The cast really enjoyed themselves and got a great introduction to Stage Troupe
Sydney and Danielle were extremely helpful, and tech was amazing
Jimmy the Antichrist: Brian
Wonderful experience. The cast and crew were great
Directing one-acts is great practice for both directing and SMing
It was difficult to work without a lighting assistant, but Sam was very helpful
Pappa Pia: Lauren and Paulina
This show was so much fun
Everyone loved their experience. There are no complaints
Sam and David were extremely helpful
Monologues: Maggie and Erin
The actors were great to work with. This was great practice for directing next semester
SM: David
Good experience overall
Conflicts were daunting, but everything worked out
Putting a director in a show or on a tech crew is not recommended
TD: Sam
This was a very enjoyable week
The last-minute lighting crew was phenomenal
Strike was almost done before the show was over, so everything wrapped up very quickly
Producers: Sydney and Nathan
Everything went very smoothly
There was so little to do that things felt overstaffed; may not have needed four people
The turnout was as expected. People seem to like catchy/silly titles for the Festival
Ultimately couldn’t take production photos because conflicts were too hard to work with
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
This week was all about organization. E-Board was very on top of scheduling for a busy week
Met with people from other groups
Guest directed for HwaYoun
Vice President: Erin
Requested a room for GM1, but room reservations are still not open
Contacted Playwright’s Theater to invite them to use the Space Cleaning dumpster
Reached out to Jamie for Space Cleaning advice
Made a detailed Space Cleaning schedule
Space Cleaning went so incredibly well. People were extremely helpful and efficient
TA tasks were divvied up among the Board
Reviewed TA Applications
VPSP: Sydney
It was great to see all the new faces at One-Acts
Made BUSTies ballots with Nathan
Senior Divas is on Tuesday. The chosen charity will be the AIDS Action Committee of New England
Made a poster for Senior Divas
Treasurer: Andy
Filmed One-Acts
Ordered the dumpster for Space Cleaning
Made deposits for Addams and Bird
Did rental agreements for Last Five Years
Picked “Girls Leap” as the charity for Charity Show
Did a Large-Scale Event Planning Workshop
Talked to Ellie and James about rights for Avenue Q
Secretary: Nathan
Made Facebook event for Space Cleaning
Made Facebook event for GM4
Will be contacting Spring directors this week in order to update the Current Season tab on the website as well as to create posts for Meet Your Leaders Monday, which will continue throughout the winter break
The Play Library in the Space is broken and should be looked into
The ceiling in the props loft of the Space is starting to cave in
Co-directors are great for time management and efficiency
Casting a diverse range of people helped attract a big, unique audience
Improv exercises and discussions about the text greatly improved the actors’ performances overall
Having over-the-top, melodramatic runs of the show kept the material from getting stale for the actors
SM: Alba
Working with the creative team was great
When there are multiple directors, it is important to sit down and figure out a plan for how to run rehearsals without both creative leaders present
Time got away from us due to the careful attention paid to the sensitive material of the show. Time should be set aside for dealing with heavy material, but too much can detract from overall productivity
Please do not double cast. Rehearsals had to start far too late in the night
Stage managing for One-Acts is not a sufficient prerequisite for head SMing a mainstage
ASMs were extremely helpful, though not fully prepared to head SM yet. They unfortunately weren’t given enough training, but they should be prepared after another semester as assistants
To keep strike from starting too late, someone should decide an allotted amount of time that is appropriate for actors to greet guests in the lobby. Too much visiting kept strike from starting efficiently
Cast and crew pictures should happen on the second night rather than on the same night of strike
TD: Cami
Had a great time working on the show with Taylor and Christy
The crew was spectacular, especially Kevin and Sophia, the ATDs
Sophia was extremely confident and could be considered to be a head TD
Producers: Lauren and Paulina
We need a more efficient system for handing out comp tickets to people on the tech crew. The current system doesn’t guarantee that techies will be able to see the show, so the system would be helped if we reverted back to last year’s system.
The Student Theater vacuum isn’t working. We should look into buying a new one.
Though we didn’t sell out any night, we sold fairly well overall.
The show was well under budget
The directors were great to work with. They had clear ideas for promo materials but were still open to exploring others
There is one shirt left over that had been requested but never paid for
Will give shirt money and keys to Andy this week
Show Check-Ins
10 Minutes to Save the World: HwaYoun
Due to conflicts with The Last Five Years tech week, the first rehearsal has been scheduled for Saturday
Asked actors to get off book as much as they can before rehearsal on Saturday
Jimmy the Antichrist: Brian
Met with cast and had a full read-through
Soft off book will continue through this week. Hard off book is on Saturday
Starting blocking this week
Pappa Pia: Lauren and Paulina
Held a read-through last weekend but only had a few cast members show up
Creating a schedule for this week’s rehearsals
Meeting with Sam Curley Monday night
Monologues: Maggie and Erin
Emailed all the performers about meeting to rehearse but have only received one response
Hope to rehearse with everyone this week
SM: David
Plans on attending a few rehearsals this week
TD: Sam
Techies have the scripts for all the shows
Meeting with all the directors tomorrow to discuss tech visions
Sent an email to the whole team asking them to schedule department their meetings this week
Producers: Sydney and Nathan
Working on a potential title for this season’s festival name
Will be reaching out to assistants about when to meet
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Chatted with potential future directors and gave advice about how to direct
If people have questions about the ins and outs of directing, they are open to ask any E-Board Member
Vice President: Erin
Got rooms reserved for Jimmy the Antichrist
Will post in the Facebook group to ask other One-Acts directors about their rehearsal room needs
Paint spilled on the rug during Sheba strike
VPSP: Sydney
There was a low turn-out for One-Acts auditions, but everyone seems happy with their casts
Erin was awesome at getting rooms reserved for auditions and rehearsals
Waiting for charity idea submissions and sign-ups from seniors for the Senior Divas Showcase
Made a Facebook group for everyone involved in One-Acts and tried to add as many people as possible (if you have not been added to the group and should have been, please email Sydney at
Sent an email to One-Acts directors offering help if help is needed
Treasurer: Andy
Not doing an Eventbrite for One-Acts due to past complaints
Picked producers for One-Acts
Submitted rights for Jimmy the Antichrist
Set up Orgsync event for One-Acts
Reached out to Erin and Maggie about the charity process for Charity Show
Seeing AB Funding staff to ask for funding
Secretary: Nathan
Got production photos for Will need to compress the files before uploading them to Facebook and Flickr
Still waiting on Addams production photos
Updated website dates and information
BUSTies voting will be on December 11th
Only two more E-Board Meetings left for the fall
Has the contract for Avenue Q. Will be applying for rights with the proposed dates as April 6-8
Would encourage new directors to ask as many questions as possible to people with experience. The set redesign was a bump in the road, and
Sam Kinde is a goddess and made it viable to redesign the set. It all worked out wonderfully despite the learning curve!
Couldn’t be happier with the cast and their dedication to the show.
SM: Catrin
It was really good to have had none of the actors double-cast; their other conflicts caused enough stress, and so it was for the best of the cast not to have other show commitments
Having the same room for nearly all rehearsals made actors very comfortable in their rehearsal space
Line-throughs would have been helpful
ASMs were great. They still need a little more experience before head SMing a show, but they’re on the right track and handled stressors fantastically well
Having a run on the night of move-in was difficult, but still incredibly helpful
Assistants played around with tech during the runs, and then the same person consistently worked on their own tech position during the actual show
It could have helped to have had more structure and a sensitive approach toward the heavier material of the show
TD: Sam
Learned so much throughout the entire process
The deadline for wood orders should be clearer for future TDs
The relationship between tech and actors should be heavily prioritized
Would not recommend having two set changes for a show
There should be set roles for each person on the creative team in order to avoid confusion
There should be time guidelines for the amount of time spent in the Theater. People left at a reasonable time every night, but it should be stressed that people should not stretch themselves too thin and stay too late in the night
A little bit more practice is required for ATDs to head TD
Need to clarify the protocols for when shows sell out. Also, we need to determine the amount of people allowed in the booth at one time
Didn’t have a lot of full-tech meetings. The individual tech meetings were just as effective
At the first tech meeting, TDs should be entirely clear about what each person’s role and time commitments are
Most of tech should come to Thursday performances so that they don’t crowd too many seats on the more popular nights
Big lighting crews were essential. Having them come in an hour early was incredible for the move-in process
Producers: Evan and Danielle
Actors loved their images
Assistants were very helpful during tech week. It was difficult for Danielle to balance health with producing, though the assistants really stepped up to the plate
Steve helped with the promo video, and Dan did a great job with the lobby
Dan could head produce again, though Steve could use another semester or two
Sold really well, especially with two other shows going on this weekend
55 on Thursday, 79 on Friday, and 102 on Saturday
Conner and Cat were great to work with
Looking for the remaining receipts for SDRs
The t-shirts will be coming this week
Dylan dropped in the middle of tech week. Rachel ended up helping out even though there was confusion about her commitments with Sheba
Communication on a lot of fronts was a little difficult. Could have done a little better getting in touch with assistants and each other
Actors should respect the creative vision and promotional material
Show Check-Ins
Come Back, Little Sheba
Directors: Christy and Taylor
Starting full runs this week
Steve Marois is guest directing this week
Alba has been fantastic all around
Cami has been wonderful as well. Had tech meetings with her all day today
Lauren and Paulina are doing an impressive job
Actors are all back and ready to rehearse
If actors want to tech, they should probably do the show furthest from their other tech weeks
SM: Alba
Went to a run-through of Bird on Wednesday to familiarize self with the process of being in the booth
Losing actors last week was rough, but things will start moving smoothly from here on out
Headshots happened today
First full run will be directly after the Board Meeting
Friday is the only night off for rehearsals this week. It’s important to communicate with the actors about how they handle the heavy material night after night
TD: Cami
Had a tech meeting that went really well
Things should go very smoothly for the show
Will go to Home Depot to buy paint
Going to see a run of the show this week
Producers: Lauren and Paulina
Went to SAO and ordered shirts, submitted a Kinkos order for flyers, and put in the wood order
Wood will be delivered tomorrow
HwaYoun designed the Warren poster. It’s not yet submitted due to an issue with the file size, but that will be fixed on Monday
Had a promo photo shoot
Erin will be working on programs, and all assistants will be helping with the lobby
Not many SDR receipts have come in (despite Paulina’s reminders)
Will be attending both full runs of the show this week
Assistants, as well as everyone on the creative team and in the cast, are all phenomenal. Everybody is so cooperative.
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Met with prospective directors
Talked to members to keep them enthused. A lot of people are very excited both about how Troupe has been going and how it seems like it’s going to be in the future
Vice President: Erin
Nothing to report!
VPSP: Sydney
Reading Committee happened. Everyone met up on Saturday, and now the only thing left to do is to create formal lists of questions for the prospective directors
Representatives from each Committee will be asking the directors questions at the GM
Treasurer: Andy
Working on a Snapchat filter for the Space
Updated Producer Feedback form
Looking for local business to help fund Troupe events
Needs to look into rights for the shows getting pitched
Might adjust show budgets for future semesters so that funds can be delegated efficiently
Needs to deposit the last of the money from Addams
There is a cash deposit option for Eventbrite that can be utilized, so long as the deposit is submitted to SABO
Secretary: Nathan
Jumped into the producing team for Stupid F%&king Bird
Sent GM #3 Reminder Email for 11/13
Joined and participated in Reading Committee
A student from Emerson contacted Troupe about a database for Boston-area theaters to connect and share resources
TA: Taylor
People need to be sat down and trained for designing sets. There were bumps in the road for every show thus far
The three strikes for all shows went smoothly. Wandering Minds and OB both returned everything to the Space
Filling out rentals with other groups
Creating Tech Feedback form for Bird
Setting a time limit on the Theater for tech week is a good idea so that people can stay healthy
Looked into ordering a dumpster for Space Cleaning
Trying to find a good date for Space Cleaning. Will invite other groups to help out
Fire Marshall is coming on 11/9. The Theater is all clear, but will do a walk-through of the Space to check in on everything
Moving forward, we need to be consistent with capacity restraints in the booth and the rest of the Theater. We should also clarify when members of tech will be seeing the show
Got a positive response from audience members and the Daily Free Press
Great relationship between creative team and tech. Everyone was very dedicated
Guest directors were extremely helpful
Tech bonding was very valuable and proved to be useful
Daniel Stocker was an amazing special boy to work with
Directors should pay attention to the amount of dances in the show. People should be prepared for how much choreography needs to be taken care of
Double casting should try to be avoided for the future
The relationship between cast and tech should continue to be improved. There should be more done to get everyone on a known-name basis
Music Director: Daniel
The drum rental worked very well. Payments still needs to go through, but that was expected
Future MDs should make office hours popular and stressed. Problem areas for music can’t always be fixed in the short rehearsal period and should be supplemented
The pit must be committed to tech week. Not everyone showed up on a nightly basis, which caused a rough run during tech week rehearsals
SM: Erin
For next time, double check access times for Tsai. For Sunday’s performance, we had too little time to prepare because the space was not open until too late in the morning
Double casting was not the easiest to work with. We had too many rehearsals with missing cast members
ASMs were incredible. Emma is entirely ready to head SM in a later semester. Erin is definitely on the right track
TD: Caitlin
It would have been best to have had two ATDs. The ATDs who were assigned were both surprised to have been part of such a big production, and so it may be useful to verbally confirm interest level and communicate with ATDs in the future
Maggie did an amazing job. After another semester as ATD, she would make a great head TD
Should write out a resource for set designing in Tsai
Two-week build sessions stretch people thin and are exhausting
Needed a bigger build crew, but some lovely volunteers did end up coming to help
Tech and crew should introduce themselves to each other and the cast during move-in
Tsai staff were extremely helpful
Will compile a list of strike felons for Taylor
Paulina and Lauren were great to work with and put so much heart into this show. They were so willing to help with tech
Overall, super proud of the final product
Producers: Kobi and Zoe
Tsai staff were very accommodating.
Head and assistant producer relationships were very positive, though people should be prepared for the difficult time crunch
652 people came to see the show
Everything was under budget
Sound budget might not always need to be so high; SAO arranges things with SPS anyway
Producers must triple check programs for correct information
There are a lot of SDRs left over from previous shows
Show Check-Ins
Stupid F%&king Bird
Director: Conner
Did a lot of full runs this week. Stopped full runs just short of the point of exhaustion and gave the cast a break before tech week
Worked with Anything Goes to arrange that both casts see each other’s shows.
Promotional material went out this week
Someone from the Daily Free Press will be coming to see the show
Move-in happened today, and things are looking very positive; acting is solid, and tech is phenomenal
SM: Catrin
Did three runs in a row. ASM line notes have improved
Seeing Anything Goes was really positive for cast morale. Had difficulty with communication from OB’s SM team
Tech has been great to work with in nearly every department
Will be calling at 6 for tech week and 6:30 for performance nights
Line memorization has improved, but could be precarious. Actors are ready but should continue studying
TD: Sam
Lights came for move-in an hour early. This is a really great idea for future move-ins
A small issue with the set. It was originally too large, but things were changed. Changing sets during the show shouldn’t be too difficult to manage
Producers: Evan and Danielle
T-shirts have been ordered a little later than they were expected. The assistant did not finish in time for the deadline. Had to redesign the shirt at the last minute without the help of the assistant who dropped the ball
Assistants have overall been difficult to communicate with
Cassidy Donohue really helped with promotional material
The Eventbrite link went up late, but that seemed to work out in terms of timing in conjunction with Anything Goes promo
Headshots will be this week, and plenty of promotional material will be going out this week
Went to SAO a few times this week and delegated reimbursements
Very under budget at the moment
Many actors directly confronted the producers and Andy about promotional material, pressing them for things to get out sooner
Only two shirts have been paid for so far
Dan Leary has been fantastically helpful
Come Back, Little Sheba
Directors: Christy and Taylor
TAs should not direct shows
Issues with scheduling runs with the full cast. Actors are pressing for full runs, yet they are consistently sending Alba new conflicts
Running into issues with cast members teching during Bird tech week
Alba is an angel sent from above, and the creative team as a whole has been amazing
First full run will be on Saturday after a week of problem scene work
It was really positive to have actors perform in front of a guest audience member
The show has heavy material, and so rehearsal have ended with “compliment circles” in which people compliment their team one by one
SM: Alba
Hard off book happened. Actors should be more confident in themselves.
ASMs have been good with line notes
Losing Chris to Anything Goes and Becca to Bird
Will have cast bonding to see both Anything Goes and Bird
TD: Cami
More department meetings happened this week
Met with set dec. last week, so now all departments have been consulted
Full crew meeting will be on Sunday
Looking for new scenic artist
Producers: Lauren and Paulina
Had meetings with assistants. HwaYoun Kang will design the poster. All assistants seem very excited to work
Photo shoot will be on Sunday, 11/6
Nobody’s made any Amazon requests. Deadline for requests will be 11/2
Finalized t-shirt design. Will make a Google form for shirts and bios soon
Need to talk to Cami about photo shoot and wood order
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Talked to a lot of members, specifically from the Addams cast. They had extremely positive experiences
Talked to people about pitching and garnered a lot of interest
Vice President: Erin
Got glow tape for the Space
Went to SAO sexual assault training
Put in reservations for next semester’s audition rooms. Shouldn’t have any problems
VPSP: Sydney
The BUT Formal went very smoothly and people seemed to enjoy it. It should be continued
Pitches have been submitted, and Reading Committee has been assigned, and everything should be all set and ready on 11/6 in time for the GM on 11/13
Senior Divas Showcase is in the works
Treasurer: Andy
Talked to Lucas from OB about creating geotags for shows. May start doing these with producers
Got iPads for Shiney James was incredibly helpful and very sweet
Sent out producer feedback forms for Feedback has been positive and informative for the future
Wants to look into getting Troupe-specific Eventbrite swipers so that we may do at-the-door sales
Secretary: Nathan
Published Stupid F%&king Bird Facebook event
Submitted Bird event to ArtsBoston, Daily Free Press, and General BU calendars
Met with Lucas from OB to talk about choosing the charity for the Senior Divas Showcase; posted on Facebook to have seniors send in ideas
Will be stepping in to help with Stupid F%&king Bird admission on show nights
TA: Taylor
Future TAs should make sure to hold groups accountable for safety trainings
All groups have completed safety training
Addams move-in, show, and strike happened. Sent feedback forms to tech to see how the show went. Waiting on responses, but the show was, overall, a challenging process
Rena and Jeff from Tsai were very clear and helpful to work with. People should not be afraid to ask them questions, because they are valuable and friendly
Wants to meet with Erin and Caitlin to add tips for F&F Weekend into the TA guide.
Two weeks of build might be necessary for shows of this size
Made an Excel sheet to share with the TAs of other groups and TDs for Troupe shows. It has details about which groups are using the Space and when
People from a local high school cane to see Addams and want to meet with Christy to talk about her costume design
Bird move-in could have used extra help
A lot of things are missing from the Space
Rena was very impressed with the build crew and producers
The full runs have been going well and are definitely performance-ready
Danny Ehrenpreis came in to guest direct, and Steve Marois will be coming to give his feedback on Monday
The SM team and Caitlin have been a godsend this week
Were unable to attend today’s sitzprobe due to move-in.
Really excited for opening night on Friday! Move-in was today, and everyone’s very excited to put on the full production
Music Director: Daniel
Sitzprobe went incredibly well!
Got the keyboard patches. They work and sound great
Drums were dropped off at Tsai today. Still waiting on a payment from SAO
SM: Erin
Unable to rehearse in Tsai on Monday so that lights can continue working, but will be doing a full run in the Student Theater with major props until in the meantime
TD: Caitlin
Paint finished up this week
Move-in was today. Most departments appear to be in a good place
Because the set isn’t completely up, set dec hasn’t finished
Will be finishing the set on Monday between 9 and 2
The MC cannot attend, so looking for extra sets of hands to help finish
Producers: Kobi and Zoe
Everything’s going well! The Warren poster should be up this week
Ticket sales haven’t been the best, but they’re expected to get better throughout the week
Stupid F%&king Bird
Director: Conner
Two full runs this week. Things are bumpy but not bad
Hard off book was this week
Had a guest director come in. She gave really helpful feedback
Will be losing an actor for other conflicts this week, but things will continue moving along
Had character meetings this week
SM: Catrin
Ran line notes for hard off book. ASMs are still learning.
Actors got a bit of a wake-up call regarding their memorization with the hard off book deadline
Have communicated clearly with actors about conflicts and shouldn’t be approached with any new ones
TD: Sam
Meeting with MC about cut list this week
Looking to reuse stuff from Addams to save money
Got email check-ins from departments
Needs to get keys for the Theater to be able to show lights their inventory
Trying to work out build week scheduling
Producers: Evan and Danielle
Finished poster design for the show and submitted it to SAO
Gave a much earlier deadline than normal to give a bit a wiggle room to the assistants who are still learning graphic design
Working on shirt design with an assistant
Assigned Dan Leary to plan out lobby decorations
Considering making a promo video if everything continues to be ahead of schedule
Haven’t had group meetings with assistants, but looking to plan things soon
Waiting to hear from props about budget needs
Come Back, Little Sheba
Directors: Christy and Taylor
No rehearsal this week
Everything is in a really good spot. Almost done blocking the show entirely
SM: Alba
Blocking should be complete by Monday
Did line-throughs with actors in lieu of group rehearsals and will probably continue them throughout the process
Soft off book is this coming week. Will be doing a soft line-through
TD: Cami
Had a department meeting with props that went very well—they plan on checking out what’s available in the Space this week
Has meetings scheduled for all other departments this week
Will be attending rehearsal on Thursday and Sunday
Producers: Lauren and Paulina
Met with Andy
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Posted in the Facebook group and reached out to people personally about pitching for One-Acts and the spring season
Moved stuff from SAO to the Space
Vice President: Erin
Reached out for a potential BUT Formal photographer
VPSP: Sydney
Apart from the photographer, everything for the formal is set and organized
Looking to create a photo booth for the formal
Two people have applied for reading committee, and some have expressed interest about pitching
Treasurer: Andy
Met with Lauren and Paulina—set deadlines for Amazon orders and talked about potential poster design ideas
Evenly distributed the cost of new paint among all the shows’ budgets
Must finish E-Board OrgSync trainings in order to get access to a free Warren poster
Will figure out the lights situation for Bird this week
Secretary: Nathan
Published Facebook event for The Addams Family
Submitted The Addams Family event to the ArtsBoston, Daily Free Press, and general BU calendars
Put Stupid F%&king Bird poster image on its website page
Ashley from the BU Taiwanese Association reached out asking if Troupe would like to be part of their fall concert. All have decided not to participate.
TA: Taylor
Addams build and move-in happened!
The Space needs some new supplies (including paint, plywood, and 2x4s)
Two-week builds are not ideal, but Addams’ made it easier to get projects done on schedule (shout-outs to Brian, Kevin, Alicia, and Sam for their help)
Addams move-in happened today! Caitlin and Maggie have been handling the process very well
Bird and Sheba are having their department meetings this week, and both TDs will be attending full runs of their respective shows
The keyboard patches have been paid for and were supposed to have been sent to Eric
Violin dropped, but in contact with another
SM: Erin
Not here this week, so Emma P. took over and did a fabulous job
She is ready to be a head SM
Everything is blocked (save one dance number), and the first full runs will be this week
Hard off-book on Saturday went fantastically well
TD: Caitlin
Build and paint have begun
Reusing a lot of stuff in the Space to make building easier
Last tech meeting was this week, and everything seems to be going well
This week is all about painting. If anyone is available to help, any assistance is appreciated
Producers: Kobi and Zoe
Warren poster is ordered
Shirts will be available this week
Working on getting more mics
Working on submitting the digital posters
Meeting set for Tuesday to organize the Link table
Programs are almost done
Stupid F%&king Bird
Director: Conner
The cast has begun full runs
Choreographer taught half of the show’s movement piece. She will be back next week
Guest director didn’t come this week, but will be at rehearsal on Thursday
Department meetings have been going well
SM: Catrin
Will finish a full rehearsal schedule soon
Mostly off-book. Hard off-book is Saturday
TD: Sam
Had department meetings with most departments
Ryan is doing so well with the set design and hopes to have it checked by David, the MC, so that the cut list can get done as soon as possible
Lights is going to be an intensive department
Wants to know the status about acquiring more source 4s
Producers: Evan and Danielle
Going to talk to Sam about budget soon
The final illustration of the poster should be done soon
In contact with assistants—they are doing a lot to contribute to graphic design and lobby ideas
Come Back, Little Sheba
Directors: Christy and Taylor
Character meetings and rehearsals have been going on
Scheduling issues are causing some problems
Many actors are getting off-book!
SM: Alba
Essentially finished blocking act 1
In preparation for an emotionally heavy scene, the team will talk to all of the actors for the sake of comfort
Soft off-book on 10/17 – scheduling with individual actors to run lines with ASMs
Having trouble with last-minute conflicts after the schedule has already been solidified
TD: Cami
Scheduled most department meetings—will schedule set dec meeting soon
A set design is finished
Everything is going well
Producers: Lauren and Paulina
Will meet with assistants soon about what they’re most interested in
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Went to the SAO Student Theater meeting
Vice President: Erin
Went with Danielle to SAO to meet with Crystal and Nora about divvying up the Student Theater in the Spring semester. Everything stayed the same, but One-Acts are now moved up one week (to the week of 4/16)
VPSP: Sydney
Had coffee with Maria about formal. Everything is well under control
Kickball is on Monday!
Two people have reached out about Reading Committee. Will continue to advertise
Has an Improv Asylum gift card that can be used as an award for a future event
Treasurer: Andy
Got three iPads for F&F Weekend
Talked to SAO and SABO to get Square for at-the-door ticket sales
May want to get our own
Almost 95% of people have paid dues!
Will start getting the crewneck sweatshirt designed and ordered
Secretary: Nathan
Contacted people who had not yet paid dues
Sent out GM #2 Email
TA: Taylor
Safety trained the Addams MC, TD, and ATD
Three additional safety trainings planned.
Build and paint have started. Shout-out to Dylan Herina for lending his car
For future F&Fs, the scenic artist should get the paint themselves
Joined rewards program with Home Depot to share among Troupe
Move-in should go well. Everything is getting done either early or on time
Coordinating the double build-week between Bird and Anything Goes
Joined build and paint week
Has an invoice for the keyboard patches, but doesn’t have the actual patch. Will reach out for access
Has been having pit rehearsals. Four songs away form finishing the show
Rehearsed two big group numbers with the cast
SAO needs a W9 from the drummer before funding
TD: Caitlin
Went to read-through and made notes of tech elements
Finalized set design
Needs to email tech crew the second tech lists come out
Wants to order wood ASAP
Producers: Kobi and Zoe
Has photoshoot planned for the first weekend of October
Zoe is working on t-shirt design
Funding approval in the works
Stupid F%&king Bird
Director: Conner Reed
Talked to old directors and got a lot of really good guidance regarding the auditions process
Recommends having directors discuss who will be called back at the end of each rehearsal
Has first read-through tonight
Playing around with a rough rehearsal schedule
Producer: Danielle and Evan
Recently assigned! Will sit down with Conner this week to discuss the producer vision and plans
Come Back, Little Sheba
Directors: Christy and Taylor
It worked well to have individual sides at auditions, followed by paired sides with assigned partners at callbacks
Reached out to past directors for help. Make spreadsheets that helped organization. Decided to take pictures of the auditionees in order to remember them well
In the future, we need to avoid squatting rooms for callbacks. For something so pertinent, it really hurts us
Really excited for the cast! First read-through will be later this week
Will be meeting with Anything Goes’ creative team to make sure the lead is shared efficiently
Producers: Paulina and Lauren
Got assigned recently. Will schedule with Taylor and Christy to talk about the show’s vision
E-Board Check-Ins
President: Danielle
Congrats on casting!
Auditions happened. We had so many new members come in to audition; thrilled about the turnout
Vice President: Erin
Working on getting rooms for rehearsals. Got rooms for Bird for most days (but not on Tuesdays). Addams has the Student Theater for two weeks.
Squatting for callbacks was difficult. The problem with room reservations shouldn’t happen again
VPSP: Sydney
Ice Cream Social went extremely well. Made a poll for preferred flavors, and many new freshmen came and stuck around for a while
The CSC contacted us and offered free leftover costumes for the taking
Had coffee with Maria from OB. Kickball is October 8th. Talked about formal, and has a really good plan going
COMBAT had plenty of sign-ups
Treasurer: Andy
Dues went really well this year. Made sure that people paid dues before being allowed to audition at callbacks – Nathan emailed those who hadn’t paid with a reminder and did not permit them to check in to auditions before paying
Wants to do a similar thing with techies
Did SAO training through OrgSync
Assigned head producers for all shows. Will be able to assign a good amount of assistants for each show
Eventbrite for Addams is up and ready to go
Wants to make producer tutorial videos for future producers
Will meet with head producers soon to discuss the season’s themes
Secretary: Nathan
Wrote callbacks and cast list blurbs and published the posts as quickly as possible
Updated “Current Season” pages with cast lists and posted the link to Addams’ Eventbrite on its page
Made tech meeting and ice cream social event. Social media has been active and responsive. Has drafts started for COMBAT and Techstravaganza
In order to complete the email list, needs the emails of everyone who paid their dues as well as everyone assigned to a tech position
TA: Taylor
The tech meeting with really successful. Over 50 new people have applied, along with 15 new potential ATDs.
Has to communicate with OB so as not to conflict Anything Goes’ crew with Bird
Has potential TD for COMBAT
Hopes the tech lists will be out by Wednesday at the latest. Wants to get TDs and SMs by Monday night or Tuesday morning at the earliest
Planning Techstravaganza. We have a lot of new people but not too many returning tech, so we’re on the lookout for event leaders
Sydney did an amazing job, and SMs are critical for a process as long as Summer Show
We should coordinate more with BU to fill seats beyond the excursion. We should be a thing everybody doing summer staff sees, not just the excursion.
TD: Brittany
Congrats to everyone working on the show – it went well. Thanks to Sydney, Erin, and Taylor for representing Board and working on the show
The long time frame and the casual nature of summer made it difficult to get people to commit. Many people dropped and made the process difficult.
Would recommend having dates set in stone earlier on.
Doing the tech runs the day before performances got to be a lot – maybe only do runs in the first couple of weeks and then only do it again if necessary.
Thanks to Marissa, Jordan, and Tyler Armey for their commitment.
Please, never do sand again. Strike went well but took a long time because of it.
SM: Sydney
Actors didn’t respect the rehearsal process – hard to communicate with, and many failed to show up to rehearsal
As the summer wore on, the production’s energy got stale
The tech team did an amazing job and had a really solid experience and sense of community.
Communication and bonding are intrinsic parts of the show experience, and directors and TDs should be aware of their responsibility in setting the social tone.
Producer: Christy and Zach
The Q&A worked really well and should be kept for future shows
Got a sign-up list started
Social media promotion went well
Headshots should be tackled very early on; it was hard to get all the actors together at once
Headshots for both actors and tech might be something to look into
Maybe do more well known shows in the summer to attract more freshmen
E-Board needs a consistent expectation of what the show is – is this a show for freshmen or a promotion for Stage Troupe? If both, things should be restructured
Show Check-ins
The Addams Family
Director: Lauren and Paulina
Mostly blocked – reworking blocking around a new set design
Trouble getting in touch with Daniella
Is it possible to get an SM early on?
MD: Daniel
We need a keyboard for rehearsals
Most of the pit is secured, but we need a violinist and trumpeter
Talking about the pit budget – need a drum set. Will email Andy the quotes
TD: Caitlin
Has to redesign the set after learning some limitations
Would like to take the directors into Tsai so that everyone can understand the space they can work with
Producers: Zoe and Kobi
Have a loose timeline for the production process
Stupid F%&king Bird
Director: Conner
Things are going great!
Come Back, Little Sheba
Director: Christy and Taylor
Have a running list of wish/wants/needs for tech
Picked audition sides
Excited for Splash! and auditions
E-Board Check-ins
President: Danielle
GM 1 is Sunday 7:30PM in KCB 101!
Splash! is Saturday, 9/10
We are participating in the BU Fall Arts Fair
Got Stage Troupe buttons
Performance showcase on Thursday, 9/15. Will contact former “Window Husbands” cast for a revival.
Tech Meeting is at 1PM in The Space on 9/17
T-Shirt Display is still happening! If anyone has shirts from previous shows, give them to E-Board
Got an email from Wandering Minds asking us not to do One Acts in the Student Theater. Told them that the dates are set.
Vice President: Erin
Called facilities to get KCB unlocked in time for the GM
Worked with SAO about room reservations for GM 1, auditions, one-acts auditions, and BUSTies, but is having difficulty with audition rooms for Wednesday. Talking to them on Tuesday.
BUSTies is on 5/2 in Photonics
Will talk to directors about room reservations for rehearsals
VPSP: Sydney
Met with Danny and planned out all special projects on a Google Calendar for the whole semester
Ice Cream Social on 9/17 at 3PM in the Theater! Planned with Maria from OB about inter-group involvement
COMBAT is 9/23 at 8PM. WM, OB, and Liquid Fun have all been confirmed to participate.
Due to the spontaneous nature of COMBAT, will ask for a brief synopsis of the performances to check for reason for trigger warnings
Corresponded with a Shakespeare Society Alum about the group’s involvement in COMBAT. Things did not go smoothly, but we still never got in contact with anyone who is currently in charge of Shakespeare Society.
Met with Maria from OB to compare calendars. Kickball is planned for 10/8 at 10AM. We’ve also been invited to the OB picnic.
Treasurer: Andy
Looking into a Troupe keyboard
Got Kobi and Zoe for F&F Weekend producing
Worked with Nathan on merch survey over the summer. Crewneck sweaters will be available soon. But first we need to sell more t-shirts!
Needs to contact Shiney about F&F tickets.
Submitted the AB Funding form. Asked for money for lights, Warren posters, etc.
Looking for more businesses to help us with sponsorship and funding. (Possibly Insomnia Cookies?)
Will submit a producer feedback form for Summer Show and will continue to use them throughout the year.
Needs to check producer’s booth for what we need
Secretary: Nathan
Facebook event for GM 1 went live today. Drafts for auditions, the tech meeting, Ice Cream Social, and Techstravaganza exist and are in the works
Made info sheets for Splash!, The Theater Now, and the Fall Arts Fair
Will need help with printing
Only the The Theater Now coordinator has responded – Nathan will promote Troupe on Monday, 9/12 in his class
TA: Taylor
We need to communicate clearer expectations for Summer Show.
Tech team solidarity should be emphasized more! It did great things during Summer Show. Tech feedback surveys were great and Brittany got great reviews as a TD
Assigned TD for Addams Family: Caitlin. Working on the set for it so that the wood order can be made
There is a fly problem in the Student Theater’s green room area
Will post tech form applications on social media around the time of Splash!
We should find a way to assess tech retention
The new key arrangements will be dealt with next week
We need the Student Theater to be clean for SAO next week
The new amp was purchased, but unsure about what its current status is
No word from the Fire Marshall (no news is good news!)
Working on graduation cords – will handle purchasing them
Compiled and printed the amendments to Article 13 of the constitution
VPSP: Danny
Had four individual roasting meetings with people who couldn’t attend the workshop
PowerPoint for BUSTies is looking good. Hanna and Ali are doing great
SAAD committee responded, nominations are ready to go
Anyone who has questions or concerns are free to contact Danny directly
Approved requests for roast extensions (Monday or Tuesday at the latest)
Trophy heads are in
E-Board will assemble BUSTies trophies on Wednesday
Summer show auditions are Monday (4/26) and Tuesday (4/27) from 7:30 – 10pm in PSY B43
Ballots for BUSTies voting are printed. Absentee ballots are due by Monday at noon
Treasurer: Brittany
Picked up the Warren poster for One Acts
31 tickets sold for BUSTies—everyone should buy tickets!
Still need to know the dates of Summer Show so that we can get show rights
Secretary: Karlie
About 60% of the way done with the Secretary guide - will be finishing it up soon
Sent out GM reminder email last night
Going to blast BUSTies and Summer Show auditions on social media – will be posted on the website sidebar, Twitter, and Facebook, and will be announced at the GM and in the GM recap email
Posted in the Facebook group about the nurse's mental health presentation and got a solid response; emailed the presentation and instructions to those interested
TA: Jamie
Space cleaning went well and everything got done
All shows met the time requirement
Wishes that OB had come earlier to take apart their own materials. In the future, we should discuss having people who use the Space be involved in Space Cleaning
OB is going to help buy a new table saw
New lights/hair and makeup supplies are coming soon
Building the “Before I Die” wall on Monday at 6pm
Almost done with TA guide
Sharing the Space with OB was difficult this semester, so we separated things to help clear up confusion
President Elect: Danielle
Planning to decorate the producer’s booth with old Troupe t-shirts. Accepting donations!
Treasurer and Secretary Elect: Andy and Nathan
Met to plan next year’s new Troupe merchandise. Will release a Google Form in the summer to gauge membership interest
Daniel Stocker will be accompanying – he will not be there this Wednesday so they will be using rehearsal tracks then
TD: Devika
Move-in was fast
Had rough runs of every show as well
Might get to do some programming tonight
Need to still figure out set changes
Some of the blue safety lights are not working in the theater
SM: Alba and Caitlin
Put up pipe and drape today
There was a “run of sorts” today
Paper tech is happening tomorrow at 5PM
Alba will be backstage during the show and Caitlin will call the show
Going to send out an email of the actors’ call time
Director: Karen
Monologuers are great
Jenna is sick but still doing very well
Producing: Brittany
Just shared profile picture and cover photo for One Acts
Doing headshots tomorrow
Warren poster is going up tomorrow
E-Board Check Ins
President: Michael
Do we have all of the show posters from this semester? – Yes, we will schedule
Trophy case for Producer’s booth will finally be researched
VP: Alison
Got an email from Joe McLaughlin about our sound system troubles
Ran Sound of Music Night with Karlie
Have Honor’s College Symposium during Space Cleaning – will miss it
Gave keys to Alba
VPSP: Danny
Will chat with Sydney on Skype in the coming weeks
Sent out emails about BUSTies yesterday
BUSTies Event Manager will be Abby Kass and Assistant Event Manager will be Faith Reed
Roasts are due to Abby Kass on Thursday, April 23rd at 8PM
Hosting a roasting workshop that will be on Satruday, April 16th from 3:30PM-4:30PM
Joe McLaughlin might have to miss some audition dates – going to inquire further
Tech for Summer Show will be decided post GM #5
Figuring out Tech Week for One Acts with the SMs – cancelled the Thursday run so the cast will be able to attend American Idiot
Capture the Flag went super well – something to be continued
Looking for 3 more people to roast still
Movie Night is the same night of Game of Thrones premiere – going to poll whether of not we will watch this or something else
Baby board needs to start thinking about E-Board superlatives
Treasurer: Brittany
BUSTies Eventbrite is done
Going to get the poster for Play It Again, Sam
Have to pick producers for Summer Show
Secretary: Karlie
Nursing program director reached out about using Troupies to read real life statements from individuals grappling with mental health for her presentations; emailed her and said we would love to help, and waiting on a response
Have to renew domain for the Stage Troupe website; Nathan will be doing this
ESA awards – we got 3 nominations, one of which we were the only group nominated, so we auto-won!
Won’t be at board next week
Made the One Acts Facebook event
Going to introduce Nathan to the press contacts that I built up this year
Need to make BUSTies Facebook event
Met with Nathan for the first time
TA: Jamie
Gave keys to Devika and to Caitlin for One Acts
Went through tech feedback surveys for Play It Again, Sam – people were mad about having two runs in one night during tech week
Karlie sent strike felon email to strike felons from this semester
Facilities fixed smoke detector in The Space
Environmental Health and Safety will come and pick up excess paint from The Space
A lot of Film and TV students have been approaching Jamie for props and costume pieces for their production classes – only really letting people who are Troupe members borrow things
Last night Wandering Minds could not get into their storage space so they left stuff at our Space overnight
OB built this week
Other theater groups need to tell us when they want us to take the Stage Troupe sign in the lobby of the Student Theater down so we can do it safely and put it back up correctly
Will collect keys from current E-Board officers on May 1st redistribute them to Summer Show
We should figure out our baby board and current board food gathering soon
Cody Sloan reached out to Andy about being the official videographer for next year
Overall good experience – from before casting to the end of the show
TD and the producers have been great
Board needs to even more clearly delineate roles from the beginning – make this even more explicit
Make sure that techies visiting rehearsals tell the SM that they are coming in advance and to come on time so they do not disrupt rehearsal
Is there any way for us to ask SAO not to schedule rehearsals next to a cappella groups? It makes it very hard to stay focused during rehearsal
TD: Chris
Shortest strike he has ever been to – especially with having a set of that size
E-Board needs to tell directors the rules for strike more clearly
A lot of people were not respectful of him as a TD; felt that he needed to be more firm than other TDs
Advice for other TDs:
Be ambitious – take risks and try new things because we are capable of it
Be in constant communication with your creative team
Don’t be scared to be firm, especially at strike
Communicate with ATDs earlier
Producers: Paulina and Karen
OB American Idiot promotion did not affect ticket sales in absolutely any way
In the future, producers should delegate to assistants more
Sold out two shows and sold well on Thursday (50 something)
Expensive show; still need everyone’s receipts but we did well
Feel free to take risks with decorating the lobby – it certainly pays off
SM: Nicolette
There were some scheduling problems, so just send out a schedule early and make sure SM, directors, and actors are on the same page from the beginning
Memorization went really well and tech week was good, despite her stomach flu
Constant communication with ASMs is always good, because making them feel involved the entire time is vital for making the process go smoothly
One Acts and Monologue Festival
Director: Brittany
Had a rehearsal on Saturday – it was amazing
Have a cast bonding planned on Friday
Director: Brittany
Had rehearsals with Jenna Pearlman and Abby Kass
Already set up rehearsals for Joe McLaughlin and Jenna again
Really helpful to have the SMs
Director: Danielle
We have had 4 rehearsals
Music is completely learned – had a quasi sitzprobe today
Just need to block stuff with full cast and Katilyn
Has been super helpful to have Daniel as just an accompanist so she can focus on teaching the cast the music
Director: Emma
Had first rehearsal, have the rest of rehearsals planned out for the week
Actors are in a good spot to be off book by the deadline
SM: Caitlin
Learned how to make a Google calendar
Alba and Caitlin have both been messaging Alison for rooms
Lots of rehearsals are happening this week
Decided on the show order this week – it is flexible though
Just made the cover photo and poster
Brainstorming lobby ideas
TD: Devika
Can definitely be at both days of the show (it was previously in question)
Department meetings went well; will follow up this week and make sure everyone's getting a move on – will look in the space with props and costumes soon
Might reach out to someone else about working on sound with Erin but not sure yet
E-Board Check Ins
President: Michael
Will be sending cast feedback form to Play It Again, Sam cast
Vice President: Alison
Got a lot of rooms for One Acts
VPSP: Danny
Sent out the nom com email to the directors
Made a Google form for all of nom com
Found out a lot about Saad committee this week; thank you to one of out past VPSPs, Celia
Talked to VPSP candidate, Sydney Charvat, this week about the position of VPSP
Idine will be accompanying Joe McLaughlin at One Acts Festival for his monologue
Treasurer: Brittany
Sent out producer feedback for Play It Again, Sam
Going to talk to producers of Glass about their feedback
Going to set up BUSTies event soon
Secretary: Karlie
butv10 piece on Glass came out on Thursday
The Daily Free Press emailed and asked about reviewing Play It Again, Sam – said that was ok and sent them production photos but they haven’t responded to follow up or posted the review; will follow up again
Made GM #4 Facebook event and sent out reminder email
Made ballots for E-Board elections
TA: Jamie
Went through tech feedback for Glass – much less negative feedback on tech for this semester compared to last semester
WM built in The Space this week; all was fine except they were not thrilled with having to halt build during Playwright’s Theater performances
Space Cleaning will be Sunday, April 24th at 12PM; ordered the dumpster
Sent out Play It Again, Sam tech feedback
Going to email strike felons to respective TDs
We need to address the speakers being broken in the theater ASAP
Fire alarm in The Space keeps beeping
Proposed amendment to Article 13 of the Constitution that further describes roles of Producer and Technical Director
Currently the Constitution does not reflect what actually happens in practice with these two roles
Overwhelmed by how much people responded to the show positively
Creative team was extremely helpful throughout the process – very collaborative
Important to have talk between TDs and SMs during Tech Week
Talkback was excellent – Director of MassKids, Jetta, was incredibly helpful to have on-hand
Important to talk to actors at the end of each rehearsal to check in, even if it’s not a particularly heavy scene of part of the show being rehearsed
5 weeks was enough to rehearse this show but a longer show would be significantly more difficult to pull off in this amount of time
Definitely keep lines of communication open between directors and cast
SM: Erin
Very relaxed and fun rehearsal room
Best tech week she’s ever had
Only issue was with lighting department – only one member of four person team came to move in so Erin and TD, Sam had to hang all of the lights themselves; in the future lighting team needs to know that they need to be there throughout tech week
TD: Sam
Being a TD for the first time was awesome – particularly because of the creative team
5 weeks was totally doable – TD just needs to be organized
Budget for Charity Show should have more defined guidelines; if we do have to spend money we should have parameters that dictate the max amount allowed to spend
Tech week went so well
A weird pattern of the process was people not showing up to things – will email strike felon list to Jamie
Need to give tech crew members talk about prioritization; people who are on multiple shows need to know how to prioritize better because things get jumbled easily
Producer: Danielle
Need to do better in terms of inclusion with producers – focus a lot of time and energy on making sure that TDs and SMs feel included and need to do the same for producers
T-shirts were so successful – people came up to cast and crew members during tech week and inquired about the show; we should try to get money from Stage Troupe to pay for t-shirts – honestly crazy to have a producer spend $400 of their own money
Outsold every spring semester show from last year – sold out on Saturday night!
Maybe should have had the talkback on a different night – Friday was our lowest selling night; make sure that the cast and crew work with charity and the issue beforehand so they can provide good insights
The Glass Menagerie
Director: Victor
Rehearsals are moving along well
Incorporating start/stop rehearsals as well as runs
Steve came in to guest direct after a run and his notes were so valuable
Actors are getting closer and closer to the truth of their characters
Photoshoots were done today and went without a hitch
SM: Alison
Officially hard off book
Lead was ill this week and could not go to the full hard off book run – but very confident that she will be
TD: Caitlin
Waited too long to put in wood order, so SAO said it would not be here until Wednesday; Jamie and Caitlin had to go to Home Depot to pick it up in a UHAUL today
OB will be renting lights from ALPS for Spelling Bee, and they proposed that those lights could used for both Spelling Bee and The Glass Menagerie without communicating with Caitlin; figured out a way to do so but need to let OB know this and confirm how much each group will be spending
Move in will be starting later on in the day (3PM) to accommodate post Spring Break travel
Producer: Andy
Had photoshoot today
Costumers got nearly all of the costumes for the show for free from Emerson
Submitting Warren poster tomorrow
Andy will send poster and cover photo to Karlie soon
T-shirt and bio form was due today – a lot of techies did not fill it out; working with Caitlin to make sure they do
Play It Again, Sam
Director: Daniella
Back on track rehearsal-wise
Will work each act separately this week and do a full run by the end of the week
Planning on doing more character work once lines are down
SM: Nicolette
Informed last minute that one actress had tech week for another show, so lost two rehearsals this week
Rearranged things so we should still be on schedule to complete our goal finishing blocking by spring break
TD: Chris
Department meetings are finally done
Set design changed so cut lists didn’t happen last week – looking to do it tomorrow or Tuesday so they can order wood ASAP and avoid the situation that The Glass Menagerie endured
Sound designer is new to Stage Troupe and wants to take a look in the theater at our system – will coordinate with Caitlin during her tech week
Producer: Karen
Scheduling has been a little crazy
Looking to get poster done this week
Not planning on doing bus ads – will do flyers instead
E-Board Check Ins
President: Michael
Will send out cast feedback tonight to the cast of Dog Sees God
Posted in the Stage Troupe Facebook group about new plays for the Play Library
Thinking of ordering a new Space Rules poster for The Space – Karlie will design it
Will meet on 3/13 at 6PM at the Theater – NOT on 3/6
VP: Alison
Got some rooms this week
Got keys back from Erin
Need info about MassKids, posters from TA Event and Dog Sees God
VPSP: Danny
More talkbacks in general – need to be planned better and further in advance
Movie night might not happen – still working out the kinks
Tentatively have an accompanist for One Acts
Karlie will send out a reminder email about pitch deadline
Treasurer: Brittany
Waiting to get money from W;t and Seussical
Need someone to pick up Dog Sees God poster tomorrow
Will send out another Google Form for t-shirt interest because we have a lot of new members
Secretary: Karlie
Put EventBrite link for Glass and Sam on appropriate show pages
Landed the Dog Sees God pitch for the Daily Free Press
Had an interview with Danny, Karen and the reporter on Thursday – went so well
Finally got the WTBU interview from the beginning of the semester - it was great!
TA: Jamie
Finished up safety training - TD of Spelling Bee still hasn't been trained
Learned how to order wood on OrgSync
OB removed their sound equipment from the workshop
Keys went from TD of Dog Sees God to TD of The Glass Menagerie
Tech feedback for Dog Sees God went out
Going to meet with Karlie and Danielle about relationship between producing and tech
Updated props guide with correct Emerson information; Karlie will put it on the website