Show Check-Ins
- The Addams Family
- Directors: Lauren and Paulina
- Have been running act 1, which is very solid. Will block and run act 2 this week
- Had tech bonding on Friday as well as a tech/cast joint bonding on Saturday
- No major troubles. Full runs should start by next week
- Music Director: Daniel
- Finished the entire show at pit rehearsal for strings, reeds, and brass
- Act 1 runs have gone extremely well, musically
- Office hours are proving to be very useful. Many are utilizing this time and show real improvement in rehearsal
- TD: Caitlin
- Had meetings for set design and lights
- Getting wood was a problem, but Andy helped out and got it all delivered today
- Build starts on Tuesday
- Head of hair and makeup dropped, but somebody took their place
- Tech meetings all went well. Loves the crew.
- Splitting up build and paint due to complications
- Met with Taylor multiple times and got a lot of problems fixed
- SM: Erin
- People are solidly off book for act 1, and Saturday’s full run of act 1 had minimal line notes
- Producers: Kobi and Zoe
- T-shirts are ordered
- Photo shoot on Friday went well
- Poster should be done tomorrow, and the Warren poster request should be submitted directly afterward
- Directors: Lauren and Paulina
- Stupid F%&king Bird
- Director: Conner Reed
- Blocked the whole show
- Will be doing full runs very soon
- Met with set design and had a very productive time
- Guest directors and choreographers are coming within the week
- TD: Sam
- Department meetings will be this week
- The set won’t be too demanding
- Got a second lighting co-head
- Head of hair and makeup dropped, so Taylor took their place
- SM: Catrin
- Rehearsals are scheduled through the 16th
- There will be some major scheduling conflicts soon, but things will be worked out
- Soft off book on Thursday, and hard off book on the 15th
- Producers: Evan and Danielle
- Worked on shirt and poster designs
- Hoping to have shirts done within the week
- Director: Conner Reed
- Come Back, Little Sheba
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
- Rehearsals are going well
- Meetings with producers have been great
- Scheduling a meeting with set design soon
- TD: Cami
- Had no tech meeting this week, but will be holding a full crew meeting on 10/9
- Hoping to meet with Jeremy to nail down the set design so that wood can get ordered as soon as possible
- SM: Alba
- Actors have a lot of conflicts
- Had first cast bonding last night. Everyone gets along, which is great, but that causes some extra chatter
- Producers: Lauren and Paulina
- Met with Taylor and Christy and set deadlines for posters, t-shirts, etc.
- Have to meet with assistants, but Addams conflicts are making things difficult
- Set an Amazon wish list deadline
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Danielle
- Had coffee with Chris Kuiken again. Went well!
- Vice President: Erin
- Will meet with SAO about dates with DHD and other theatre groups
- VPSP: Sydney
- Kickball is 10/10 from 10–1. People can meet at Bay State and travel together or meet everyone at the Common
- Treasurer: Andy
- Met with SAO and got a lot of things done
- In order to make wood orders, we need to make a cart on Home Depot and then make the order over the phone (alongside someone from SAO)
- Wants to contact facilities about repainting the lobby and fixing the door handle in the Producer’s Booth
- Erin will take this on
- Marisa Mendes sent an extremely helpful email about the lights we need for the Theater. She also made an Amazon wish list
- Needs to meet with producers
- Secretary: Nathan
- Updated the website calendar
- TA: Taylor
- Sam and Cami are having department meetings this week (Caitlin has already had hers)
- Addams had a tech bonding, which was an awesome idea. Would recommend that we do this among more tech crews
- Looking for an ATD for Addams