Show Check-Ins
- Come Back, Little Sheba
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
- Moved in today
- Steve’s guest direction was incredibly helpful
- Have been doing full runs
- SM: Alba
- CAS and PSY have been good for late-night room reservations as opposed to the Math building
- Had cast bonding last night
- Went through all the sound cues and will be doing light cues soon
- Would prefer not to have GMs on the days of move-ins
- TD: Cami
- The set is finished
- People were great at move-in
- All departments seem to be confident. Dylan Herina stepped in to be head Hair and Makeup
- Made last-minute changes, but everything has been smooth overall
- Producers: Lauren and Paulina
- The Warren poster should be up tomorrow
- Shirts should come in this week
- Housing flyers will be posted this week
- All the promo materials have been released online
- All the assistants know what to expect for tech week
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Danielle
- The film department asked to use the Student Theater for a Prod II project, but Sheba tech week made is necessary to turn them down
- Vice President: Erin
- Reserved rooms for One-Acts
- VPSP: Sydney
- Reading Committee is done! Representatives will be reading questions
- The Pillowman has been withdrawn from pitches
- Erin Mc Sweeney and Maggie Skaza are directing musical numbers and monologues
- Treasurer: Andy
- Need to talk to Erin and Maggie about the charity for Charity Show
- Got the Stupid F%&king Bird poster
- Needs to contact Kobi to find the Addams Family poster
- Videos for Addams and Bird will be up soon
- Needs to get rights for One-Acts
- Secretary: Nathan
- Made Facebook events for GM #3, One-Acts & Monologues Auditions, and Come Back, Little Sheba
- Created ballots for show voting and signs for this week’s audition rooms
- Posted Stupid F%&king Bird photos on Facebook and Flickr; still waiting to receive photos from The Addams Family
- Only received one suggestion for Senior Divas charity so far
- TA: Taylor
- Space Cleaning is December 11th
- Will order dumpster soon
- Will post around for people to sign up for One-Acts tech
- Steve
- We still owe Tsai drill heads
- Eric
- Hasn’t heard from Fire Marshall—we have either passed inspection or inspection hasn’t happened yet