Eboard Check Ins:
Launched mentorship program
Talked to other presidents about Midsummit - not gonna do it till SAO restrictions are released
Read over action statement and constitution
Drafting Already Home!
Waiting on Dean B still
Adjusted summer festival schedule
Compiling lists of plays by authors of color/queer artists
Met with producers about pygmalion resources
Bio form for cast and crew
Action statement
Reached out to SAO about takeover
Drafted email to Dean B about theater event
Posted Spotlight Sunday
Messaged secretaries in our ~chat~ about outreach and possible event
Isabella from WM and Josh from OB replied and are interested!
Sent out TD/SM list for Pygmalion
Met with Emma Julia and Nhi
Pygmalion tech meeting and read through!
Emailed TD SM ATD from last fall to see if they’re interested
Tech from anywhere submissions - posted graphics for first category
Read thru constitution
First week went pretty well, flying by
Learning experience and fun :)
Had a cast member drop so had to move people around, but not super worried
More blocking rehearsals this week, will finish that this week
Setting up character and dialect workshops
Met with Natalie too
Met with Zach about how it’ll work
Met with Siena
Met with crew, created departments
Went to read through
Everything’s going smoothly!
Started the week by attending meetings with both Siena and Zach to discuss plans for the show - In meeting with Siena, we constructed a schedule layout for the 3 weeks (though we’ve changed some things since then.)
Attended the back half of the read through, which went well. That night I sent out an email to the cast with the schedule and some other info regarding plans for the week.
Started blocking acts 3 and 2, and will start act 1 tomorrow.
Had to deal with a casting issue this week but I think the solution we came to will work smoothly.
Fall Directors:
She is doing well!
“Blessed to be Pygmalion”!
Great to see how a virtual show would work
Preparing in case of a virtual show, going in with an open mind
We can do theater in a covid world :) trying to navigate this new space
Prepared for anything!
Kendall & Nikita
We know so little - taking a bit of a break
Trying to figure out our concrete challenges and plan
Isa: operating under assumption that we can do theater in some capacity; thinking about live streaming
The decision will be on the group as a whole, not just for the directors to deal with
Natalie: can’t decide anything till we have those guidelines, they will go on in some capacity
Zach: y’all gonna be back on campus? We don’t want to force you if you’re not comfortable. {All directors are planning on being back on campus}
Nikita: if there is a restriction on amount of people, but we can still meet, would we be able to film the performance
Depends on rights, but we are also a live theater group
It’s still up in the air
Kendall: had a plan to meet weekly, but it’s hard to keep in that mindset when everything is stressful and unsure
Hard to conceptualize the process
If we can at least have groups and gatherings of under ten people, we have a small cast and hopefully will be able to meet in small groups
Wearing masks in rehearsal? Are we able to block physical touch?
Gatsby has a lot of physicality, he’s been talking to choreographer and MD, told them that he’s gonna wait till we have full creative team so we can compile all concerns
Gonna be essential to have conversations
Biggest worry is the physicality/intimacy
Questions from Directors
Nikita: Is there a way to keep people involved if they have to stay at home?
V good question
We do not have an answer yet but we would like to keep people involved!!
Kendall: We will keep directors updated on what we hear from SAO and from the other Eboards, to see what everyone is thinking
Isa: You guys are great! And capable leaders! But we are here to support u :’)