Show Check Ins
Mamma Mia!
Combined Check In for: Directors: Maggie S and Erin M, Music Director: Aiden M, and Choreographer: Clara C
Going great!
Had a great last run yesterday
Sitzprobe today- going awesome
Have been practicing in flippers- having a pre-show flipper/lift “FLIFT” call
Move in today has been going extremely well
Cast is getting along great
Everyone is so excited!
TD: Sam C
Had move in!
Build week went well but experienced problems with wood order
Accidentally picked up wrong U-haul this morning but was quickly resolved
Set is almost completely up- Tom has been an absolute blessing
Mics have been secured and delivered
Crew has been great
SM: Jen M
Trucking along!
Sent tech week breakdown to actors
Producer: Natalie A and MC C
Lobby decorating happening tomorrow
Addition of Robert has been great
Delivered GSU poster to Shiney
Pushing promo
Finishing format of programs and digital promo
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress
Director: Miranda M
No check in at current time
TD: Chris D
Met with all department heads, meeting with sound soon
Trying to reach out to assistants
Been helping with Mamma Mia
Having problems with Home Depot
SM: Ariana T
No check in at current time
Producer: Evan P
Had amazing video/photoshoot yesterday
In the process of editing everything
Submitting ads next week
Receiving receipts
Rayvon in SABO has been a huge help
Launching social media next Wednesday to stagger it
Crimes of the Heart
Director: Doran K
Going well!
Had first off book scene
Getting actors off book scene by scene- seeing how that works
Close to finishing blocking the whole show
Have a tentative date for photoshoot
TD: Liz S
Met with props team- good handle on what we have and what we need to get
Hoping to receive set design today but there may be a delay as set designer is in Mamma Mia
Meeting w/ MC this week to discuss how to build functioning kitchen cabinets!
SM: Matt D
Things are going well
Chill rehearsal schedule right now that’ll pick up in a few weeks
Cast bonding tonight
Producer: Devon M
Just met w/ Chrissy and assistants
Divided responsibilities among the whole team
Went to rehearsal last week to meet the cast
E-board Check Ins:
President: Kim
Corresponded with CFA and WTF re: mic rentals- no luck unfortunately but a solution was found!
Touched base with BU Bands re: sitzprobe room booking
Held office hours
Schedules 2nd division of power talk with Mamma Mia creative team on Tuesday
VP: Siena
Booked rooms for Mamma Mia headshots, Crimes tech meeting, and Self Care Saturday
Haunted house was approved
Went to Mamma Mia move in and drove the U-Haul
Went to Crimes tech meeting
VPSP: Devon
Getting a bunch of One Act pitches- reaching out to some for scripts
Talked with Siena re: Self Care Saturday
Brainstorming for Holiday Hits
Looking to plan ice skating event and possibly a “Space Runway” event for next semester
Re: Haunted House
Have a space
Event confirmed, waiting on Eventbrite link
Met with producing team
Room cast lists being made and tech being planned
Meeting with planning committee this week
Going well!
Thinking about extending deadline for Reading Committee signups
Treasurer: Chrissy
Been communicating with Shiney
Mamma Mia producers are dropping off the GSU poster on Tuesday
Met with Chris re: Five Women props
Met with Crimes producing team
Looking at intent to pitch forms
Sent rights contract to Natalie for Mamma Mia promo
Picking up i-Pads for Mamma Mia this week
Secretary: Abbey
Made Mamma Mia Facebook event
Met with Evan re: Five Women Facebook event and promo
Sent GM 2 recap email
Went to Mamma Mia move in
Went to Crimes of the Heart producing meeting
Signed up for reading committee
TA: Zach
Currently at Mamma Mia move in
Was at build all last week