Check Ins:
Follow up SARP meeting
Their team isn’t super equipped for the workshop, but they gave some contacts
Suggested doing a SUSIBU training for theater! - need a tentative date and list of people attending
Pitch review
Have a composer for Gatsby!
Thinking about tech from anywhere
Reviewed pitches, added questions
Reached out to wandering minds re: book club
Went to Zoom Theatre webinar
Updated VPSP guide about reading committee, sensitive material, recording answers at pitch GM
Thought about tech from anywhere
Posted producer app!
Went to Zoom Theatre webinar
Started working on mainstage producer form
Producer budget management form
Talked to Dean B
Posted about pitches for PDP and SSS
Read Siena & Julia’s pitches & the shows, compiled my questions on the doc
Updated site
all F&F forms posted
Calendar updated
Fall season updated
Alumni updated
Summer festival rearranged
Met with Sunny about DPS stuff
Senior tributes - reached out again & individually, drew up a draft
Read Zach’s forwarded space agreement
Didn’t send an email, but planning for one this week with show announcement & all the F&F apps
Sent out email to techies about F&F applications
Asked about interest in STVSF tech
Talked with other TA’s about Home Depot and Lowes - they’re on board!