Summer Show: No Exit
- Director: David M.
- Move in went well
- Build is coming along
- Costumers took measurements so that is underway
- Some issues with rehearsal attendance
- TD: David G.
- Moved in
- No major issues; just some minor tweaks
- Working on costumes and makeup
- Focusing lights
- Sound cues are pretty much complete
- Producer: Rachel R.
- Getting lots done re: Facebook promo material; sent Kim FB event cover image
- Headshots in progress
- Sent out bio form
- Starting on lobby decoration
- SM: Ariana T.
- Going well
- Cast is almost off-book
- Great to have tech teams at rehearsals
- Discussing possibility of having informal talkbacks/meet and greet in lobby after shows
- Planning for the 6/27 showcase and panel
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Alba
- Checked in on No Exit tech week and build, spoke with cast re: morale heading into first performance
- Working on setting up 6/27 showcase; contacting other groups on campus to gauge interest in participating
- Reopened pitches for fall season
- VP: Erin
- In France!
- Talked with Ariana about rehearsal space for Summer Show; resolved some issues related to commencement weekend
- Talking to people interested in pitching for fall season
- Evan sent information re: booking BUSTies space
- Will focus more at length on reserving rooms for next year when she's back in Boston
- VPSP: Ariana
- Summer Show: see No Exit check-in
- Gauging interest with No Exit cast in participating in 6/27 showcase
- Will make a post soon about showcase
- Working with Alba to correspond with other groups re: showcase and panel
- Wants to update the display case outside the Student Theater; will work with No Exit producers and possibly Alba
- Got the VPSP guide from Abby
- Treasurer: Chrissy
- Still waiting for producer's guide
- Still needs to submit rights request for The Nerd; going to prioritize this
- Working on some reimbursement forms
- Secretary: Kim
- Updated some of Troupe's social media
- Went to graduation, posted a senior sendoff on Troupe's media
- Made posts re: reopening pitches for fall season
- Working with No Exit producers to post promotional material for the show
- No Exit Facebook event will go live tonight or tomorrow morning
- Ideas for connecting and collaborating with other other theatre groups (on- and off-campus)
- TA: Alicia
- Helped with No Exit build and move-in; will be in attendance during tech week and performances as much as possible
- Thank you to everyone helping out!
- Process seems to be going smoothly from a tech perspective
- Looking into opening TD applications for F&F show soon
- Making a list of ways to improve the Space by replacing items that are frequently used, in need of repair, etc; will share the list with Chrissy to see what is doable