Executive Board Minutes 7/5/20

Eboard Check Ins:


  • Launched mentorship program 

  • Talked to other presidents about Midsummit - not gonna do it till SAO restrictions are released

  • Read over action statement and constitution

  • Drafting Already Home!


  • Waiting on Dean B still 


  • Adjusted summer festival schedule 

  • Compiling lists of plays by authors of color/queer artists


  • Met with producers about pygmalion resources 

  • Bio form for cast and crew

  • Action statement


  • Reached out to SAO about takeover

  • Drafted email to Dean B about theater event

  • Posted Spotlight Sunday

  • Messaged secretaries in our ~chat~ about outreach and possible event

    • Isabella from WM and Josh from OB replied and are interested!


  • Sent out TD/SM list for Pygmalion 

  • Met with Emma Julia and Nhi

  • Pygmalion tech meeting and read through!

  • Emailed TD SM ATD from last fall to see if they’re interested

  • Tech from anywhere submissions - posted graphics for first category


  • Read thru constitution


  • Siena:

    • First week went pretty well, flying by

    • Learning experience and fun :)

    • Had a cast member drop so had to move people around, but not super worried

    • More blocking rehearsals this week, will finish that this week

    • Setting up character and dialect workshops

    • Met with Natalie too

  • Emma:

    • Met with Zach about how it’ll work

    • Met with Siena

    • Met with crew, created departments

    • Went to read through 

  • Julia

    • Everything’s going smoothly! 

    • Started the week by attending meetings with both Siena and Zach to discuss plans for the show - In meeting with Siena, we constructed a schedule layout for the 3 weeks (though we’ve changed some things since then.) 

    • Attended the back half of the read through, which went well. That night I sent out an email to the cast with the schedule and some other info regarding plans for the week. 

    • Started blocking acts 3 and 2, and will start act 1 tomorrow. 

    • Had to deal with a casting issue this week but I think the solution we came to will work smoothly. 

Fall Directors:

  • Caroline

    • She is doing well!

    • “Blessed to be Pygmalion”!

    • Great to see how a virtual show would work

    • Preparing in case of a virtual show, going in with an open mind

    • We can do theater in a covid world :) trying to navigate this new space

    • Prepared for anything!

  • Kendall & Nikita

    • We know so little - taking a bit of a break 

    • Trying to figure out our concrete challenges and plan

    • Isa: operating under assumption that we can do theater in some capacity; thinking about live streaming

      • The decision will be on the group as a whole, not just for the directors to deal with

      • Natalie: can’t decide anything till we have those guidelines, they will go on in some capacity  

      • Zach: y’all gonna be back on campus? We don’t want to force you if you’re not comfortable. {All directors are planning on being back on campus}

    • Nikita: if there is a restriction on amount of people, but we can still meet, would we be able to film the performance 

      • Depends on rights, but we are also a live theater group

      • It’s still up in the air

    • Kendall: had a plan to meet weekly, but it’s hard to keep in that mindset when everything is stressful and unsure

    • Hard to conceptualize the process

    • If we can at least have groups and gatherings of under ten people, we have a small cast and hopefully will be able to meet in small groups

      • Wearing masks in rehearsal? Are we able to block physical touch?

  • Rob: 

    • Gatsby has a lot of physicality, he’s been talking to choreographer and MD, told them that he’s gonna wait till we have full creative team so we can compile all concerns

    • Gonna be essential to have conversations  

    • Biggest worry is the physicality/intimacy

Questions from Directors

  • Nikita: Is there a way to keep people involved if they have to stay at home?

    • V good question 

    • We do not have an answer yet but we would like to keep people involved!!

  • Kendall: We will keep directors updated on what we hear from SAO and from the other Eboards, to see what everyone is thinking

  • Isa: You guys are great! And capable leaders! But we are here to support u :’)