Show Check Ins
- The Glass Menagerie
- Director: Victor
- Move in is in progress
- SM: Alison
- Actors hopefully worked on their lines over break, and our last week of rehearsals beforehand were good
- Looking forward to a great tech week, and paper tech on Monday
- TD: Caitlin
- Missing about 50% of the crew for move-in today
- Not going terribly though
- Going to Emerson to pick up some furniture tomorrow
- ATD dropped last Monday
- Had a two day build week
- Producer: Andy and Emma
- Bus ads are up
- Got cute little animals to pass out at GSU Link
- Extremely under budget
- T-shirts will be here by Tuesday
- Director: Victor
- Play It Again, Sam
- Director: Daniella
- Looking forward to getting back into rehearsals
- Everyone should be off book now that break is over
- Will be doing a line through first thing and then more individual rehearsals to work with specific characters and scenes
- Next week they will be doing full runs in preparation for tech week
- SM: Nicolette
- Have a schedule for the rest of the show
- Everything is blocked
- TD: Chris
- Ordered wood – should be on time for build week
- Talked to MC about complexity of the set and should be all set for next week
- Some problems reaching out to assistant props – Phoebe Oler and Kevin Lorch are stepping up to the plate
- Going to Emerson with Jamie and Caitlin
- Producer: Paulina
- Going to have a workshop with assistant producers to make the cover photo
- PO deadline has passed
- Director: Daniella
Board Check Ins
- President: Michael
- There are packages at SAO
- VP: Alison
- “This is a pretty chill time for a VP”
- VPSP: Danny
- Need an update on MassKids donation
- Got one show submission for SHOWcase #2 next week
- Want to start ordering sheet cakes for BUSTies – will also have snacks
- Drafted email for Reading Committee members – need some more sign ups
- Treasurer: Brittany
- T-shirts will be here tomorrow
- SAO didn’t approve funding for One Acts poster – we’ll use our own money
- Secretary: Karlie
- Someone from butv10 reached out about doing a piece on The Glass Menagerie – responded to them but haven’t heard back
- Filled out ESA application
- Will make the Space Rules poster
- TA: Jamie
- The circular saw is broken still – need to fix it
- OB’s Spelling Bee is building in the space this week
- Haven't established a schedule yet