Show Check-Ins
- The Addams Family
- Directors: Lauren and Paulina
- Have been having rehearsals. Almost done learning act 1
- Actors are getting along extremely well
- Music Director: Daniel
- Rehearsed with the rhythm section of the pit. Got through all of act 1
- Met with individual characters to go through act 1 solos with blocking
- Holds office hours twice a week; three people have already stopped by
- Learned all big ensemble numbers for act 1
- TD: Caitlin
- Tech lists came out this week
- Some people have already dropped; lost an ATD
- One ATD has finals during tech week. Communicating efficiently with Taylor
- Had tech meeting today. Went very well
- Made a doodle poll for department heads to mark their availability for department meetings
- Met with MCs to order wood. We move in in three weeks!
- Producers: Kobi and Zoe
- Met with assistants and are working on divvying out individual assignments
- Photo shoot this Friday at noon
- Having difficulty getting in touch with department heads
- Shirts and bio form is live!
- SM: Erin
- Made rehearsal schedule for the entire process (subject to change)
- Soft and hard off book dates are set.
- Directors: Lauren and Paulina
- Stupid F%&king Bird
- Director: Conner Reed
- Blocked all of act 1
- Got a stage manager! Decided to plan schedule at least two weeks ahead of time
- Met with Sam and ATDs about the tech vision
- Met with producers
- SM: Catrin
- Set soft and hard off book dates; will have two full weeks to rehearse fully off book
- Will have blocked everything by Saturday
- TD: Sam
- Met with Conner and ATDs. Everyone is getting along so well.
- Had tech meeting. A lot of people showed up
- Not doing department meetings yet for Addams Family’s sake
- Producers: Evan and Danielle
- Met with Conner and discussed vision.
- Met assistants. Everyone has different interests, giving the producing team a really good-looking balance
- Set an end date for final t-shirt and poster designs
- Director: Conner Reed
- Come Back, Little Sheba
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
- Planned out some scheduling with Alba
- First read-through tonight
- Met with Cami about tech
- Very excited for all new tech and producer assignments
- SM: Alba
- Conflicts have been difficult to schedule around, but everything’s working out
- Soft and hard off book dates set
- Three weeks of rehearsals have been scheduled
- TD: Cami
- Really excited for the ATDs and other tech crew
- Read the script; very excited to get started
- Producers: Lauren and Paulina
- Haven’t done all too much due to Addams
- Will meet with Christy and Taylor this week
- Met assistants at the tech meeting
- Directors: Christy and Taylor
E-Board Check-Ins
- President: Danielle
- Had coffee with Chris Kuiken. Went very well; feels positive about Troupe/OB solidarity
- Vice President: Erin
- Got rooms for all the shows!
- Made an SM guide for future seasons
- VPSP: Sydney
- COMBAT happened! Very stressful but equally successful.
- Having specific contacts for individual groups and individual departments within the groups was very helpful
- Meeting with Maria to talk about kickball and the formal
- Going to the CSC to pick up donated costume pieces
- COMBAT happened! Very stressful but equally successful.
- Treasurer: Andy
- Emailed all producers and TDs with their budgets
- Updated producer guide
- Made a list of non-dues-paying techies and had them contacts
- Made appointments with SAO about an SDR mishap for the ice cream social
- Will hopefully get new lights with Troupe money soon
- Needs to meet with head producers in person
- Secretary: Nathan
- Created COMBAT and Techstravanganza events. Social media traffic has been consistently active
- Updated email list and contacted finalized techies about paying dues
- Updated website with TD and producer information
- TA: Taylor
- Tech lists went up. 82 people were assigned to the shows. Some dropped, some were added on, but things are in the process of getting settled.
- Need to resolve an issue with lighting design assignment gaps
- Techstravaganza was stressful but successful. Not a huge turnout, but those who came learned a lot
- Will make a Techstravaganza guide
- Had tech meetings all afternoon. The TDs are all so competent, and things seem like they’re going to go well!
- Eric
- Someone from BU Academy is looking to do some kind of partnership between the Academy and Troupe