Pitches, Pitches and More Pitches!

Good evening, Troupies! Here are the Spring 2016 One Acts, Monologues and Musical Numbers Festival pitches: “Post-its (Notes on a Marriage)” proposed by Emma Cheevers “Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” proposed by Zoe Enscoe and Danielle Hope Diamond “Controlling Interest” proposed by Brittany Kamson and Eli Saracino

Here is the pitch for Summer Show 2016:

“Finding the Sun” by Edward Albee, proposed by Joe McLaughlin

Additionally, we have chosen Karen Loewy to be the Director of the Monologues and Musical Numbers for the Spring 2016 One Acts and Monologue Festival.

Again, please join us for our Third General Meeting of the semester this Sunday, March 20th at 7PM in CAS 316 to vote for our Fall 2016 Mainstage Season and nominate members for the 2016-2017 Executive Board. See you all there!