President: Isa
Compiled everyone’s pros and cons re: Summer Festival, sent out master list
Reached out to other presidents to gauge interest in sensitivity workshop
WM and SS are definitely on board, OB wants to touch base again
VP: Robert
Brainstormed STVSF stuff
Talked to Erin about how she set up the HTC workshop
VPSP: Natalie
Brainstormed STVSF stuff
Made a document writing out overviews, mock timeline of what the summer would look like, jotted down proposed logistics
Thought about panels stuff, lots to go over later
Treasurer: Sunny
Brainstormed STVSF
Spring Funding Request preliminary work
Ideas for funding special projects
Final week for SAO
Secretary: Kendall
Brainstormed STVSF
Assembled senior list, brainstormed ideas
Made summer posting schedule
Started graphics work for social
Tried working on engage, assembling photos for a gallery
TA: Zach
Brainstormed STVSF
Sent Kendall list of seniors
Started working on TD and SM applications for F&F
Forwarded Kendall an email from MTI
Told Robert to reach out to Arts Initiative