Executive Board Meeting Notes: February 15th, 2015

This week's minutes: The Laramie Project

  • Rehearsed this week as much as possible (despite weather)
  • Zisko was sick, found ways to make days productive
  • Line-through happened yesterday, went "acceptably," not in trouble
  • Could it have gone better? Yes.
  • Took head shots
  • Snow sucks. No tech meeting due to that. Student Theater being used this week thanks to OB.
  • Moving in a week early, gonna be stored in the workshop. Yay!
  • Only one department meeting
  • Cilicia will be receiving keys tonight.
  • Kristy feels good hooray
  • Photoshoot went really well for promotional materials!

Angels in America

  • Scheduled to be blocked by end of the week. Some actors already memorized. "It's a beautiful thing."
  • Producer's shirt is "aces"
  • Lighting volunteers secured!
  • Conflicts overall have been problematic due to tech show and OB, etc.
  • Actors will have scripts in hand during the show. "Rocking and rolling"
  • Worked on the shirt.
  • Poster materials will be done next week

Hail Satan!

  • Scheduling this week was rough! But it's gonna be okay!
  • Set design and scenic artist meetings happened. Set design nearly done. Scenic artist will have almost everything ready this week.
  • Department meetings happening this week.
  • Cut list this week, Home Depot run hopefully 2/23?
  • Money is confusing... "have a beautiful day."
  • Waiting on budget and OrgSyc workshop.
  • T-shirt is nearly ready.
  • Budgets need to be finalized!

Private Lives

  • Snow canceled several rehearsals, but been assigning line work and making plans to catch up.
  • Act 1 is nearly blocked ("pretty bomb")
  • Department meetings happening this week
  • Had email checkins, met with set design
  • Meeting with Joe/team this week, need a budget. Need to know OrgSync stuff.


  • Coffee with the president slots have been scheduled
  • Bridget used first aid kit at theater after Celia suffered a minor finger injury. It is understocked. She will talk to Joe about replenishing it.


  • Cilicia texted Eli about using the theater before Laramie, answer is yes, it's OB's theater this week technically.
  • Rooms are annoying, couldn't schedule any on Monday/Tuesday. Wait time was multiple hours. They were finally done on Friday.
  • He needs bystander training info.
  • We need One Acts time slot and location.


  • Tech show happened.
  • Roast assignments happening this week.
  • No one showed up to pitch BUSTies except a sarcastic, apathetic Aryeh.


  • OrgSync is still a learning experience
  • Still trying to figure out paying Mac Rogers, SAO is being difficult
  • Assigning budgets this week
  • We should put out a bulletin on potentially interested eboard members


  • Nothing new to report, 2nd GM recap went out I suppose


  • Some difficulty with lights due to challenge of craft but other than that most tech happened!
  • Wandering Minds rented a bunch of furniture, will be paying us
  • Training of ATDs hasn't happened due to weather

Eric was not available due to weather.

Executive Board Meeting Notes: February 8th, 2015

This week's executive board minutes: The Laramie Project

  • Rehearsals have been happening. They're good. First tech meeting - one department unavailable (Costumes).
  • Producers Meeting went well! T-Shirt design exists!
  • Backup date for the photoshoot set. February 14th.
  • Formal request to de-Troupe the lobby; request granted by Eli.
  • Formal congratulations for TA event funds.
  • More integrated tech meetings with acting rehearsals.
  • "Set ensemble" instead of MC. Not a lot of building.
  • Giant tech email incoming.
  • We do not have a chalkboard.
  • Maybe talk to facilities - can we rent a chalkboard? If not them, Emerson?
  • Shirts are sent out.
  • Marisa Kristy (stage manager) was not present.

Angels in America

  • Two rehearsals, more scheduled.
  • People contacted Camille about tech, which is great!
  • Some actors are already memorizing!?!?
  • Danielle Hope Diamond emailed in a checkin: been in contact with Cara about vision for the show.

Hail Satan!

  • Blocked the show.
  • Please be flexible in dealing with schedules.
  • We have a full schedule. Assistants are wonderful.
  • We set soft and hard off book dates.
  • We have a crew, had a meeting, went well! Confident everything will go well.
  • Since we want BU BUS ads, costuming & hair/makeup will need to be ready for a photo shoot at least 2 weeks out.

Private Lives

  • Joe McLaughlin was at work. Did not provide a checkin.
  • Alison Parker (Stage Manager): We have soft and hard off book dates set. Cast is soft memorizing pages at a time.
  • First tech meeting happened, department meetings this week.
  • Try to keep in mind other tech meetings when scheduling rehearsals, directors.
  • Soft producing dates are set!


  • Helped with Tech Show.


  • Laramie link tables were reserved but apparently aren't being used.
  • Yay thank you for submitting rooms in advance!
  • Pitches are due February 25th. GM info needs to be disseminated.


  • TA Event: Raised $1,236.29! What a haul!
  • Aryeh & Idine owe $33. Joe McLaughlin owes $20.
  • BUSTies pitches are next week!
  • One Acts pitches are also happening.
  • TA Event was stressful due to how soon it was in the semester (we lost a week off the schedule). Event itself ran well, if a little long. Ultimately successful.


  • Went to SAO. Laramie is not in the calendar. It's in now.
  • EventBrite will go up 2 weeks in advance. All tickets $6. No membership code (it's for charity, guys). Comp codes available to those who worked on the show.
  • Meeting with people to finalize budgets this week.
  • SAO is being weird about paying Mac Rogers.
  • Make sure Laramie's t-shirt orders are in by the end of this week.
  • One Acts Pitches/Summer Show Pitches -- how much are rights for the show?


  • No real checkin.


  • Tech crews happened!
  • Safety trained head TDs and OB MCs/TDs. Also Wandering Minds TA and one of their TDs.
  • Still need to do Troupe ATDs and MCs.
  • TA event was beautiful and amazing.
  • Tech show is in good shape! Moved in, full run, blocked, etc.
  • TDs are confused about how to handle budgets.

Eric was not available to attend the meeting due to the weather.

Executive Board Meeting Notes: February 1st, 2015

This week's executive board minutes: The Laramie Project

Show is cast!

Read-through being tentatively scheduled for tomorrow, barring any issues with snow.

Angels in America

Cast is beautiful; first read-through on Thursday? (Zoe is super busy due to rush week.)

Hail Satan!

Cast! Read-through today at 4.

Meeting with Jamie went great.

Private Lives

Cast the show! Read-through is on Tuesday. Rooms requests will be going to Eli.

Audition Process

Open communication is great! Consider using social media or texting to communicate about casting to prevent people from coming in during the callback process.

Snowpocalypse hurt total auditionees. We somehow made it work.

Staged reading priorities didn't hurt anything.

Producing Inquiry

Sarah needs assistant producers for Laramie.

We need to consider expanding producing budgets to account for inflation of costs in Warren posters. Digital signage does not appear to be effective.


"Coffee with the president" - email blast will happen in the next week or so. Opportunity to share ideas for Troupies in an intimate setting.


Rooms are ready for Laramie for the next month (with the exception of weekends.)

Directors: request rooms from Eli at least a day in advance; otherwise, you may not get a room.

Joe Gambino needs to email Eli about bystander training so he can sign up and attend.

Casting happened, proud of directors.

Heads of Production meeting on Saturday the 7th. Time? How about 5:00 PM in the Student Theater.


Assassins will begin tonight at midnight (following the delays from Snowpocalypse). Three clothespins to distribute still.

TA event stuff needs to be finalized: performers, hosts, donations, etc. If this sounds like you: email Celia at cgibson2@bu.edu.

Film the thing.


Don't get Warren posters.

Mac Rogers has been in touch, has a contract and we will pay him.

Link tables will be done this week. Producers will be done when enough applications come in.


Finally figured out how to get into the Stage Troupe Wordpress site. Use username "bustagetroupe."

Will update the widget and create Facebook events for TA event and 2nd GM (which is this Sunday!)


Stage managers will come as soon as she can get enough applications!

Tech deadline is Tuesday at 4 PM.

Random ladder open in The Space. Was someone working on the lights? Hm.


Lights in the space - still dark! (Sad.)

Fall season conversation happens today.

Fall Season Conversation

Not enough techies to do 4 full out main stages, especially with Parents Weekend. Concerns about top techie seniors graduating.

This season's format seems to work well. 1 Parents Weekend, 2 Main Stages, 1 Staged Reading?

Should the membership select the staged reading? Or should the eboard, like this semester?

WHAT IF: Joe had a great idea. Let the membership vote as a poll to gauge interest in membership desire. Eboard will have ultimate decision.

Town hall meeting made some members feel "really heard."

Casting procedure would probably be the same way as it operated this semester: auditions simultaneously, with priority for main stages/Parents Weekend.

Eric raises concerns about casting priority, especially with the gorilla of Parents Weekend. Board agrees staged reading should have the same priority (this semester was a special case).


1 Parents Weekend, 1 Staged Reading, 2 Main Stages, in that order.

The sitting eboard will determine the staged reading following the selection of the season's other main stages (which will be determined by the membership, per usual). Should a sitting eboard member have a main stage pitch selected, he or she will contribute in the meeting but abstain from the final vote.

Show voting for main stages is March 22nd. Staged reading town hall meeting and selection will be tentatively April 12th. Staged reading pitches will be due April 1st.

We should probably make sure the staged reading is considered under the purview of the Vice President (rather than the Vice President of Special Project). Potential amendment to the constitution should be drafted.


Spring 2015 Cast List

If you got cast - congratulations. Check your emails, expect something from your directing team immediately - given the lost time they'll want to get started as soon as possible. If you didn't get cast - understand that you are very talented, and sometimes there just aren't enough parts to fill. Please consider auditioning for us again - we'll be having auditions for One Acts & Monologues Festival later this semester.

Additionally, if you have any interest in teching or producing, we'll be having our Spring 2015 Tech Meeting TOMORROW at 11 AM in "The Space" (near Cane's Chicken). No experience is necessary, and attending doesn't signify commitment - just come here about the amazing opportunities our season can offer you. It's a great way to learn and add something awesome to your resume or portfolio.

Phew. Alright, here we go, guys.

The Laramie Project

Moises Kaufman: Cory Azmon

Greg Pierotti: Jeremy Oshins

Amanda Gronich: Emily Zisko

Leigh Fondakowski: Ilana Berman

Stephen Belber: Eli Saracino

Barbara Pitts: Paulina Ke

Andy Paris: Simon Kienitz Kincade

Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

Roy M. Cohn: Benjamin Moll

Joseph Pitt: Dan Koski

Harper Pitt: Ali Edwards

Louis Ironson: Nathan Wilgeroth

Prior Walter: Cody Sloan

Hannah Porter Pitt / Ethel Rosenberg: Emily Prescott

Belize / Mr. Lies: Ayush Kumar

The Angel / Emily / Sister Ella Chapter: Zoe Enscoe

Henry / Martin Heller: Andy Moeller

Hail Satan!

Tom: Idine Mousavi

Angie: Kaitlyn Jones

Charlie: Kyle Mitchell

Kristen: Jessie Torrance

Marcus: Eli Brenna

Natalie: Cameron Barney

Private Lives

Elyot: Ryan Chernin

Amanda: Brittany Martin

Victor: Nick Palodmi

Sybil: Sarah Sosland

Louise, the Maid: Rachel Skalka

Spring 2015 Callbacks

CTRL-F your name. Or don't. Whatever. If you are called back for one or more shows: congratulations! Callbacks will take place from 1-6 PM in B36 TOMORROW, Saturday 1/31. 

Keep an eye on your inboxes - most directors email those called back for his or her show.

If you were not called back - know that we had an especially small season with a multitude of extremely talented actors. It doesn't mean we didn't want you. In fact, we still do - if you're interested in tech, we will be having our tech meeting this Sunday (February 1st) in "The Space." No experience required! If you only want to act, keep an eye out for audition postings for our One Acts & Monologues Festival in the coming months.

Thank you everyone, and good luck. May the odds be ever in your favor!

The Laramie Project


Cory Azmon

Eli Brenna

Ryan Chernin

Simon Kienitz Kincade

Dan Koski

Ayush Kumar

Jeremy Oshins

Eli Saracino


Cameron Barney

Ilana Berman

Danielle Hope Diamond

Hanna Eichen

Paulina Ke

Abi Oshins

Emily Prescott

Sarah Sosland

Taylor Tessitore

Jessie Torrance

Emily Zisko

 Angels in America - Millennium Approaches


Eli Brenna

Joe Gambino

Simon Kienitz Kincade

Dan Koski

Ayush Kumar

Andy Moeller

Benjamin Moll

Jeremy Oshins

Nicholas Palombi

Eli Saracino

Cody Sloan

Nathan Wilgeroth


Sydney Charvat

Ali Edwards

Zoe Enscoe

Kaitlyn Jones

Brittany Kamson

Brittany Martin

Abi Oshins

Emily Prescott

Jessie Torrance

Emily Zisko

 Hail Satan!


Eli Brenna

Ryan Chernin

Simon Kienitz Kincade

Kyle Mitchell

Benjamin Moll

Idine Mousavi

Nicholas Palombi

Nathan Wilgeroth


Cameron Barney

Sydney Charvat

Danielle Hope Diamond

Kaitlyn Jones

Emily Prescott

Rachel Skalka

Taylor Tessitore

Jessie Torrance

Emily Zisko

 Private Lives


Cory Azmon

Scott Backman

Eli Brenna

Ryan Chernin

Robby Finan

Idine Mousavi

Jeremy Oshins

Nicholas Palombi

Nathan Wilgeroth


Ilana Berman

Sydney Charvat

Kelly Duffy

Zoe Enscoe

Kaitlyn Jones

Paulina Ke

Brittany Martin

Emily Prescott

Rachel Skalka

Taylor Tessitore

Jessie Torrance

Executive Board Meeting Notes: January 19th, 2015

This week's executive board minutes: Abi

  • Eboard will be sending an email to people who auditioned but did not get cast last semester. Will happen this week. Abi already combed through the list.
  • How should we boost tech?


  • General Meeting is this Sunday -- tentatively booked for COM101.
    • Problem: BU shuffle in securing the payment for the room. "Faculty Service Request" -- what is that?
    • Will go to SAO and speak to a human to resolve the problem tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/20).
  • Unable to log into OrgSync. Will address with SAO tomorrow as well.
  • Requested audition rooms at the end of last semester, unconfirmed due to inability to access OrgSync.
  • Drafted the Painting the Stage memo.


  • Assassins signups will continue this Sunday, end Monday of auditions, clips distributed (and games begin) Wednesday of auditions.
  • Eboard date to see BUSTies host pitches: will be pushed at GM #1 and GM #2. February 15th
  • Push will also happen for Event Manager positions for BUSTies.
  • Are we doing a coco social this semester -- and if so, when? Apparently, during the Tech Meeting (1/30/15)
  • Kickball will tentatively happen during reading period -- will discuss with Chris from OB
  • Will plug the TA Event in GM #1 (hosting and performing duties).


  • Laramie Project & Private Lives rights are secured!
  • Angels in America's rights are secured
  • Hail Satan! rights are secured, payment still needs to happen
  • Producer for Laramie Project: Sarah Kimball
  • T-Shirt design is completed.
  • All reimbursements from last semester completed
  • GM in COM101 paid for
  • All events are up on OrgSync and approved
  • Mandatory OrgSync training from January 24th or 25th to 1-3:30
  • Budget discussions with directors are going to happen this week.
  • EventBrite for Spring dues should be
  • Courtney Bayruns wants an expensive request for lights; need her here to discuss
  • Karen Loewy requested makeup supplies; reimbursement incoming
  • Head producers for other shows need to be done soon, will happen after auditions
  • One flat price for Laramie tickets; no membership price
  • Other events getting EventBrite this week.


  • Directors - send me synopses for the Troupe site
  • Facebook events will go up tonight
  • First Troupe email will be going out this week


  • Tech show (Camille giggles). Camille will be meeting with TD/ATD to discuss.
  • Safety training for all TDs/ATDs/MCs/TAs will happen in early February.
  • Reminder to all TDs and MCs about three strike policy for Space Usage for other groups. ("Loving the Space.")
  • TDs are assigned! Tech form submissions now open.
  • Tech meeting on the 30th, 7pm at The Space


  • Super Bowl Sunday needs to be addressed -- should we move the eboard meeting so people can watch the game? 1 PM on 2/1/15!
  • Pitches will be due February 25th, 2015. (This includes main stages, Parents Weekend, and Summer Show.)
  • Reading committee will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of March.
  • Need to sit down with Joe to discuss Parents Weekend budget.

Tech Discussions

  • Getting entrenched techies to reach out to new members auditioning to try to get people to sign up for tech.
  • Tech forms should be available at auditions.
  • Camille & Jamie made a survey - send it out to last season's techies? Will be sent out.

GM #1

  • What needs to be addressed?
    • Abi will welcome everyone
    • Eli will introduce directors of shows & discuss audition process
    • Celia will talk discuss Assassins, TA event, Coco Social, & BUSTies
    • Joe will discuss dues, t-shirts & producing
    • Kyle will review our social media tools & ways to stay in contact
    • Camille will promote tech forms/meeting and the tech show
    • Eric will say nothing
  • Powerpoint to be produced at the next eboard meeting!

Executive Board Meeting 12/14/14 Notes

In the interest of keeping the membership informed, we as an executive board have decided to begin publishing the "minutes" from our open executive board meetings. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email stage@bu.edu! 12/14/14


  • Reminder email about upcoming auditions to those new members who did not get cast last semester
    • Abi will write the draft – the list (shared by Kyle on Google Drive) will be split up between executive board members


  • Show order will be decided today


  • Senior Diva Showcase happened, was "a good time for all"


  • Went to SAO
  • Made sure almost every reimbursement went through
  • Karen’s reimbursement will take a little longer due to it costing more than $175
  • Talked to SABO – going to need to give them the Home Depot gift card and reexamine that policy
  • Laramie Project rights are secured
  • Full-year dues members have been recorded in a list
  • Rights for Angels in America and for Private Lives; those rights need to be secured ASAP
  • New shirt design is ready and advertising for orders will begin by first GM


  • Chose Assistant Director, Zachary King
  • Stop requesting us on YouDo - that is for eboard only


  • Spoke with WM and OB TAs about “loving the space.”
  • Three strike policy: if a group violates Space Safety Protocols 3 times, a fee of ~$50 will be incurred; potentially a “security deposit” sort of idea. 5 infractions revokes the group's Space usage/rental privileges.
  • We shall see how much the dumpster for Space Cleaning costs
  • Marat/Sade will finally return the tub and chairs to Emerson tomorrow
  • Tech signups for Spring 2015 have begun!


  • Lights in the space – still dark.
  • When are we meeting next year?
    • Target Monday the 19th of January, 6PM, IT building

Show Order

  • Aryeh raises concerns about tech show / Laramie conflicts
    • Camille clarifies her tech show will be less "involved" than last year's, will consider Laramie first

Angels in America: Auditions and Tech clarifications

  • Auditions – when do they happen?
    • Auditions: same week, Cara will determine her cast after main stage directors determine their casts. Unanimous vote!
  • Tech
    • Cara determines her tech list after Camille puts up the initial draft
      • Camille will provide help if necessary or requested
      • Cara will initially receive a stage manager and a producer
    • Integrate office hours idea with Angels?


  • Polarization of people who really want to do tech versus everyone else
  • Jamie’s Ideas to Improve this Situation
    • 1) Recruit tech people at auditions?
    • 2) On audition form: are you interested in tech?
    • 3) Get feedback from crews. Google form?

Show Order

  • Miraculously, no conflict. Order is:
    • Laramie Project
    • Angels in America
    • Hail Satan!
    • Private Lives

Staged Reading Pitches & Other Reminders

Hello membership! I am happy to announce the two pitches we received for the Spring 2015 Staged Reading. They are, in alphabetical order: Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes (Part 1), by Tony Kushner, pitched by Cara Dwyer

August: Osage County, by Tracy Letts, pitched by Emily Prescott

A reminder that both Cara and Emily will speak about their pitches at the 4th and Final General Meeting this Sunday at 7 PM in the Agganis Student Theater. We encourage you to attend and offer any thoughts, questions, or concerns you may have about the pitches. After the GM concludes, the executive board will convene and decide which pitch will be selected, with an announcement of the final season coming shortly thereafter.

Also remember that SPACE CLEANING is on Sunday the 7th from 11AM to 6PM in The Space. Each show needs to accumulate 40 cumulative hours of cleaning time to be eligible for BUSTies, which we will be voting on that evening at the 4th GM!

Finally, a reminder that our Fall 2014 One Acts and Monologues Festival goes up this Friday and Saturday, December 5th and 6th at 8PM in the Student Theater! The performance is free and first come served.

Have wonderful weeks!


Spring 2015 Season & Pitches for Staged Reading

Hello membership! For those of you who missed the voting period or news about our 3rd General Meeting (and shame on you), here is our Spring 2015 Season:

The Laramie Project (Charity Show), by Moises Kaufman, directed by Aryeh Harris-Shapiro Private Lives, by Noel Coward, directed by Joseph McLaughlin Hail Satan!, by Mac Rogers, directed by Kyle Tague

(Note: the above season order is not final.)

However! Our season is not yet complete. In addition to three mainstages, the executive board is restarting an old Stage Troupe tradition: the staged or semi-staged reading, which will go up in the Student Theater. For those unaware, a staged/semi-staged reading refers to a performance of a play without advanced technical elements. This means the production will have a directing team, a cast, a producing team, and a stage management team - but nothing else. It will be up to the directing team if there will be blocking or simple-to-acquire props, hence "semi-staged." The show will also not be memorized and will be performed with scripts in-hand, hence "reading."

There are many advantages to reintroducing the staged reading. It will provide expanded acting opportunities without putting additional stress on our current technical resources - it is in essence a "fourth show" without a crew. By not including technical elements, we have the special opportunity to put on a play that would not otherwise be possible in our Student Theater space (something to keep in mind when selecting a play to pitch). Does your favorite show require a three-story set or expansive fire effects? This may be a great opportunity to see it performed! In addition, by distilling the performance down to exclusively acting and performance, this show will have a unique opportunity to forge an intense, focused director-actor relationship and deep exploration of the chosen text.

Interested in pitching? Great! Download the "Staged Reading Pitch Form" (which will be available under "Forms & Resources" shortly), fill it out, and email the completed form along with a .pdf copy of the script to our president, Abi Oshins, at aoshins@bu.edu. The pitch deadline is December 3rd at 5 PM. Following that deadline, pitches and directing teams will be announced on this blog. On December 7th, following the 4th General Meeting and Space Cleaning, we will have a "town hall meeting" in which directing teams will briefly describe their show and vision and how it would work as a staged reading. Interested members may offer their thoughts and concerns. Following this meeting, the executive board will collectively make a selection to be posted later that evening.

Keep in mind the executive board is looking for a show that will translate well to a staged reading. In addition, we look favorably upon shows that have robust cast sizes and  reasonable gender ratios. (Keep in mind we currently only have an 18-actor season for our mainstages). Finally, consider pitching a show that is well-established and has good public awareness: a staged reading can be a hard sell, and we want people to see and enjoy our work. A more established work will more likely draw an audience.

Interested in acting in this staged reading? Auditions will be held one week following main stage auditions next semester. Actors cast in a main stage are asked to not audition in order to give the rest of our acting base additional opportunities.

That's about it. Have questions, comments, concerns? Feel free to email stage@bu.edu or raise them at any open executive board meeting (Sundays at 6 PM). Have great weeks!

Fall 2014 One Acts & Monologue Festival Cast List

We are proud to announce the cast lists and monologuers for the Fall 2014 One Acts and Monologue Festival! This was our most competitive one acts session in many years, and we thank everyone for taking the time to come out and audition. If you were cast, expect to be contacted by your director shortly. If you weren't, don't fret - more acting opportunities are coming up soon.

"Anastasia as a Movie as a Musical" Sean - Sam Hoffman Mariah - Taylor Tessitore Anastasia - Karlie Fitzgerald Dimitri - Ryan Kelly Rubien - David Hunt Male Actor ("Mactor") - Eli Saracino Female Actor ("Factor") - Kerriann Kelleher Techie Y - Camille Arvisu Techie Z - Annie Tillis

"Novices" Pete - Elliot Raff Kate - Lucy Gamades

"Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You" Sister Mary Ignatius - Oriana Maurach Theo Thomas - Nathan Wilgeroth Diane - Alexa Benudiz Gary - David Olson Philomena - Danielle Hope Diamond Aloysius - Zack King

"Sure Thing" Bill - Ryan Chernin Betty - Kaitlyn Jones


Hanna Anderson

Claire Buesser

Danny Ehrenpreis

Joseph McLaughlin

Have great weeks!


Charity Show & One Acts Festival Announcements!

Hello membership! Our Vice President of Special Projects, Celia Gibson, met with the rest of the executive board this evening to approve both her 2015 Charity Show and Fall 2014 One Acts Festival selections.

We are thrilled to announce this year's Charity Show will be The Laramie Project, by Moises Kaufman and the Members of the Tectonic Theater Project, directed by Aryeh Harris-Shapiro.

Here are the selections for the Fall 2014 One Acts Festival:

"Anastasia the Movie as a Musical," written and directed by Michael Gobiel and Emily Prescott "Novices," directed by Abby Kass "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All," by Christopher Durang, directed by Kyle Tague "Sure Thing," by David Ives, directed by Ali Edwards and Alison Parker

Stay tuned for more information about audition times and locations!


Spring 2014 Pitch Season

Hello membership! For the first time ever, we will be releasing the main stage pitches received for our Spring 2014 season. Any dues paying member is encouraged to attend our Third General Meeting on November 9th, 7 PM, in the Agganis Student Theater. At that meeting, you will hear the creative teams pitch their shows, as well as address any potential issues our reading committee came across in their evaluation. Then, you will have the opportunity to vote for the two mainstage shows you'd like to make up our spring 2014 season. (The Charity Show is selected by our Vice President of Special Projects, Celia Gibson.)

Remember that you are voting for a season, not just two shows you happen to like. And remember - democracy only works if people show up. No excuses: get there and vote!

Here are the shows that were submitted as main stages (in alphabetical order). Take advantage of the time you have from now until November 9th to research the shows and ask the creative teams questions. An informed vote is a good vote!

Hail Satan! (A Comedy in Two Acts) - Kyle Tague Private Lives - Joseph McLaughlin Romeo & Juliet - Celia Gibson A Streetcar Named Desire - Shoshana Koff

The following were submitted for consideration for the Charity Show. The show that is not selected will reenter the regular voting pool for your consideration.

The Laramie Project - Aryeh Harris-Shapiro Milk Milk Lemonade - Karen Loewy

Note: If you believe your pitch is missing, there's a typo, or you notice any other sort of problem, please let me know. Have great weeks!


Fall 2014 Cast List (and other ramblings)

Okay, go ahead and CTRL-F your name. When you're done, come back up here and read me.

Did you get cast? Let me be the first to offer a sincere, hearty congratulations! Stay tuned, as your directing team will contact you shortly to set up a first meeting.

If you did not get cast - I know it sucks. It's happened to me. It happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Nothing I can say is going to make it better in this moment. But know this - just because you weren't cast, it doesn't mean you aren't a good actor, and it doesn't mean we didn't want you. This was literally our most competitive season in the better part of a decade, due to both a lower show count and an unprecedented turnout of auditioning talent, new and old. Know that even if you weren't cast, we appreciate and love you, and we want you to stick around. I've talked to so many folks who auditioned for Troupe their first semester, didn't get cast, and never came back -- not because they lost interest, but because they assumed we didn't want them, or that they lacked in ability! This couldn't be further from the truth. Inevitably, extremely talented people aren't going to make the cast list due to sheer differences in supply and demand. But we have way more opportunities available to you this semester - come have fun and make theater with us. I promise, you won't regret it.

Acting, writing and teching opportunities are available with no auditions or experience required October 3rd-4th for our 24 hour theater COMBAT event. If you're interested -- email me at stage@bu.edu, I'll add you to the list, and you'll be contacted as it gets closer. One Acts & Monologues Festival is also approaching, and with it, a plethora of new acting opportunities -- if you're on the email list, you'll receive more information in the coming weeks.

Finally, our TECH MEETING is September 14th (this Sunday) at 2 PM in "The Space" (check the "Facilities" tab for directions). I know, I know - I can sense that hesitation and insistence through the computer - "I'm an actor, not a techie." Stage Troupe's motto is "learning by doing" - if you've never tried tech before, there literally isn't a better time to start. I was exclusively an actor when I came to BU, and now I'm proficient in stage management, sound design, and producing -- not a bad thing to add to your résumé or portfolio. We'll teach you every element of whatever department interests you -- lighting, sound, set design, stage management, producing and more -- and help you grow as a techie, an artist, and a leader. We also love our techies - they actually make up at least half of our group and become absolutely integral to the show production process. I'm assuming some of you might be reading this, crestfallen, but on the fence. To someone who's been there - do it. Come check out the tech meeting. You'll be glad you did. And guess what? Once you're part of our family (and yes, Troupe is a family), it'll be time for spring auditions before you know it -- and then you've got another shot at getting that part. Life's too short to give up after one try.

I know this has been a trying week for all of us -- auditions are always stressful, no matter the result. Everyone be safe and enjoy your weekend.


Into the Woods

Narrator/Mysterious Man- Victor Kholod Baker- Andy Moeller Baker’s Wife- Kelly Duffy The Witch- Abi Oshins Cinderella- Ali Edwards Cinderella’s Prince/ Wolf- Elliot Hanson Little Red Riding Hood- Cameron Barney Jack- Nathan Wilgeroth Jack’s Mother- Brittany Martin Rapunzel’s Prince- Matt Melleby Rapunzel- Zoe Enscoe Cinderella’s Stepmother-Ara Butler Lucinda -Danielle Diamond Florinda/Granny- Brittany Kamson Cinderella’s Father- Joe Gambino Steward- Mikey Giordano Milky White- Claire Buesser

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Martha- Emily Prescott

George- Kyle Mitchell

Nick- Kyle Tague

Honey- Isabella Walpole


Marquis de Sade – Eli Brenna Jean – Paul Marat – Jeremy Oshins Charlotte Corday – Daniella Seidl

Herald – Paulina Ke

Coulmier – Sydney Charvat

Simonne Evrard – Melany Vázquez Heredia

Duperret – Michael Gobiel

Jacques Roux – Zack Kennedy

Rossignol- Hanna Eichen

Polpoch- Evan Creedon

Cucurucu- Abigail Kass

Kokol- Cory Azmon

Patient- Kaitlyn Jones

Patient- Kiko Macan

Patient- Rachel Smith

Patient- Zach King

Nurse- Alicia Winton

Nurse- Lucy Gamades

Guard- Ryan Kelly

Guard- Scott Backman


Fall 2014 Callbacks List

Hi Troupies! I hope you've enjoyed sweating all evening/refreshing this page relentlessly. After you've immediately scrolled down to see if your name is on this list, please READ THE REST OF THIS POST!

If your name is on one or more callback lists - fantastic, congratulations! Callbacks take place tomorrow, Thursday the 11th, from 5-10 PM, in PSY/SOC B51. The directing/creative team may email you additional instructions, so please check the email you provided on your audition sheet. Otherwise, please show up PROMPTLY AT 5 and expect to stay the entire time!

If you have an unavoidable conflict, please email stage@bu.edu IMMEDIATELY with the details of your conflict and when you expect to arrive. I will forward your email to the directing team, and they will do their best to accommodate you.

Finally, if you need to drop a callback, it's okay. You can drop one at any time while you're at callbacks - at the beginning, in the middle, or at the very end. Just let the relevant directing team know as soon as you do. Also note that if you are cast and then drop a show, you will not be permitted to audition for Stage Troupe for one semester.

If your name is NOT on any callback list - don't fret! This was our most competitive season in recent memory, but we still want you to be part of the Troupe family! Our tech meeting is coming up on September 14th at 2 PM in "The Space" near Raising Cane's - by all means, come and check it out... you may find a new passion in one of our technical departments!

Additionally, we have more acting opportunities coming up! COMBAT, our 24 hour theater event, is still looking for writers and actors - no auditions required. If you're interested, email stage@bu.edu, and I'll sign you up! The event takes place from 8 PM October 3rd to 8 AM October 4th for writers, and 8 AM to 8 PM October 4th for actors and technicians. Troupe has actually won an official Boston University award of excellence for this event, so don't hesitate to join us!

The Fall One Acts & Monologues Festival is also on the horizon later in the semester - additional information will be emailed out once we have details on our show lineup and audition details!

Now then, enough plugging. Without any further ado, the Fall 2014 Callbacks List...


Into the Woods


Abi Oshins

Ali Edwards

Alix Jansma

Ara Butler

Brittany Kamson

Brittany Martin

Cameron Barney

Claire Buesser

Chelsea Wolsel

Danielle Diamond

Emily Prescott

Isabella Walpole

Karlie Fitzgerald

Katie Aramento

Katie Logan

Kelly Duffy

MaryKate Hagerty

Pascal Serp

Sali Diakite

Taylor Tessitore

Zoe Enscoe


Andrew Velechanski

Andy Moller

David Olson

Eliot Hanson

Evan Creedon

Jeremy Oshins

Joe Gambino

Matt Melleby

Mikey Giordano

Nathan Wilgeroth

Raaid Arshad

Richard VonItter

Sean Burciago

Victor Kholod

Zach King

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


Abi Oshins

Ali Edwards

Alix Jansma

Claire Buesser

Emily Prescott

Hanna Eichen

Isabella Walpole

Jenny Morris

Lucy Gamades

Morgan Lehofer

Taylor Tessitore

Toria Rainey

Zoe Enscoe


Daniel Reichling

David Olson

Eli Brenna

Eli Sarcino

Evan Creedon

Kyle Mitchell

Kyle Tague

Robby Finan



Abigail Kass

Ali Edwards

Alicia Winton

Audrey Wood

Cara Dwyer

Daniella Seidl

Danielle Diamond

Emily Prescott

Emily Zisko

Hanna Eichen

Isabella Walpole

Kaitlin Jones

Kelly Tapager

Lucy Gamades

Melany Vazquez Heredin

Pascale Serp

Paulina Ke

Rachel Smith

Sydney Chavat


Cory Azmon

Daniel Reighling

David Hunt

Eli Brenna

Evan Creden

Jeremy Oshins

Kiko Macan

Michael Gobiel

Ryan Kelly

Scott Backman

Zach King

Zack Kennedy


Summer Show 2014: Art Tech List

Thank you for signing up to spend your summer with Stage Troupe!

Below is the tech list for this year's summer show,Yasmina Reza's Art: 

TD- Julie Kaminski
Asst. TD- Aubrie Sanchez
Asst. TD- Stephanie Bont
SM- Celia Gibson
ASM- Aryeh Harris Shapiro
Lights- Alex Williams
Asst. lights- Michael Goodloe
Asst. lights- Emmanuel Dollinger
Sound- Jason Fox
Sound- Liana Gerstien
Costumes- Cilicia Rios
Costumes- Cassandra Kocek
Hair/Makeup- Cilicia Rios
Hair/makeup- Karen Loewy
Props- Eli Brenna
Props- Claire Buesser
Set Design- Eli Brenna
Set Design- Veronica Priest
Set Dec/Paint- Cara Mayberry
Set Dec/Paint- Olivia Hathaway
Set Dec/Paint- Michael Goodloe
Master Carpenter- Jason Fox
Build- Claire Buesser
Build- Kevin Ang
Build- Marissa Cheifetz


Come see this work of art this summer, starting in June! 


Important Troupe Announcements (GM 5)

Well, this is it Troupies. Our season has officially come to an end. We would like to second to congratulate Twelfth Night, One Acts, and you all, membership, on some really great productions and another fantastic season! Which actually brings me to the best part of a Troupe year… our annual awards ceremony!




6:30 PM in the Colloquium Room, 9th Floor of Photonics

Bring your best dressed self, purchase your tickets on Eventbrite, and RSVP on Facebook so we know you’re coming! See you soon!

*You must be a dues paying member to attend BUSTies and you must purchase your ticket ahead of time as tickets will not be available at the door.

And as our year comes to an end, we have a few more




Congratulations to the cast of Summer Show 2014!


Directed by David Olson

Marc, Lauren Kolodkin

Serge, Kyle Mitchell

Yvan, Kyle Tague

Understudy, Cameron Barney


We still need techies! Summer show is not possible without tech. If you are interested please email our TA, Marissa, at mcheifet@bu.edu with your top 3 tech interests by Friday, May 2, at 5PM!


TA Announcement

Last weekend, we had the pleasure of announcing your Technical Advisor for the 2014-2015 season. Congratulations to Camille Arvisu, your new TA! The new board is finally complete! We cannot wait to see where you all lead Troupe in the future. Congratulations and best of luck baby board!


Troupe Videographer

With our current videographer taking over as the secretary elect, Troupe is in the market for a new videographer. You will have a brand new Troupe camera to record with and it’s a great way to take on a little more responsibility and get more involved with Troupe. Plus you get free tickets to all the shows! Talk about perks, am I right? If you have any questions or are interested in the position please contact Kyle at kptague@bu.edu!


That’s all for now friends. Cheers to a great year, now let’s party!




GM 4 Recap and Reminders!

Good morning Troupe! We hope you are all enjoying the end of your semesters now that our mainstage season has concluded. Speaking of which, CONGRATULATIONS on a spectacular season! We began with a bang as Doubt, A Parable raised money for Prevent Child Abuse America, and Raised in Captivity, Rope, and Twelfth Night, Or What You Will all had amazing runs as well, rounding out our mainstage season beautifully. We are always awed by the work that you do membership, we hope that you had fun and are as proud of this spring season as we are.

A few more congratulations are in order as we welcome the new Stage Troupe Executive Board 2014-2015:

President, Abi Oshins

Vice President, Eli Brenna

Vice President of Special Projects, Celia Gibson

Treasurer, Joe Gambino

Secretary, Kyle Tague

Congratulations baby board. The Troupe of Tomorrow (tomorrow, tomorrow) is now in your capable hands and we can’t wait to see what this next year will bring. Best of luck and have a great year!

As you can see, one member of next year’s board is not listed above. We would like to thank all those who applied to be the Technical Advisor for the 2014-2015 academic year. The TA will be announced and approved at the final GM of the spring this weekend! But, before the GM we have just a bit more fun in store.

Our mainstage season may be over, but fortunately, we are far from done! We have so many special projects and important events coming your way, so join us and end your year with Troupe!


One Acts

April 25 and 26

Jacob Sleeper Auditorium at 8PM

Admission is completely FREE so bring everyone you know, RSVP on Facebook and support your fellow talented Troupies!



Space Cleaning

April 26

The Space at 12PM


Everyone’s favorite event of the semester (am I right?)! It’s the time when we all get together, hang out, get covered in saw dust, have sing alongs, and make the space beautiful once again. Plus, you get to throw out all that stuff we own that, let’s be honest, we all know needs to go. Sound good to you? Great! Join us for an hour or few at space cleaning this weekend!

(Every show MUST have a minimum of 40 hours in order to qualify for BUSTies!)


Final GM of the Spring Season

April 27

The Student Theater at 7PM

It’s our final meeting of the year. Join us as we reminisce about the memories we made and the fun we had AND as we announce the TA for next year and vote for BUSTies of the spring!



May 1

Photonics: The Colloquim Room at 6:30PM

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. But actually. Join us for our annual awards ceremony as we celebrate all things Troupe, the graduating class, and the great things our membership accomplished this year!

Tickets for BUSTies will be purchased on Evenbrite, the link to which will be posted on the Facebook event, coming to you soon!


Well, that concludes our 2013-2014 academic year, another great one for Troupe history. The good news is, it was wonderful, but the better news is that even in the summer Troupe has opportunities for you to continue to do theatre, and try and learn new things!


Summer Show 2014


Directed by David Olson

Auditions: April 28 and 29 in the Student Theater, 6-10 PM

Interested in Teching? Contact Marissa at mcheifet@bu.edu!

Summer show will run from June 1st until the end of Orientation, with the possibility for a revival performance at the beginning of the fall semester. If interested in auditioning from abroad or in assistant directing, please contact David at dsolzon@gmail.com!



Troupe needs a videographer!

Our wonderful videographer has done a great job of recording Troupe history this year, but he will be trading in his duties for secretarial ones next year- which means we’re looking for someone to fill his shoes! This position is completely voluntary, but is a great way to take on a little more responsibility and get further involved in Troupe! If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to email Kyle at kptague@bu.edu.


Welllll, that’s all for now. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the celebration today, but stay smart and safe! See you all soon!


Flash Back to the 80s with Troupe- Twelfth Night Opens Tonight!

Good Evening Troupe and beyond!


Well, it’s a new week, and that means it’s time for a new show! So journey  along with Stage Troupe as we go back in time to the 1980s for a totally fantastic time and a really rad show because

William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Or What You will opens tonight!

Twelfth Night, or What You Will is one of Shakespeare’s most delightfully topsy-turvy comedies about mixed identities, shipwrecks, love triangles, and some serious tom-foolery. The story starts when Viola and Sebastien, twin brother and sister, are beached on the foreign land of Illyria, each thinking the other is dead. Lost and without prospects, Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario and begins serving the local Duke, Orsino. In love with the neighboring Lady Olivia, the Duke enlists the help of Cesario/Viola to woo her for him. Inconveniently, Olivia falls in love with Viola, who’s even more inconveniently in love with Orsino. What ensues is a complicated love triangle that’s made even more outrageous by the less than noble suitors in line to win Olivia for themselves. Add in a spunky maid, ridiculous manservant, and drunk uncle to make an interesting scene for Viola’s previously-presumed-dead twin brother to find when he enters the scene and complicates things further. Finally, after some false accusations and a few drinks, the play ends happily with three weddings and a musical number sung by none other than Feste, the fool.

Directed by Abi Oshins and Emily Prescott Technical Directed by Paige Hermann Assistant Technical Directed by Jake Shauli Produced by Cilicia Rios Assistant Produced by Lee Condakes, Brittany Kamson, and Kerriann Kelleher

The Cast

Viola, Hope Roselle Olivia, Katie Diekhaus Maria, Daniella Seidl Antonia, Ilana Berman Orsino, Nathan Wilgeroth Sir Toby Belch, Michael Lavallee Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Will Small Malvolio, Ben Moll Feste the Fool, Victor Kholod Sebastian, Michael Gobiel Ensemble, Kelly Duffy and Isabella Walpole


Performances will be held in the Student Theater at Agganis Arena on April 10-12 beginning at 8pm.  Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on Eventbrite (http://www.eventbrite.com/e/twelfth-night-or-what-you-will-tickets-10629255389) and at the door for $5 with membership card/code and for $6 general admission.

Buy your tickets now and RSVP through the Facebook event:!

Get stoked and we’ll see you there!

Directions On the green line, take the B train to St. Paul Street and cross toward FitRec and Agganis Arena. The student theater is located in the passage between these buildings.

Feel free to direct any questions to stage@bu.edu!


Get ROPEd in with Troupe this weekend!

Good evening Troupies and friends!

Hope you enjoyed the week off because we’ve got a whole lotta Troupe headed your way…

And first up, ROPE opens this weekend!


Made famous by Alfred Hitchock’s 1948 film adaptation, Patrick Hamilton’s Rope is a murder mystery told in reverse: the killers, their victim, and their motivations are immediately revealed to the audience. Brandon and Charlie are two undergraduates who, inspired by the musings of Friedrich Nietzsche, kill a fellow classmate for the sheer thrill of it; they feel they are intellectually superior to the feeble-minded and capable of pulling off the perfect murder. What follows is a most macabre dinner party attended by the victim’s friends and family in which the guests dine upon a chest containing the cadaver. As the night wears on, the resolve of the murderers begins to crack, and the underlying flaws in their intellect reveal their true ugliness and become their undoing. A classic suspense thriller, Rope casts a damning light on the disturbed resolve of men who feel it appropriate to kill merely for the sake of killing.

Directed by Kyle Tague Technical Directed by Camille Arvisu Assistant Technical Directed by Karen Loewy Produced by Sam Hoffman Assistant Produced by Jennifer McIntyre, Jane Kelley, and  Eli Brenna

The Cast

Wyndham Brandon, Charlie Schumacher  Charlie Granillo, Emily Jo McKnight Rupert Cadell, Idine Mousavi Leila Arden, Ali Edwards Kenneth Raglan, Matthew Melleby Sir Johnstone Kentley, Joe McLaughlin Mrs. Debenham, Zoe Enscoe Sabot, Lauren Kolodkin

Performances will be held in the Student Theater at Agganis Arena on April 3-5 beginning at 8pm.  Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on Eventbrite and at the door for $5 with membership card/code and for $6 general admission.

Buy your tickets on Evenbrite:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rope-tickets-10628739847


RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1426825607565762/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

Directions On the green line, take the B train to St. Paul Street and cross toward FitRec and Agganis Arena. The student theater is located in the passage between these buildings.

Feel free to direct any questions to stage@bu.edu!

So get your tickets now because you don’t miss your fellow Troupies’ killer performances (yes, pun intended) and look for further updates on more Troupe events coming up this weekend!
