Show Check Ins
- Dog Sees God: Checkout
- Director: Karen
- Overall, great experience
- Overwhelmed by how much people responded to the show positively
- Creative team was extremely helpful throughout the process – very collaborative
- Important to have talk between TDs and SMs during Tech Week
- Talkback was excellent – Director of MassKids, Jetta, was incredibly helpful to have on-hand
- Important to talk to actors at the end of each rehearsal to check in, even if it’s not a particularly heavy scene of part of the show being rehearsed
- 5 weeks was enough to rehearse this show but a longer show would be significantly more difficult to pull off in this amount of time
- Definitely keep lines of communication open between directors and cast
- SM: Erin
- Very relaxed and fun rehearsal room
- Best tech week she’s ever had
- Only issue was with lighting department – only one member of four person team came to move in so Erin and TD, Sam had to hang all of the lights themselves; in the future lighting team needs to know that they need to be there throughout tech week
- TD: Sam
- Being a TD for the first time was awesome – particularly because of the creative team
- 5 weeks was totally doable – TD just needs to be organized
- Budget for Charity Show should have more defined guidelines; if we do have to spend money we should have parameters that dictate the max amount allowed to spend
- Tech week went so well
- A weird pattern of the process was people not showing up to things – will email strike felon list to Jamie
- Need to give tech crew members talk about prioritization; people who are on multiple shows need to know how to prioritize better because things get jumbled easily
- Producer: Danielle
- Need to do better in terms of inclusion with producers – focus a lot of time and energy on making sure that TDs and SMs feel included and need to do the same for producers
- T-shirts were so successful – people came up to cast and crew members during tech week and inquired about the show; we should try to get money from Stage Troupe to pay for t-shirts – honestly crazy to have a producer spend $400 of their own money
- Outsold every spring semester show from last year – sold out on Saturday night!
- Maybe should have had the talkback on a different night – Friday was our lowest selling night; make sure that the cast and crew work with charity and the issue beforehand so they can provide good insights
- Director: Karen
- The Glass Menagerie
- Director: Victor
- Rehearsals are moving along well
- Incorporating start/stop rehearsals as well as runs
- Steve came in to guest direct after a run and his notes were so valuable
- Actors are getting closer and closer to the truth of their characters
- Photoshoots were done today and went without a hitch
- SM: Alison
- Officially hard off book
- Lead was ill this week and could not go to the full hard off book run – but very confident that she will be
- TD: Caitlin
- Waited too long to put in wood order, so SAO said it would not be here until Wednesday; Jamie and Caitlin had to go to Home Depot to pick it up in a UHAUL today
- OB will be renting lights from ALPS for Spelling Bee, and they proposed that those lights could used for both Spelling Bee and The Glass Menagerie without communicating with Caitlin; figured out a way to do so but need to let OB know this and confirm how much each group will be spending
- Move in will be starting later on in the day (3PM) to accommodate post Spring Break travel
- Producer: Andy
- Had photoshoot today
- Costumers got nearly all of the costumes for the show for free from Emerson
- Submitting Warren poster tomorrow
- Andy will send poster and cover photo to Karlie soon
- T-shirt and bio form was due today – a lot of techies did not fill it out; working with Caitlin to make sure they do
- Director: Victor
- Play It Again, Sam
- Director: Daniella
- Back on track rehearsal-wise
- Will work each act separately this week and do a full run by the end of the week
- Planning on doing more character work once lines are down
- SM: Nicolette
- Informed last minute that one actress had tech week for another show, so lost two rehearsals this week
- Rearranged things so we should still be on schedule to complete our goal finishing blocking by spring break
- TD: Chris
- Department meetings are finally done
- Set design changed so cut lists didn’t happen last week – looking to do it tomorrow or Tuesday so they can order wood ASAP and avoid the situation that The Glass Menagerie endured
- Sound designer is new to Stage Troupe and wants to take a look in the theater at our system – will coordinate with Caitlin during her tech week
- Producer: Karen
- Scheduling has been a little crazy
- Looking to get poster done this week
- Not planning on doing bus ads – will do flyers instead
- Director: Daniella
E-Board Check Ins
- President: Michael
- Will send out cast feedback tonight to the cast of Dog Sees God
- Posted in the Stage Troupe Facebook group about new plays for the Play Library
- Thinking of ordering a new Space Rules poster for The Space – Karlie will design it
- Will meet on 3/13 at 6PM at the Theater – NOT on 3/6
- VP: Alison
- Got some rooms this week
- Got keys back from Erin
- Need info about MassKids, posters from TA Event and Dog Sees God
- VPSP: Danny
- More talkbacks in general – need to be planned better and further in advance
- Movie night might not happen – still working out the kinks
- Tentatively have an accompanist for One Acts
- Karlie will send out a reminder email about pitch deadline
- Treasurer: Brittany
- Waiting to get money from W;t and Seussical
- Need someone to pick up Dog Sees God poster tomorrow
- Will send out another Google Form for t-shirt interest because we have a lot of new members
- Secretary: Karlie
- Put EventBrite link for Glass and Sam on appropriate show pages
- Landed the Dog Sees God pitch for the Daily Free Press
- Had an interview with Danny, Karen and the reporter on Thursday – went so well
- Finally got the WTBU interview from the beginning of the semester - it was great!
- TA: Jamie
- Finished up safety training - TD of Spelling Bee still hasn't been trained
- Learned how to order wood on OrgSync
- OB removed their sound equipment from the workshop
- Keys went from TD of Dog Sees God to TD of The Glass Menagerie
- Tech feedback for Dog Sees God went out
- Going to meet with Karlie and Danielle about relationship between producing and tech
- Updated props guide with correct Emerson information; Karlie will put it on the website