Board Check Ins
- President: Michael
- Did The Space contract ever make it into the hands of Baby Board?
- VP: Alison
- Had the GM
- Constitutional amendment got passed
- Called again to get the Theater lights and door fixed
- Still working on the VP guide
- Put in the order for graduation cords already – 21 seniors signed up
- VPSP: Danny
- BUSTies happened
- Going to talk with Sydney when she gets back stateside
- Fixed a lot of the VPSP guide – updated it and filled in missing information
- Want to do Space signing with seniors on May 8th at 7PM
- Will do senior picture after all school commencement
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Had to do a lot on the fly for BUSTies because attendance was much higher than usual
- Going to fix a lot of the Treasurer guide
- Have to make sure we get Stupid F%#king Bird rights – working on it
- Secretary: Karlie
- Put the updated constitution on the website
- Almost done with Secretary guide
- TA: Jamie
- EHS came and got all the empty paint. Still we need to schedule a separate time to pick up old batteries and appliances
- Dumpster never got picked up from Space Cleaning; will email about it
- Need sign ups for summer show; plan to have the list by Friday
- Marisa sent us information for all the new lights and lighting supplies that we need.
- Amazon list and ALPS information included
- Will forward to Andy/Taylor
- Got a list of stuff the Space needs from Space Cleaning
- 3 inch screws
- 5 gallons white paint
- Painters' tape and small brushes
- Rentals that still need to be paid:
- Willing Suspensions $370 - lights and pipe and drape
- On Broadway $350 - lights for Spelling Bee
- Wandering Minds $40 - furniture for Bent and She Kills Monsters