Show Check-Outs:
Charity Show: The Burials
Directors: Sean D. and Aisha S.
Despite the obstacles, the show turned out well
Very proud of the show in general
Very stressful process; miscommunication was the biggest challenge
For future directors: consider the time constraints, be prepared
Producers: Devon M. and Lena J.
Process went well overall; kept up a good working pace
Blaze fundraiser was a great choice
Having representatives from the charity of choice was a great idea
Assistant producers were great, enthusiastic about continuing with producing
Need to smooth out wrinkles with ticket sales (particularly re: comp tickets and tickets from TA Event)
TD: Brian R.
Familiar with the fast timeframe and process, which was helpful
Pleased with the budgeting turnout
Being appointed TD before tech lists came out was immensely helpful for preparation
Would recommend both ATDs to be future TDs
Returned keys to Alicia at board
SM: Harrison R.
Process was difficult, but so rewarding; offers SM experience as well as experience applicable to real life
ASMs were so helpful and communicative; would recommend both to be future SMs
For future SMs: during tech week, don’t be afraid to be assertive, as it can get overwhelming; set deadlines
Show Check-Ins:
Noises Off
Director: Taylor H.
Held regular rehearsals
Participated in Liquid Fun event yesterday—lots of fun
Held photoshoot today
Held first character meetings this week; went well
Planning to talk more with Katie and Brian about the set this week
Looking to improve the dynamic with the cast
AD: Emilee M.
Also noticing issues of dynamic; aware that this can sometimes be a result of the magnitude of the show
Hoping to help cultivate positive energy
TD: Katie L.
Pulled all props, costumes, and set dec elements
Met with Taylor and ADs to talk through tech elements
Sarah (head costumes) went to the garment district to pick up a few costume pieces
Photoshoot happened today
Meeting with Brian and Taylor to talk about set design to hopefully get wood order in before spring break
SM: Matt D.
Last week was a bit scary with scheduling and storm
Keeping health in mind, as people are getting sick
Director: James R.
Very busy week, especially with Tech Show
Lots of long and productive rehearsals this week, including lots of acting and technique workshops and music rehearsals
Great meeting with Erin to go through the entire show and outline all tech elements
First tech meeting with full team this week; great to meet everyone and see and hear so much excitement
Creative team meeting today to discuss scheduling up until spring break
AD: Mandy R.
Looking to come up with different ways to approach giving notes in rehearsal
Feeling good; excited that we have planned ahead with rehearsal schedule
TD: Erin C.
All props and set dec elements are pulled
Most of PO orders are in
Tech team is preparing for photoshoot on Tuesday
Working with Alicia reworking some tech departments to navigate around conflicts
Producer: Rachel R.
Participated in Pop Showdown on Saturday; episode airs in April
Planned a photoshoot for Tuesday
Realized what a big chunk of time spring break takes out of time
Instagram will hopefully launch tonight
Planning to get some promotional material from run on Thursday
Working on t-shirts and submitting POs
SM: Abbey M.
Congrats to The Burials on a wonderful run
Had first weekly creative team meeting last Monday—nice to get everyone together
Soft off book on Thursday, doing full run and inviting tech
Picked cast members for pop showdown recording that happened Saturday morning
Been in contact with Rachel re: Warren poster photo shoot; aiming for Tuesday
ASMs Maya and Natalie have been truly awesome; really great to have them to rely on
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
The Burials tech week; it was cool having reps from Everytown there
Filmed Giving Day video
Participated in Tech Olympics with BUSS
Checking in with shows and attending rehearsals
Went to Blaze fundraiser—delicious
Sent out poll to board and creative teams to get a sense of when people are available for E-Board after spring break
Picked up name tags from SAO
Armrests in theater are fixed and there is now a new AC control unit
VP: Erin
Worked on The Burials
Booked GM rooms
Worked with Kendall to find a room for the Noises Off photoshoot
Went to Tech Olympics as a bonding event for Assassins tech team, really enjoyed it
VPSP: Ariana
Worked on The Burials; glad to have people from Everytown there
Felt it was a very successful Charity Show
Will touch base with BUSTies team now that The Burials is over before spring break
Planning to message Chrissy re: BUSTies and BUT Formal budgets
Meeting with Becca and Mimi to work on BUT Formal planning; submitted forms for SPS, facilities, and catering; working on getting an Eventbrite and Facebook page live
Receiving interest in pitching for Summer Show
Went to Liquid Fun marathon to watch Noises Off perform
Posted about reading committee; getting some people for sign-ups
Treasurer: Chrissy
No check in at present time
Secretary: Kim
Lots of promo for The Burials
Helped out with another flower delivery!
Shared Tech Olympic sign-ups and posts on social media
Helped Kendall find a room for Noises Off photoshoot
TD: Alicia
Worked on The Burials this week; super proud to see new leaders emerging in Stage Troupe
Finished up safety trainings
Getting inquiries about rental orders and agreements
Gotten a lot of last-minute requests to use the Space; giving reminders about courtesy and respecting the Space and its contents
Starting to focus more on Noises Off and Assassins now that The Burials is over
Reviewing the TA Application
A key is stuck in the latch-bar of the lobby door that leads backstage in the Student Theater
Back left house speaker having issues; started glowing during The Burials
Charity Show LD made a document to take note of which dimmers on the lighting board aren’t working