Show Check-Ins
- Smokefall
- Director: Conner
- Did a full run before break and it was good
- This week, doing runs of individual acts.
- Scheduled through the end of this week
- Sage is coming to rehearsal to write story for Verge BU
- Sound has come in to watch the show
- SM: Andrea
- Lines wise going well overall
- Will finish scheduling to end of the process today
- TD: David
- Wood order has been placed
- Build week is next week
- Doing one more round of department meetings through the end of build week
- Producer: Zach
- Had a photoshoot. It was great
- Put in the wood order
- Other Zach is editing the photos from the photoshoot
- Made a Facebook page and SoundCloud
- Making the FB event and talked it over with Lucy
- Sending emails to newspapers and professors
- Planned lobby design
- Director: Conner
- Next to Normal
- MD: Daniel
- Gave cast Musescore files to practice with over break
- Pit is complete
- Ordering drumset
- SM: Lena
- Hard and soft off book dates are set
- Process is going smoothly
- TD: Alicia
- Added four people onto the crew
- Have a set design
- Whole creative team is meeting on Friday
- Producers: Paulina and Hannah
- Had photoshoot today
- MD: Daniel
E-Board Check-Ins
- Chris
- Met with SAO for last training
- Coordinated stuff with Evan and Caitlin about OB request
- Gave Steve's email to Zach for Smokefall
- Let the other presidents know about furniture in 700 Beacon
- Evan
- Met with a potential candidate for E-Board nominations
- Dealt with workshop issue earlier today
- There's furniture in 700 Beacon now. Time to take back our furniture
- Abby
- BUT formal happened. Having it in the spring was good
- Reading committee is happening
- BUSTies is coming up. Have event managers!
- People have contacted about roasts
- Capture the Flag is this Saturday
- Talking to potential VPSP candidates
- Andy
- Counting up BUT Formal money with Zach
- Will send out emails tomorrow about paying dues
- Producers for the shows are great
- Will make N2N event this week
- Lucy
- Talked to Smokefall producer about promo stuff
- Emailed with other E-Boards about tickets
- Posted first Smokefall podcast
- Made post about pitch extension
- Received emailed pitches
- Will be sending out reminder email and making FB events during the snow day tomorrow
- Caitlin
- Might have to go to jury duty on Wednesday; need someone to open the space
- Navigating build stuff for David
- Talked to OB about Heathers rentals
- Lucy helped with issue today
- Eric
- Approved two deposits in OrgSync