Executive Board Meeting Notes: February 15th, 2015

This week's minutes: The Laramie Project

  • Rehearsed this week as much as possible (despite weather)
  • Zisko was sick, found ways to make days productive
  • Line-through happened yesterday, went "acceptably," not in trouble
  • Could it have gone better? Yes.
  • Took head shots
  • Snow sucks. No tech meeting due to that. Student Theater being used this week thanks to OB.
  • Moving in a week early, gonna be stored in the workshop. Yay!
  • Only one department meeting
  • Cilicia will be receiving keys tonight.
  • Kristy feels good hooray
  • Photoshoot went really well for promotional materials!

Angels in America

  • Scheduled to be blocked by end of the week. Some actors already memorized. "It's a beautiful thing."
  • Producer's shirt is "aces"
  • Lighting volunteers secured!
  • Conflicts overall have been problematic due to tech show and OB, etc.
  • Actors will have scripts in hand during the show. "Rocking and rolling"
  • Worked on the shirt.
  • Poster materials will be done next week

Hail Satan!

  • Scheduling this week was rough! But it's gonna be okay!
  • Set design and scenic artist meetings happened. Set design nearly done. Scenic artist will have almost everything ready this week.
  • Department meetings happening this week.
  • Cut list this week, Home Depot run hopefully 2/23?
  • Money is confusing... "have a beautiful day."
  • Waiting on budget and OrgSyc workshop.
  • T-shirt is nearly ready.
  • Budgets need to be finalized!

Private Lives

  • Snow canceled several rehearsals, but been assigning line work and making plans to catch up.
  • Act 1 is nearly blocked ("pretty bomb")
  • Department meetings happening this week
  • Had email checkins, met with set design
  • Meeting with Joe/team this week, need a budget. Need to know OrgSync stuff.


  • Coffee with the president slots have been scheduled
  • Bridget used first aid kit at theater after Celia suffered a minor finger injury. It is understocked. She will talk to Joe about replenishing it.


  • Cilicia texted Eli about using the theater before Laramie, answer is yes, it's OB's theater this week technically.
  • Rooms are annoying, couldn't schedule any on Monday/Tuesday. Wait time was multiple hours. They were finally done on Friday.
  • He needs bystander training info.
  • We need One Acts time slot and location.


  • Tech show happened.
  • Roast assignments happening this week.
  • No one showed up to pitch BUSTies except a sarcastic, apathetic Aryeh.


  • OrgSync is still a learning experience
  • Still trying to figure out paying Mac Rogers, SAO is being difficult
  • Assigning budgets this week
  • We should put out a bulletin on potentially interested eboard members


  • Nothing new to report, 2nd GM recap went out I suppose


  • Some difficulty with lights due to challenge of craft but other than that most tech happened!
  • Wandering Minds rented a bunch of furniture, will be paying us
  • Training of ATDs hasn't happened due to weather

Eric was not available due to weather.