Eboard Check Ins
Met with Babatunde
Met with FTV department
Met with SARP
OBoard meeting
Worked on a document that OB shared with
Created a document with 3-pronged plan
Watched scene showcase
SARP and OBoard meeting
SSS happened! Ran that, hosted, acted
SARP and OBoard meeting
Participated in SSS
Looked through OB’s document
Couldn’t go to SARP meeting sadly, Went to OBoard meeting
Worked on some stuff for scene showcase
OBoard meeting
SSS tech stuff, rehearsals, performance
Went to the Space!!!!
Need to clean it
Fire alarm running out of batteries
Call with Dean B Monday morning
STVSF Check-Ins
Went super well even with the setbacks, as an Eboard we could tackle it
Membership was excited with the events
Difficult to get members involved with SPs
Convincing people to audition, pitch, etc
Director makes a huge difference for virtual performances
People who know what to do with actor/techies’ time
Natalie had to walk some weird lines with her participation
We may need to give more support to any new directors
Zach had to fill in for Andrea a little bit, sign ups were low, lots of reaching out directly
Feedback form for STVSF experiences
FTV Meeting
Call with Charles Mertzbacher
Talked about different opportunities for actors
Directing course - paid opportunity
Production 2 class - short film final project, unpaid
Short scene acting in other classes
Zoom auditions for anybody who’s interested in
Could use this as a recruitment tactic, the list will be public
Opportunity to work with professionals in a new way, won’t take away from our membership
Also work with SoT in CFA but have trouble with scheduling
Cross-promotion; could post our casting calls on this database
They will send their guidelines; always wearing masks, 6ft apart
Professor available to come to our GMs to speak about it - presentation we can use