Show Check-Ins
- Smokefall
- Director: Conner
- Moved in set and it looks great
- Did paper tech with sound
- Someone is coming in to make a promo video tonight
- Squeezing in run tonight after GM
- SM: Andrea
- Had last full run and lines are good
- Excited for this week
- Paper tech with lights tomorrow
- TD: David
- Got keys from Cait
- Move-in went very smoothly
- Big snaps to Andy and James for coming in to do lights
- Majority of elements will be in place for run tonight
- Producer: Zach
- Got many lamps for the lobby
- Did link signups
- Going to print out programs tomorrow
- Director: Conner
- Next to Normal
- Director: Lara
- Everything is going well
- Cast is so determined and great
- Blocking is all done
- AD: Kendall
- MD: Daniel
- Had two rehearsal with the pit
- Act 2 run through went really well
- Cast is great. Had optional rehearsal and they all showed up
- Invoice for drums will be emailed
- SM: Lena
- Hard off book was great
- Photoshoot went well
- Some tech coming into rehearsal this week
- TD: Alicia
- Going to do department meetings this week
- Trying to get mics from SPS. We'll see what happens with that
- Things are moving
- Producers: Paulina and Hannah
- Did the headshots and it went really well
- Shirts and posters are in
- Have a Snapchat
- Wood order is in. Set to be delivered on March 30
- Getting cast and crew to sign up and fundraise for charity walk
- Amazon order date has passed
- Director: Lara
- Maggie and Erin
- Have concept, plot and characters for 700 Beacon Murder Mystery
- Going to have script for the first skit then cards for the rest of the evening
- Have a wild cast of characters
- Esiri
- Friend is helping with Smokefall sound design. Wants him to get credit in the program
E-Board Check-Ins
- Chris
- Met with a few people running for president
- Working on Smokefall
- Evan
- Booked a link table for Smokefall producing
- Saw Little Shop
- Abby
- Getting stuff together for Showcase
- Pitches are open for Summer Show
- Sending out roast email tonight
- Lost name tag, but it was found!
- Andy
- Gave camera to Hannah and Paulina for N2N
- Light designer for Smokefall
- Asked Evan about link tables
- Lucy
- Made GM Facebook event
- Sent out recap email from the last GM
- Talked to secretary candidate
- Promoting Smokefall
- Shared nice articles
- Agreed to do a play for showcase
- Caitlin
- Gave keys to Andy and David
- Opened the Space a lot for people this week
- Charity group is using the chalkboards again
- Had build week this week. New screws were nice to have
- LD for Smokefall had to drop so worked with David to figure it out
- Have one TA application in
- Thinking very minimal tech for Showcase