Executive Board Notes 11/27/16

Show Check-Outs

  • Come Back, Little Sheba
    • Directors: Christy and Taylor
      • GM #3 hindered a lot of the show’s move-in
      • Guest directors were extremely helpful
      • Co-directors are great for time management and efficiency
      • Casting a diverse range of people helped attract a big, unique audience
      • Improv exercises and discussions about the text greatly improved the actors’ performances overall
      • Having over-the-top, melodramatic runs of the show kept the material from getting stale for the actors
    • SM: Alba
      • Working with the creative team was great
      • When there are multiple directors, it is important to sit down and figure out a plan for how to run rehearsals without both creative leaders present
      • Time got away from us due to the careful attention paid to the sensitive material of the show. Time should be set aside for dealing with heavy material, but too much can detract from overall productivity
      • Please do not double cast. Rehearsals had to start far too late in the night
      • Stage managing for One-Acts is not a sufficient prerequisite for head SMing a mainstage
      • ASMs were extremely helpful, though not fully prepared to head SM yet. They unfortunately weren’t given enough training, but they should be prepared after another semester as assistants
      • To keep strike from starting too late, someone should decide an allotted amount of time that is appropriate for actors to greet guests in the lobby. Too much visiting kept strike from starting efficiently
      • Cast and crew pictures should happen on the second night rather than on the same night of strike
    • TD: Cami
      • Had a great time working on the show with Taylor and Christy
      • The crew was spectacular, especially Kevin and Sophia, the ATDs
      • Sophia was extremely confident and could be considered to be a head TD
    • Producers: Lauren and Paulina
      • We need a more efficient system for handing out comp tickets to people on the tech crew. The current system doesn’t guarantee that techies will be able to see the show, so the system would be helped if we reverted back to last year’s system.
      • The Student Theater vacuum isn’t working. We should look into buying a new one.
      • Though we didn’t sell out any night, we sold fairly well overall.
      • The show was well under budget
      • The directors were great to work with. They had clear ideas for promo materials but were still open to exploring others
      • There is one shirt left over that had been requested but never paid for
      • Will give shirt money and keys to Andy this week

Show Check-Ins

  • 10 Minutes to Save the World: HwaYoun
    • Due to conflicts with The Last Five Years tech week, the first rehearsal has been scheduled for Saturday
    • Asked actors to get off book as much as they can before rehearsal on Saturday
  • Jimmy the Antichrist: Brian
    • Met with cast and had a full read-through
    • Soft off book will continue through this week. Hard off book is on Saturday
    • Starting blocking this week
  • Pappa Pia: Lauren and Paulina
    • Held a read-through last weekend but only had a few cast members show up
    • Creating a schedule for this week’s rehearsals
    • Meeting with Sam Curley Monday night
  • Monologues: Maggie and Erin
    • Emailed all the performers about meeting to rehearse but have only received one response
    • Hope to rehearse with everyone this week
  • SM: David
    • Plans on attending a few rehearsals this week
  • TD: Sam
    • Techies have the scripts for all the shows
    • Meeting with all the directors tomorrow to discuss tech visions
    • Sent an email to the whole team asking them to schedule department their meetings this week
  • Producers: Sydney and Nathan
    • Working on a potential title for this season’s festival name
    • Will be reaching out to assistants about when to meet

E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Danielle
    • Chatted with potential future directors and gave advice about how to direct
    • If people have questions about the ins and outs of directing, they are open to ask any E-Board Member
  • Vice President: Erin
    • Got rooms reserved for Jimmy the Antichrist
    • Will post in the Facebook group to ask other One-Acts directors about their rehearsal room needs
    • Paint spilled on the rug during Sheba strike
  • VPSP: Sydney
    • There was a low turn-out for One-Acts auditions, but everyone seems happy with their casts
    • Erin was awesome at getting rooms reserved for auditions and rehearsals
    • Waiting for charity idea submissions and sign-ups from seniors for the Senior Divas Showcase
    • Made a Facebook group for everyone involved in One-Acts and tried to add as many people as possible (if you have not been added to the group and should have been, please email Sydney at scharvat@bu.edu)
    • Sent an email to One-Acts directors offering help if help is needed
  • Treasurer: Andy
    • Not doing an Eventbrite for One-Acts due to past complaints
    • Picked producers for One-Acts
    • Submitted rights for Jimmy the Antichrist
    • Set up Orgsync event for One-Acts
    • Reached out to Erin and Maggie about the charity process for Charity Show
    • Seeing AB Funding staff to ask for funding
  • Secretary: Nathan
    • Got production photos for Will need to compress the files before uploading them to Facebook and Flickr
    • Still waiting on Addams production photos
    • Updated website dates and information
  • Eric
    • BUSTies voting will be on December 11th
    • Only two more E-Board Meetings left for the fall
    • Has the contract for Avenue Q. Will be applying for rights with the proposed dates as April 6-8