E-Board Check-Ins
Two mentorship meetings - went super well!
Communicated with leaders for elements of theater workshops!
Watched REMO videos
Liased with Lisa from custodial - should be getting the keyboard tomorrow
SARP scheduling
Already Home stuff; interest form
Emailed Crystal all the student theatre photos
Met with Michael G
The thing from Siena = drive with all of the recordings
Sat in for Isa with performance leader meeting with Dean B
Looked over joint statement
Reviewed Isa’s documents
Went to mentorship meeting
Spoke with Devon about assassins
Helped with OB statement
Finalize joint statement, coordinated with OB to send it out
Mentorship meeting :)
Sent out an email with the fall plan
Wrote descriptions for each event
Made cover photos and graphics so we have them ready to post when voting ends
Met with Michael
Responded to emails about fall interest (and annoying shirt lady)
Watched REMO videos, brainstormed for splash a bit
Edited party culture conversation guide/membership expectations/social event guide
Made list of amendments to draft for the GM
Started the GM slideshow
Met with Michael
Jeffery from Playwrights wanted to store something in the Space
Found out that the fire alarm is in the boiler room
Went over dates for mask making
Digitized key forms
Fall Open Board
Should be next weekend… Natalie will reach out to her counterparts and gauge interest
One Acts
Push back to Oct 23-24?
Holding auditions
Elements of Theater Workshop schedule
Sep 13th - Directing
Sep 20th - Onstage Intimacy
Oct 4th - Writing
Read a 10 minute play, talk about how it’s written and format
How playwrights move through the world
Micro-cosmic experience
Offer to read anything
Oct 11th - Choreography
Nov 1st - Producing
Technical Workshops
Mask making - Saturdays?
September 19th
October 3rd
Lighting, other tech stuff
Inspiration Project
Open applications - open for a week
Close them and group people together
Inspiration Project Vision Statements → due Oct 4th
Casting → week of 19-23
Final Scripts Due, cast lists due → week of 26
3-4 week rehearsal schedule
Signups - rank your interest/roles you want to hold
Zach wants separate applications
director/writer application - they can indicate their preference
Writer can say if they’re interested in a co writers
Then producer, TD, SM applications
There can be co-writers
Isa will develop a draft interest form
Requiring written check-ins every week throughout the process, then have one person from the team coming into board once rehearsals start
OR invite them to come into board because it’ll be zoom and they can just call in
Writer’s power: will it change after the script is finalized? How much power will they have over the rehearsal process and actors? Can they change the script once rehearsals start?
There has to be a final point by which the script cannot be changed
They shouldn’t have equal power to the director
Guest director at the initial read through/first rehearsal, can share thoughts with director & actors, but after that point they pass the power over to director & their script must be finalized
Becomes a supportive role after finalized script
Division of power that changes when they go into the rehearsal room
Isa will draft this division of power
SM’s power → how can we better support our SM’s?
Mentorship Program Updates!
Went super well!!!
Lots of virtual bonding ideas
Registered on REMO heck ya
Get link through engage, go in during the time
3 40-minute sections
1-1:40 - Isa, Kendall
1:40-2:20- Natalie, Rob
2:20-3- Zach, Sunny
Graphics - whiteboard? Can we write on it?
Chat can be used - we can send a graphic/flyer
Eboard Policy: voted to have SUSIBU/SARP training for leaders in Troupe
Nail down what day of the week works for everyone
First GM Preparation
Let’s not go over the amendments at this meeting
Meet on Saturday to go over everything
Already Home
TD assigned by Zach, Producers assigned by Sunny
Consolidating applications into one interest form
Final notes on:
Membership expectations
Dues → each semester
Membership expectations at the end of emails
Requiring SM/Director/TD/producer to go over it at first meetings
Application to join a special project (not paying dues) includes a check mark in which they have to agree to abide by the expectations (expectations are embedded)
Expectations for social and informal events
Party culture conversation guide prior to publishing
Mentor leader: Isa for now, always a member of eboard
Performance group meeting recap
Rundown of what other groups are doing
Aaron Goldberg (BU Bands) → more info on their health & safety protocol, we can reach out to them for singing stuff
Dean B: be ready for things to change & change fast
Don’t be afraid to ask a student for a health certification
Film students have their own equipment that they would be willing to loan
Fundraising, gofundme, redbubble
Anything that can be virtual should be, community building
Make sure membership knows ALL about our health protocols
BU Central stage might be available!
Bridge towards the future of our group!!!!!!!