character meetings with actors
- Super happy with where things are
- Met with producers to talk about lobby design and promo material
- Had photoshoot this morning
- Talked to Esiri about sound design
- Going to do another full run before spring break. Designers are planning to come to that
- SM: Andrea
- This week was soft off book
- Tomorrow is hard off book
- Assistants are great
- Actors are doing well. Not worried
- TD: David
- Finished department meetings this week
- Looking at wood order
- Have set design and paint scheme
- Happy with how it's going
- Producer: Zach
- Had photoshoot today
- Working on podcasts
- Director: Conner
- Next to Normal
- Director: Lara
- Done with most of blocking for Act One
- Went with Alicia to department meetings this week
- Producers sent out t-shirt design
- AD: Kendall
- Finalizing the set design
- All went to see Jane the Plain
- MD: Daniel
- Had a full show sing-through yesterday
- People were sick last week, but worked around it
- Had first pit rehearsal yesterday
- Will need to schedule with Heathers because of overlap
- SM: Lena
- Cast and creative team are really close
- Master schedule has been working well
- Off book dates are pretty soon after spring break
- TD: Alicia
- Met with almost all departments for department meetings
- Hoping to finalize cut list before break
- Thinking of ways to incentivize crew to go to rehearsals
- Producers: Paulina and Hannah
- Assistant producers are amazing
- Shirts should be ready to order in a few days
- Director: Lara
E-Board Check-Ins
- Chris
- Stopped into Jane the Plain a few times to see how it was going
- Evan
- Opened the theater for Lucas this morning
- Helped Jane the Plain with strike
- Getting Smokefall and Next to Normal into the theater this week for rehearsal
- Abby
- Acted in Jane the Plain
- BUT Formal is this week
- Got responses from all theater groups for the formal and they are helping to set up
- Getting decorations tomorrow from Target
- Andy helped with request for BUPD officer for formal
- Capture the Flag is March 17. Probably around 3:30/4
- Going to put out feelers for reading committee this week
- Need to talk about dates for Summer Show
- Chatting with potential VPSPs
- Andy
- Haven't counted all the money for Charity Show yet, but made roughly $3000 total
- Produced Charity Show
- Has BUSTies budget for Abby
- Every member of Jane the Plain creative team communicated really well
- Lucy
- Promoted Jane the Plain
- Visited Jane the Plain during tech week
- Sent out a late recap email for GM #2
- Worked on merch stuff
- Talked to OB about formal
- Set up Little Shop photoshoot with Lucas
- Caitlin
- Opened the Space for people this week
- Gave David a Space key
- Using extra money in the budget to get stuff for the Space
- Flat bay is very full