E-Board Check Ins
Onstage intimacy workshop
New member came to office hours!
Went to SAO training yesterday
Onstage intimacy workshop
Posted about one acts and combat
Sent along one acts pitches to Sunny to go over rights
In touch with SAO about mask making
Student organization day!
Treasurer training - repetitive stuff that we already knew
Dues link is up and running
Two options: $1 dues ticket, donation ticket for anyone who wants to give more
Created redbubble account
Started working on producing challenges
Looked into One Acts rights and everything’s good
Onstage intimacy workshop
Looked into youtube channel
Asked permission for posting - p much everyone is good
Made event for onstage intimacy workshop
Posted reminders abt about one acts, inspiration project, elements of theater workshop
Looked over Sunny’s producing challenges
Sent recordings of Mamma Mia
Posted about mask making in facebook group
Talked with Sunny about fabric stuff
Talked to Rayvon, put in the order, got the samples
Onstage intimacy workshop
Elements of Theater Workshop Review
Important Takeaways from Onstage Intimacy
Desexualized language in the rehearsal room
Using objective & non gendered language to identify movement
New vocabulary is super helpful
Boundary practices - emotional boundaries
A cast member’s emotional boundary may align with that of a character, but if they are not using safe and comfortable ways to access that, then that character may not be the best choice for them
Moving away from pulling from personal trauma for a role
When directors pitch, they need to have a clear idea of their intentions with intimacy - this should already be in their mind
Incorporating this info into the audition forms so people are prepared
Expectations, tone of the rehearsals
Content they are sending to eboard
“How are you going to get there within your own personal boundaries?”
Actors having impact in their roles, not being manipulated
Thinking about length
5 hours mark threw people off
Making sure people know that they can come & go, don’t have to stay for whole time
Q&A for people who can’t come who still have questions - google form
Post event sooner - Wednesday before
Post both October ones soon!
Personally inviting people - we can each invite people to the event
Need a GM for amendment review
Inspiration Project
We have 2 writers and 2 directors at this point
Thinking about one team ?
Verdict: take the next week to reopen Inspiration project applications entirely
Then we can look at the teams again
SARP Reminder: it’s this week yay!
SAO Scheduling Training Recap
Basically things that we knew already
All events must be on engage
One Acts
Four pitches!!! Carrie, Julia, Emma, Chris
Passed along pitches to Sunny to look at rights
Haven’t sent out doodle poll for auditions yet
Emma & Julia are peer mentors
Thinking of moving auditions to Thursday/later in the week so people have more time
Sunny & his Intellectual Property