President: Isa
Redid pitch form for PDP
Outlined rough idea of peer mentor program
VP: Robert
Reached out to BU Arts Initiative
Finished infographic
VPSP: Natalie
Finalized event descriptions
Fixed timeline
Planning COMBAT Jr - almost done!
Treasurer: Sunny
Modified producer app for STVSF
Reached out to BU IT and got webinar license
Filed nametag order form
Analyzed eventbrite data from last shows
Met with Dean B → summer stuff, orientation
He will share STVSF with incoming freshmen
Secretary: Kendall
Finish branding and logo for STVSF
Compiled everything for STVSF, made the announcement over fb, instagram, email
Set up engage w/ gallery, eboard members, socials, etc
Sent out Senior tribute emails, got some great submissions so far
Yellow boat donation finally submitted!
TA: Zach
Made COMBAT sign up form
Made fall TD and SM forms
Medea featured in BU Today