Written by Josh Tobiessen

Directed by Joe Reed Technically Directed by Hanna Wasserman Produced by Joe Gambino

In the dark comedy Election Day, what starts as a normal day for Adam devolves into a terrible, bizarre day. The play focuses around Adam, an average guy whose politically active girlfriend, Brenda, attempts to get him to go vote for a particular mayoral candidate. Things get complicated, however, when Cleo, Adam’s sex-starved, cat-loving half-sister; Edmund, an eco-terrorist attempting to create an election day stir; and Jerry Clark, a candidate for mayor, all show up at Brenda’s apartment and wreak havoc. People are kidnapped, bags of marijuana are consumed and cars are blown up as hilarity ensues.

Election Day opens in The Student Theater at Agganis Arena (925 Commonwealth Ave)

Thursday March 21 at 8pm Friday March 22 at 8pm Saturday March 23 at 8pm

Tickets can be purchased at the Activities Information Desk the week preceding the show with Convenience Points or credit card. They will also be available cash only at the door.

Prices $6 General $5 Members

Join the Facebook Event

Check the website page

Don't miss out on a fantastic production!


March & April Upcoming Events and Deadlines!

Mark your calendars, you silly membership. We've got something coming up every week right up until BUSTies. Are you prepared for the insanity?!
***Election Day***
Our second mainstage of the season opens this week! Performances run March 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at 8pm in the Student Theater. Don't miss out.
In the dark comedy Election Day, what starts as a normal day for Adam devolves into a terrible, bizarre day. The play focuses around Adam, an average guy whose politically active girlfriend, Brenda, attempts to get him to go vote for a particular mayoral candidate. Things get complicated, however, when Cleo, Adam’s sex-starved, cat-loving half-sister; Edmund, an eco-terrorist attempting to create an election day stir; and Jerry Clark, a candidate for mayor, all show up at Brenda’s apartment and wreak havoc. People are kidnapped, bags of marijuana are consumed and cars are blown up as hilarity ensues.
This SUNDAY, March 24th at 7PM in CAS 214 we get to exercise our right to vote yet again—COME HELP DECIDE THE NEW EBOARD TO USHER IN THE TROUPE OF TOMORROW (TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROWW).
Remember, you can still be nominated right up until we begin voting. If you've an interest in being on Eboard, come check us out at Eboard meetings (Sundays at 6PM in IT!) and get a friend to nominate you!
March 26th. Get all materials to 111 Cummington by 3PM.
Summer Show is a FANTASTIC opportunity for Stage Troupe to do a show for incoming Freshmen and get people excited to join! If you're staying in Boston, consider pitching or working on the show! Keep in mind that the summer show must be put on without a budget (similar to our charity show) and that the commitment is every Wednesday of Orientation.
***Preview CLOSER***
March 27th 7PM in BU Central
The cast of Closer will be previewing the show at BU Hunger Relief's fundraising event! Come support your fellow Troupies and catch a sneak peek of our third mainstage!
Which is all in anticipation for the show's run on April 4th, 5th & 6th.
That's all for now! Keep your eye on the blog and Twitter and Facebook for more updates.
Don't forget to come see ELECTION DAY next weekend! Come vote at the GM! Get those summer show pitches done!
Cheers, you wondrous beings. Soldier on—we shall conquer the future with artistry.



Don't Miss The Charity Show Or, THIS WEEKEND!

Greetings membership. The time has come and our season is about to begin with our Charity Show, Or, opening this week. OR,

Or, Production Poster

Written by Liz Duffy Adams

Directed by Celia Gibson and Juliette Vandame Technically Directed by Stephanie Bont Produced by Marcus Doyle

Or, takes place (mostly) during one night in the life of Aphra Behn, poet, spy, and soon to be first professional female playwright. Sprung from debtors’ prison after a disastrous overseas mission, Aphra is desperate to get out of the spy trade. She has a shot at a production at one of the only two London companies, if she can only finish her play by morning despite interruptions from sudden new love, actress Nell Gwynne; complicated royal love, King Charles II; and very dodgy ex-love, double agent William Scott – who may be in on a plot to murder the king in the morning. Can Aphra resist Nell’s charm, save Charles’ life, win William a pardon and launch her career all in one night? Against a background of a long drawn-out war and a counter-culture of free love, cross- dressing, and pastoral lyricism, the 1660s look a lot like the 1960s in this neo-Restoration comedy.

Or, opens in The Student Theater at Agganis Arena (925 Commonwealth Ave)

Thursday February 28 at 8pm Friday March 1 at 8pm Saturday March 2 at 8pm

Tickets can be purchased at the Activities Information Desk the week preceding the show with Convenience Points or credit card. They will also be available cash only at the door.

All proceeds will go to benefit Americans for the Arts (http://artsusa.org)

Prices $6 General $5 Members

Join the Facebook Event

Check the website

Come join us for the start of our main season and support your fellow Troupies on this beautiful show that celebrates everything we love--art.

Cheers, membership!



First off, congratulations to everyone involved in our TECH SHOW. It was a hilarious production and a successful night, so thank you! Aaand more thanks goes to everyone who came to Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza: A Charity Event for Charity! We raised $706 for our Charity Show and Americans for the Arts, which is AMAZING. Thank you, membership.

Tonight was the night! You voted and the results are in and now I have the pleasure of announcing our...

*****FALL SEASON*****

Parents Weekend: The Drowsy Chaperone Book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar Music and lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison Directed by Hanna Wasserman Musically Directed by Lee Condakes

Equus Written by Peter Schaffer Directed by Eli Brenna

Eurydice Written by Sarah Ruhl Directed by Celia Gibson and Lauren Kolodkin

Alice in Wonderland Adapted from the novel by Lewis Carroll by the Manhattan Project Directed by Michael Gobiel and Audrey Wood

Congratulations to the directors! Next season is sure to be fantastic.

BUT, that doesn't mean our Spring Season is even close to being over. We have so much in store in the coming weeks, so mark your calendars and get ready...

*****ONE ACTS*****

The Philadelphia Written by David Ives Directed by Aryeh Harris-Shapiro

The Audition Written and Directed by Eli Brenna

Mary Just Broke Up With This Guy Written by Garth Wingfield Directed by Celia Gibson

Auditions for One Acts are in ONE WEEK on March 4th & 5th from 6-10PM in CAS B27.

We are also opening up our One Act Festival to MONOLOGUES, so if you have one prepared or want to work on one for the show, come to auditions with it and show us what you got!

The One Acts Festival will be April 26th & 27th in the Jacob Sleeper Auditorium.

If you are interested in tech, please email Andrew Smith (smithand@bu.edu) after the cast list goes up with your tech experience and interests.


Our annual award show is coming up on May 1st and we are pleased to announce our HOSTS for the event: Greg Nedeltscheff and Ryan Chernin!

More information will be out soon, but if you are ROASTING a senior, be sure to come to the ROASTING WORKSHOP next Sunday (March 3rd) at 2PM in ZISKIND.

*****SUMMER SHOW*****

If you are staying in Boston for the summer and want to be involved in our SUMMER SHOW, pitches for it are due on March 26th at 111 Cummington. Fill out the form found on the website!

*****EBOARD VOTING!*****

Our next meeting, March 24th at 7pm in a location TBA, we will be voting on our new Executive Board! We will be accepting nominations right up until voting happens, so if you're interested at all and didn't get a chance to get nominated this time, don't fret!

Don't forget, if you're nominated, we encourage you to come and talk to our current Eboard! There's no better resource than those of us doing the jobs and we obviously love Troupe enough to talk about it forever, so don't be shy!

*****COMING UP**** Our Charity Show Or, opens this week!

Tickets will be sold at the Activities Information Desk in the GSU for $5. Come to the show Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at 8PM in the Student Theater. All proceeds will go to Americans for the Arts, so come out and see a wonderful show and support something we all love--the arts!



Was there a Nemo-nic blast from the icy north that hindered your passage to the Student Theater? Did the soporific cocoon you inhabited for the 48 hours of the storm swell up and take you whole? Hello, can you hear me?
Regardless, if you missed the meeting I've got a lovely little recap of all of the utterly IMPORTANT things coming up this month. Pay close attention, my dear membership, and keep these events and deadlines in mind.
First of all, congratulations to our casts and crews! We're so excited that things are already underway and we are fast approaching our first show of the season.

Interested in directing? Never done it before? Done it a million times? Want experience? Have a show you want to see Troupe do?

We have so many opportunities available if you want to direct/pitch a show! There's a lot of information here, my dear membership, so CONSTANT VIGILANCE.

If you want to pitch a show for next semester (or for ONE ACTS!), here's what you need to know!

- Be a dues paying member ($5) - Have a show you know and want to pitch - Make sure the rights are available - Get the script, make 2 copies - Download and fill out the pitch form from the website (http://bustagetroupe.com/members/forms-and-resources/) - Put all of that (the scripts and the form) into a manila envelope and bring it to 111 Cummington Mall labeled with "Stage Troupe" and this address:

ATTN: Eric Jacobsen 111 Cummington Mall Rm B17


(This is incredibly soon, so please please please if you're thinking at all of pitching and want help getting started, contact the board! We're here to help)
If you have any questions about the pitching process, please contact stage@bu.edu and we'll help you out. The Pitching Meeting is the next GM in two weeks, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH at 7PM in the STUDENT THEATER. The pitches will be pitched and the membership shall vote and find out the next season that same day! Yay, democracy!

If you would like to be on READING COMMITTEE for the pitches (you CANNOT do this if you are pitching), then please email Lauren at kolodkin@bu.edu.

Pitches for ONE ACTS work the same as mainstage pitches and are due the same day, so don't forget! One Acts are the perfect way to try directing for the first time or to even see your own work on stage (we encourage student-written productions!).

ONE ACTS AUDITIONS are March 4th & 5th ONE ACTS will go up on April 26th & 27th

Pitches for PARENTS WEEKEND work just a little bit differently. You still have to submit the scripts and the Parents Weekend form (found on the same page!), but the membership will not be voting on this pitch, the Eboard will select the Parents Weekend Show for next semester and announce it at the next meeting.

****HOSTS/SM for BUSTIES****
We are looking for hosts for BUSTies! If you want a chance to take control of the greatest award show ever (mostly due to the fact it gets more candid than Jodie Foster at the Golden Globes), then email Lauren at kolodkin@bu.edu. You'll get a chance to pitch your BUSTies ideas at our next Eboard meeting (February 17th at 6pm in IT).
This year's board's term comes to an end in May! Sadly, this means many of us have to leave you, BUT this also means that you all get a chance to run to be a part of Stage Troupe's Eboard next year! If you have a million and one ideas to improve the group or you think you can provide a sane voice, come to an Eboard meeting (they're every Sunday at 6pm in IT at 111 Cummington!) and check out what we do. If you're interested in specific positions, come talk to us! We'd love to have a chat about our jobs. If you have general questions, just email stage@bu.edu!
Eboard nominations will occur at our next GM (February 24th). Don't miss out.
You definitely don't want to miss out on a weekend of pure Troupe tradition coming up.
First, we have the TECH SHOW both at 8PM and later at MIDNIGHT this Friday, February 15th in the Student Theater.
Come support the techies and find out the secret on opening night! Tech Show is a fun opportunity we do every spring where everyone can try something new! The midnight show is a special performance, so come prepared for a fantastic time! Best way to do it (I highly recommend...) is to double-feature it. Watch it once at 8, chill, then come back and see it again! You'll laugh, you'll laugh again, and it'll be an awesome night. Do it. It's free.
Then, on Saturday, February 16th at 8pm we have Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza: A Charity Event for Charity in the Student Theater.
Our TA Event/Charity Fundraiser is a night filled with skits and a sneak preview of Or, and auctions and cakes and pieing of the Eboard and all sorts of merriment. There will be a "most patriotic" dress contest, so wear some red, white & blue and come out to enjoy a Troupe night and support the Charity Show. It's $5 to attend, and bringing lots of extra cash is DEFINITELY encouraged as there will be opportunities to bid on a plethora of fabulous items...including dinner with Dean Elmore, giftcards to awesome places, and the last of our tickets to BOOK OF MORMON!
That's all for now, folks! We've got lots of deadlines coming up so keep alert and don't be afraid to ask questions. The website is a great, quick resource (bustagetroupe.com), otherwise, follow @StageTroupe on Twitter and join the Facebook group, and don't forget you can always email stage@bu.edu.
Don't forget to come out to our events this weekend! See you there!
We have our next GM coming up very quickly on February 24th 7pm in the Student Theater.

Upcoming Events & Deadlines!

Greetings, membership! Our spring season is underway and we have a number of fantastic events coming up quickly, so be sure to add 'em to your calendars and DON'T MISS OUT! First off, we have our annual Charity Fundraiser in honor of our TA:

***Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza: A Charity Event for Charity***

This SATURDAY beginning at 8PM in the Student Theater.

Bring $5 for a fabulous evening filled with awesome displays of talent from the membership, bid on a variety of items night of BOOK OF MORMON!), pie the Eboard (yikes), participate in the cake-making contest, watch Allie & Vishaal kiss, and MORE. Seriously, it's a FANTASTIC night spent to help our Charity show and Americans for the Arts, so bring lots of money and show your support all while having fun with Troupe! There will be a prize for the most patriotic-ly dressed attendee, so wear your red/white/blue! (please don't bring your own axe...)

FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/512840545421804/

**Don't forget, if you are participating in the cake-making contest to arrive at 7:50PM (before the event!). If you are performing during the event, please check in with either Andrew or Lauren when you arrive, (preferably around or before 8pm).


This SUNDAY at 7PM in the Student Theater

This is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting! We will be holding a LOTTERY for tickets to BOOK OF MORMON (its Boston opening night, April 9th). Bring $47 to the meeting and submit your name for the lottery and we will hold a drawing to see who will be able to go. (IF YOU SUBMIT YOUR NAME, BUT DO NOT HAVE MONEY ON SUNDAY, YOU WILL FORFEIT YOUR SPOT! SO PLEASE BRING IT!!). Guys, these tickets are going, at its cheapest, for like $150. SO I'D GO IN FOR THE LOTTERY IF I WERE YOU. Also at this meeting is PITCH INFORMATION, so if you're interested in directing, COME TO THIS MEETING. This will be for ONE ACTS and FALL (PARENTS WEEKEND & the MAINSTAGES). Get there.

Finally (for now), we have our ***TECH SHOW***

February 15th & 16th at 8PM (with an additional performance at MIDNIGHT) in the Student Theater

A fun tradition in Stage Troupe where the techies act, the actors tech, and the audience remains the same! The show is a secret until opening night and is FREE, so come out and enjoy a fun, memorable night!


...coming up on FEBRUARY 19th.

If you're interested AT ALL in pitching, but don't know how to get started, PLEASE come talk to us! Any one on the board will be more than happy to help you out. There are tons of resources available including our own Mugar Library or, you know, Barnes & Noble. To find out more about our pitching process, come to the GM this Sunday at 7 in the Student Theater! DON'T FORGET, THIS PITCH PROCESS INCLUDES PARENTS' WEEKEND, so consider that if you want to pitch a show for TSAI.

That's all for now! Keep your eye on the blog and Twitter and Facebook for info about more workshops and all kinds of ways to stay involved with Troupe this semester! Don't forget to come out to our fundraiser this weekend! Bring your friends!

Happy days, all. Keep sane, maintain joy, and go on to truly better this world with your art.


Spring 2013 Tech Lists!

Or, TD – Stephanie Bont ATD – Paige Herrmann Producer – Marcus Doyle Assistant Producer – Vishaal Reddy Assistant Producer – Allison Crisostomo Assistant Producer – Kim Curhan Stage Manager – Shoshana Koff Assistant Stage Manager – Meredith Lawrence Assistant Stage Manager – Camille Arvisu Set Designer – Andrew Smith Assistant Set Designer – Noelle Kichura Master Carpenter – Kirsten Fukayama Head Set Dec – Courtney Licata Assistant Set Dec – Jillian Nichols Assistant Set Dec – Andrew Velichansky Assistant Set Dec – Emily Jo McKnight Assistant Set Dec – Daniel Espinoza Lighting Designer – Courtney Bayruns Assistant Lights – Andria Sharma Assistant Lights – Monique Avila Sound Designer – Theodore Daly Assistant Sound – Annie Tillis Head Costumes – Katie Rangel Assistant Costumes – Katina Karvan Assistant Costumes – Emma LeBlanc-Medeines Head Makeup/Hair Designer – Lauren Kolodkin Assistant Hair/Makeup – Abi Oshins Assistant Hair/Makeup – Olya Sheikina Prop Master – Jon Christianson Assistant Props – Meg Boeni Assistant Props – Ben Moll BUILD/RUN – Risa McNellis BUILD/RUN – Asia Alsgaard BUILD/RUN – David Frankenfield BUILD/RUN – Andrew Smith BUILD/RUN - Kevin Ang

Election Day

TD – Hanna Wasserman ATD – Allison Crisostomo ATD – Emmanuel Dollinger Producer – Joe Gambino Assistant Producer – Kevin Ang Assistant Producer – Stephanie Takeuchi Assistant Producer – Rachel Wein Assistant Producer – Aubrie Sanchez Stage Manager – Marissa Cheifetz Assistant Stage Manager – Marissa Kristy Assistant Stage Manager – Aryeh Harris-Shapiro Set Designer – Sam Hoffman Assistant Set Designer – Shannon Keane Master Carpenter – Xander Pinto Head Set Dec – Colleen Gilmore Assistant Set Dec – Daniel Ehrenpreis Assistant Set Dec – Joe McLaughlin Assistant Set Dec – Veronica Priest Assistant Set Dec – Arabi Moorthy Assistant Set Dec – Samantha Sweig Lighting Designer – Shane Hennesey Assistant Lights – Tehya Saylor Assistant Lights – Christian Schlachte Sound Designer – Sarah Kuranda Assistant Sound – Kevin Ang Assistant Sound – Kyle Tague Head Costumes – Stephanie Gray Assistant Costumes – Kathryn Vaz Assistant Costumes – Mary Kate Young Head Makeup/Hair Designer – Melanie Adams Assistant Hair/Makeup – Allie Romano Assistant Hair/Makeup – Cara Dwyer Prop Master – Paige Herrmann Assistant Props – Michael Gobiel Assistant Props – Emma LeBlanc-Medeines BUILD/RUN – Chris Gilmore BUILD/RUN – Arka Pain BUILD/RUN – David Olson BUILD/RUN – Christine Mikeska


TD – Kirsten Fukayama ATD – Shoshana Koff Producer – Sam Hoffman Assistant Producer – Clarisse Bidad Assistant Producer – Olivia Paris-Kornikwicz Assistant Producer – Elyssa Sternberg Stage Manager – Cilicia Rios Assistant Stage Manager – Daniel Ehrenpreis Assistant Stage Manager – Lexie David Set Designer – Marcus Doyle Assistant Set Designer – Jamie Lin Master Carpenter – Chris Gilmore Head Set Dec – Marcus Doyle Assistant Set Dec – Andrew Velichansky Assistant Set Dec – Tyler Boudreaux Assistant Set Dec – Jackie Babitts Lighting Designer – Meredith Lawrence Lighting Designer – Courtney Bayruns Assistant Lights – Theodore Daly Assistant Lights – Nicole Milani Assistant Lights – Courtney Licata Projectionist – Sarah Kuranda Sound Designer – Kelly Dickinson Assistant Sound – Joe McLaughlin Head Costumes – Juliette Vandame Assistant Costumes – Monique Avila Assistant Costumes – Kathryn Vaz Head Makeup/Hair Designer – Arielle Dizon Assistant Hair/Makeup – Molly Kafka Assistant Hair/Makeup – Mary Kate Young Prop Master – Melanie Adams Prop Master – Kim Curhan Assistant Props – Alison Parker Assistant Props – Angelina Hulbert Photographer – Kim Curhan BUILD/RUN – David Frankenfield BUILD/RUN – Marissa Cheifetz BUILD/RUN – Christine Mikeska BUILD/RUN – Andria Sharma

The Tragedy of Hamlet

TD – Katy Meyer ATD – Camille Arvisu Producer – Hanna Wasserman Assistant Producer – Cilicia Rios Assistant Producer – Jane Kelley Assistant Producer – Meredith Lawrence Stage Manager – Katie Diekhaus Assistant Stage Manager – Angelina Hulbert Assistant Stage Manager – Kyle Tague Assistant Stage Manager – Stephanie Takeuchi Stand-in Stage Manager – Aubrie Sanchez Set Designer – Arka Pain Assistant Set Designer – Lucas Stegman Master Carpenter – Andrew Smith Head Set Dec – Abi Oshins Assistant Set Dec – Jim Zheng Assistant Set Dec – Mary Kate Young Assistant Set Dec – Lucas Stagman Assistant Set Dec – Tehya Saylor Lighting Designer – Jake Shauli Assistant Lights – Annie Tillis Assistant Lights – Veronica Priest Projectionist – Allison Crisostomo Sound Designer – Kelly Dickinson Assistant Sound – Aryeh Harris-Shapiro Head Costumes – Katie Rangel Assistant Costumes – Noelle Kichura Assistant Costumes – Cara Dwyer Head Makeup/Hair Designer – Stephanie Gray Head Makeup/Hair Designer – Emily Jo McKnight Assistant Hair/Makeup – Meg Boeni Assistant Hair/Makeup – Arabi Moorthy Assistant Hair/Makeup – Arielle Dizon Prop Master – Jenn Kole Prop Master – Molly Bourque Assistant Props – Kevin Ang Assistant Props – Ben Moll BUILD/RUN – Arka Pain BUILD/RUN – Nina Becker Jobim BUILD/RUN – Jon Christianson BUILD/RUN – Joe McLaughlin BUILD/RUN – Daniel Espinoza Dramaturge – Lauren Kolodkin


Spring 2013 CAST LIST!

Or,Aphra Behn: Katie Diekhaus Nell Gwynne/Maria: Cara Dwyer Charles/Lady Davenant: Charlie Schumacher William/Jailer: Michael Gobiel

Election Day Adam: Marc Finn Brenda: Molly Bourque Edmund: Will Dowsett Cleo: Isabella Walpole Jerry Clark: Greg Nedeltscheff

Closer Dan: Navzad Dabu Larry: Andrew Smith Alice: Amy Sullivan Anna: Emily Jo McKnight

The Tragedy of Hamlet Hamlet: Adrian Burke Claudius: Ryan Chernin Gertrude: Allie Romano Polonius: Keaton Goldsmith Ophelia: Ilana Berman Laertes: Dan Stevens Horatio: Eli Brenna The Shadows: Kaitlin Bresee A. Harry Gustafson Emily Prescott Cameron Barney Hanna Eichen


Spring 2013 CALLBACKS!

Or, Men Ryan Chernin Marc Finn Michael Gobiel Victor Kholod Ben Moll Charlie Schumacher Dan Stevens

Women Lexie David Katie Diekhaus Cara Dywer Hanna Eichen Maddy Fuller Lauren Kolodkin Amby Moody Emily Prescott Elyssa Sternberg Isabella Walpole

Election Day

Men Eli Brenna Will Dowsett Aryeh Harris-Shapiro Marc Finn Andrew Smith Michael Gobiel Kyle Tague Ryan Chernin Greg Nedeltscheff A. Harry Gustafson David Fontana Theodore Daly Ben Levine

Women Ilana Berman Emily Prescott Jane Kelley Molly Bourque Lindsay Kopit Amy Sullivan Melissa D'Anna Rachel Wein Cara Dywer Isabella Walpole Caitlin Fichtel Kaitlin Bresee Allie Romano Virginia Booth


If you are called back for Closer, please check your emails for a message from the directors. If you do not receive one by 8am on the 24th, email stage@bu.edu and we will make sure it gets to you.

Men Ben Moll Andrew Smith Daniel Ehrenpreis Eli Brenna Navzad Dabu Charlie Schumacher

Women Annie Tillis Hanna Eichen Daniella Seidl Ilana Berman Emily Jo McKnight Rachel Wein Amy Sullivan Junhee Kim Emily Bosco Maddy Fuller

The Tragedy of Hamlet

If you are called back for Hamlet, please check your emails for a message from the directors. If you do not receive one by 8am on the 24th, email stage@bu.edu and we will make sure it gets to you.

Men Eli Brenna Adrian Burke Ryan Chernin David Fontana Keaton Goldsmith A. Harry Gustafson Ivalyo Gyurov Charlie Schumacher Andrew Smith Dan Stevens Kyle Tague

Women Meagan Antonellis Cameron Barney Ilana Berman Emily Bosco Molly Bourque Kaitlin Bresee Katie Diekhaus Hanna Eichen Jane Kelley Lauren Kolodkin Abi Oshins Emily Prescott Allie Romano Amy Sullivan Rachel Wein

Callbacks begin at 6PM in CAS B25B. Please contact stage@bu.edu by 4PM if there are any time conflicts or if you'd like to drop your callback.


The First GM RECAP -- Audition Info, Tech Meeting, and MORE

Did you miss it? I understand. The wind and the snow and ice and lack of sun can be disorienting your first time. Fortunately, my job is to serve and I've got all the info you need right here. Let's figure out how this whole theatre thing works.

First of all, welcome to Troupe if you're new and welcome back if you've been here forever! We were so excited to see a theater packed with both new and familiar faces. I, personally, cannot wait to get this season started. You

So, let's begin.


Auditions are this week! Auditions will be held: Monday, January 21st from 6-10PM in CAS B25B Tuesday, January 22nd from 6-10PM in CAS B25B Wednesday, January 23rd from 6-10PM in CAS B25B

To audition for a Stage Troupe show, you must pay $5 membership dues. Please also print out the audition sheet (one for each show you want to audition for!) found on our website: http://bustagetroupe.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/audition-form.pdf

Auditions will be cold readings, so no preparation is necessary. Just show up and be ready to give it your all!

The callback list will be posted on the blog (bustagetroupe.com/blog) Wednesday night. Callbacks will be held in CAS B25B at 6PM on Thursday, January 24th.

The FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/468233463239152/

Our Spring Season

The Charity Show (benefiting Americans for the Arts) Or, Written by Liz Duffy Adams Directed by Celia Gibson & Juliette Vandame February 28th & March 1-2 in the Student Theater

Election Day Written by Josh Tobiessen Directed by Joe Reed March 21-23 in the Student Theater

Closer Written by Patrick Marber Directed by Allison Crisostomo & Vishaal Reddy April 4-6 in the Student Theater

Hamlet Written by William Shakespeare Directed by Marcus Doyle & Julie Kaminski April 18-20 in the Student Theater


Are you interested in tech?! Power tools your forte? Really want to light that set? Have a brilliant design for that costume? Want to try it allllllll? Great! Find out how to do any and all of that and MORE at:

The TECH MEETING on FRIDAY, January 25th at 6:30PM in The Space (directions: From the green line, take the B train to Pleasant St and walk down Harry Agganis Way toward the river. The Space is located in the alley behind Raising Cane’s and next to BUPD in West Campus. A sign that says “Stage Troupe” is above the door!)

Although you can only act in one show, the great thing about tech is that you can tech as many as you want! You are also welcome and encouraged to tech even if you get cast this season! We are always seeking more tech and looking to teach each department, so try something new (or something you’re an expert at) and sign up!

*Don’t forget, if you don’t pay your dues at auditions, you’ll need to pay at the tech meeting! $5

FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/618951361467860/


We have so many events coming up where you can meet and hang out with fellow Troupies! Read on to find out how you can participate in all of the fun!

ASSASSINS The game has begun! Keep an eye out for safety items on the Facebook group, and make sure to ASSASSINATE YOUR TARGET. Safety zones include all Troupe events including rehearsals and special projects


ANDREW'S ALL-AMERICAN AXE-STRAVAGANZA A Charity Event for Charity February 9th beginning at 8PM If you’re interested and want to sign up, email our VPSP Lauren at kolodkin@bu.edu!

BOOK OF MORMON We'll be going as a group to opening night on April 9th! We have a limited number of tickets, so at our next we will be holding a lottery for attendance, so make sure to join! We will also be auctioning off tickets at Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza!

TECH SHOW February 15-16 A highlight of the spring semester where the techies act and the actors tech a show that will remain secret until opening night.


Don't forget to pay dues at auditions or the tech meeting ($5) and pick up an AWESOME TROUPE SHIRT.

We'll be having tech workshops coming up soon as well, so please keep an eye out for those. And DON'T FORGET that our pitch deadline for One Acts (April 26th & 27th) and our Fall Season is coming up quickly as well (on February 19th!)

A’ight, folks, that’s it for now! See you at auditions and/or the tech meeting!

As ever, find us @StageTroupe on Twitter, “Stage Troupe” on Facebook, and check the website: http://bustagetroupe.com

Stay phenomenal.



New Year, New Season -- Welcome Back!

Ladies and gentlemen, thespians and ogres, gluten-free abiders and carefree omnivores -- it is at last 2013 and the start of a brand new semester and, my dear membership, we. are. BACK!

Get ready for a whole new season of opportunity. It's spring (well, winter) here with Stage Troupe, which means we've got four new mainstages and a new crop of special projects to get involved with!

Constant vigilance will be needed, because we have our First GM, Auditions, and our Tech Meeting coming up quick to start off the new semester! Read on to find out where/when/how to get involved.


Sunday, January 20th, 7PM
This is our first meeting back! You get to meet the Eboard and this season's directors and find out how to audition or apply for technical positions! We'll be discussing the variety of events we have coming up this spring and all of the ways you can get involved with Troupe, so don't miss out on this meeting and the chance to catch up with everyone!

Monday-Wednesday, January 21st-23rd, 6-10PM
Audition for any or all of our four mainstage productions this spring. Be sure to attend the GM and watch future emails for more information! Check the site for info and for audition forms. Callbacks will be held on January 24th.

Friday, January 25th, 6:30PM
This meeting is for anyone interested in holding a tech position this season! You get to hear from the directors more specifics about what they're looking for and you can find out about the different departments from our TA!


February 28; March 1-2
Written by Liz Duffy Adams
Directed by Celia Gibson & Juliette Vandame

March 21-23
Election Day
Written by Josh Tobiessen
Directed by Joe Reed

April 4-6
Written by Patrick Marber
Directed by Allison Crisostomo & Vishaal Reddy

April 18-20
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Marcus Doyle & Julie Kaminski

We are so excited and hope you're all ready for another utterly FANTASTIC season of Troupe!

A few reminders...

If you are interested in TDing this semester, particularly for the Charity Show, Or, please contact Andrew (smithand@bu.edu) immediately!

If you are participating in ASSASSINS, please bring $2 to the GM so you can get your target!

Don't forget, at our second GM on February 10th, we'll be holding our lottery for tickets to BOOK OF MORMON!

We'll be having a sign-up sheet for ANDREW'S ALL-AMERICAN AXE-STRAVAGANZA at the GM as well, so if you have an act in mind don't forget to put down your name!

ANYWAY. That's all for now. Don't forget to check the site (bustagetroupe.com) for information on the new season and keep an eye on the blog and our Twitter (@StageTroupe) for updates!

Keep the delight alive, dearest Troupies. See you all this Sunday in the Student Theater!

Final GM Recap & Upcoming Events!

You missed it! You missed it?! How could you? There was much joyous democracy to be had and you weren't there to partake. Also, info. Also, candy canes. You should be sad. Anyway. Here's the recap. It's quite long, but do keep with it

First off, congratulations to the casts & crews of Mr. Marmalade, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and the One Act & Monologue Festival! All were spectacular and finished off our Fall 2012 Season wonderfully.

We finally have a completed Spring Season! The fourth show has been chosen and it is


So, we at last present our Spring 2013 Stage Troupe Season:

Or, Written by Liz Duffy Adams Directed by Celia Gibson Performances: February 28, March 1 & 2

Election Day Written by Josh Tobiessen Directed by Joe Reed Performances: March 21, 22 & 23

Closer Written by Patrick Marber Directed by Allison Crisostomo and Vishaal Reddy Performances: April 4, 5 & 6

Hamlet Written by William Shakespeare Directed by ?????* Performances: April 18, 19 & 20

*If you are interested in directing Hamlet, please contact Andrew for more information at smithand@bu.edu

Special Projects coming up in the New Semester:

Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza: A Charity Event for Charity - Proceeds will benefit the Charity Show/ charity: Americans for the Arts - The Event is February 9 - We need hosts! Signup sheet happened, otherwise if you are interested, contact Lauren at kolodkin@bu.edu - We also need acts! Signups to do a performance of any kind will occur at the first GM of Spring 2013 - Acts include Pieing the Eboard! Allie & Vishaal Kiss Bucket! Auctioning off awesome things! Cake Making Contest! AND MORE!

Assassins - Signups have occurred, still want to? Just email Lauren at kolodkin@bu.edu - $2 to play at the next GM

BUSTies Our Annual Award Ceremony! May 1st! - Sign up to be roasted - Sign up to roast the seniors - Think about whether you want to host, stage manage, or help decorate the event. Hosts: help facilitate the event and decide the theme. Think about it: signup next semester

Book of Mormon April 9th - 20-25 tickets in the lottery which will be done at the 2nd GM next semester

Charity Show If you are interested in TDing the show, please contact Andrew at smithand@bu.edu.

Tech Show "Where the techies act, the actors tech, and the audience remains the same!" - Signups happened! Please contact Andrew at smithand@bu.edu if you would like to participate. Tech Show is a super fun way for everyone to try something new or different. The Tech Show will be February 15th & 16th

Final Fall 2012 Events:

A Senior (& Friends) Divas Christmas (For Charity) December 12th at 8pm in the Student Theater - Some of our membership is putting together a Christmas concert to raise money for K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations) especially to help out victims of Hurricane Sandy. Join us! - Talk to Steph if you want to donate or have any questions

SPACE CLEANING December 15th at the Space

Our First GM of the new semester will be on January 20th! Auditions are the 21st through the 23rd

That's all for now, membership!




Boston University Stage Troupe Presents Our Fall 2012 One Act & Monologue Festival


The One Acts:

selections from Almost, Maine written by John Cariani directed by Michael Gobiel and Audrey Wood

Dismantling Camelot written and directed by Eli Brenna

Variations on the Death of Trotsky written by David Ives directed by Celia Gibson

The Monologues:

All’s Well That Ends Well written by William Shakespeare performed by Katie Diekhaus

Richard II written by William Shakespeare performed by David Fontana

Cyrano de Bergerac written by Edmond Rostand performed by Charlie Schumacher

The Casts:

Almost, Maine Randy: Will Dowsett Chad: Ben Moll East: Carl Welch Glory: Rachel Wein

Dismantling Camelot Lyndon: Ryan Chernin Robert: Sam Hoffman An Aide: Daniella Seidl

Variations on the Death of Trotsky Leon Trotsky: Andrew Smith Mrs. Trotsky: Abi Oshins Ramon: Kyle Tague

Performances will be held in CAS 224 on Friday December 7th & Saturday December 8th beginning at 8pm.

Attendance is FREE, so bring your friends!

Join the Facebook event!


December Events

My dear membership:

First off—congratulations to the cast & crew of Picasso at the Lapin Agile! What a superb way to end our season of main stages.
Now, it's December and finals are creeping upon us, but we still have lots of events coming up to keep theatre in our hearts/minds/procrastinative inventories!
Don't forget—for anyone interested in PITCHING. Our deadline for Spring 2013 pitches is this WEDNESDAY, December 5th, at 3pm at 111 Cummington Mall. GET YOUR PITCHES IN ASAP!
Fall 2012 One Act & Monologue Festival
December 7th & 8th at 8pm in CAS 224
(join the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/138084543008955/)
The Final GM of the Semester
December 9th at 7pm in the Student Theater
- This is a hugely important meeting, so be sure to attend! We will be voting for the fall season BUSTies, which is our end of the year award ceremony. You definitely want your voice heard (and your hard work recognized!) We will also be voting on our final play for our Spring 2013 season, so we need our democratic masses to give us your opinions. Be there.
A Senior Divas Christmas (For Charity)
December 12th at 8pm in the Student Theater
- Some of our senior membership is putting together a Christmas concert to raise money for K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations). Join us!
December 15th at the Space
That's all for now, membership!

Fall 2012 One Acts Tech List!

TD – Allison CrisostomoATD – Kelsey Gold ATD - Shoshana Koff Producer - Julie Kaminski Producer - Joe Gambino Stage Manager – Marissa Kristy Stage Manager – Nina Jobim Assistant Stage Manager – Jemma Douglas Assistant Stage Manager – Camille Arvisu Head Set Dec – Emma Gluck Assistant Set Dec – Jamie Lin Assistant Set Dec – Allie Romano Head Costumes – Mariel Hathaway Assistant Costumes – Alexandra David Assistant Costumes – Noelle Kichura Sound – Kevin Ang Assistant Sound – Sarah White Makeup/Hair Designer – Lauren Kolodkin Makeup/Hair Designer – Stephanie Gray Prop Master – Olivia Hathaway Assistant Props – Paige Herrmann Assistant Props – Kathryn Vaz BUILD/RUN – Kirsten Fukayama BUILD/RUN – Aryeh Harris-Shapiro BUILD/RUN – Daniel Ehrenpreis


TROUPE UPDATES: opening up pitches for spring, next GM

Hiya membership! We've got some updates and info for you before the Thanksgiving break rolls around!
The next GM will be Sunday, December 9th at 7PM in the Student Theater.
We have some unfortunate news. The rights to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf are currently unavailable and it is unknown when Dramatists will make a call on whether we can acquire them. Due to this, we are opening up our Spring Mainstage Pitch Process to the membership again in order to secure our next season. If by December 9th the rights become available, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf will be a part of our spring 2013 season. If the rights are not available, then those who’ve submitted pitches by the new due date will be pitching at the December 9th General Meeting and the membership will vote again.
PITCHES (new and re-submissions) ARE DUE BY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5TH at 3PM.
This means that if you are re-submitting a pitch, we need you to send in your pitch form again (the scripts are not necessary). If you are pitching anew, please submit the form (found here) and two copies of the script in an envelope to 111 Cummington Mall labeled with "Stage Troupe" and this address:
ATTN: Eric Jacobsen
111 Cummington Mall
Rm B17
*Please make sure that the rights to your show are available during the month of April.
*Also please contact Lauren (kolodkin@bu.edu) if you are interested in being on READING COMMITTEE!
November 29th & 30th & December 1st
Written by Steve Martin
Directed by Julie Kaminski
December 7th & 8th
December 9th
The Last GM of the Semester 
Stay wonderful. Enjoy the Thanksgiving break. If you haven't seen Mr. Marmalade yet, go tonight at 8pm!
Cheers, my dear membership


Greetings membership. It's already time for our third main stage of the season! Stage Troupe is proud to present... MR. MARMALADE

Written by Noah Haidle

Directed by Sam Hoffman Assistant Directed by Ryan Chernin Technically Directed by Marissa Cheifetz Produced by Kelsey Gold

Deep in the deranged mind of a four year-old girl named Lucy, Mr. Marmalade sits down for some Darjeeling Oolong tea wearing a sleek, black suit and carrying a leather brief case. This imaginary creation, developed from the neglect of a single, working mother and a self-absorbed babysitter, turns out to be an abusive, drug-addicted businessman. Lucy’s only real friend is a suicidal five year-old named Larry, who finds hope in their strange and dysfunctional friendship. Mr. Marmalade is a dark, yet hilarious, comedy about the effects of neglect on a child’s imagination, as well as what it truly means to be a friend.

Mr. Marmalade opens in The Student Theater at Agganis Arena (925 Commonwealth Ave)

Thursday November 15 at 8pm Friday November 16 at 8pm Saturday November 17 at 8pm

Tickets can be purchased at the Activities Information Desk the week preceding the show with Convenience Points or credit card. They will also be available cash only at the door.

Prices $6 General $5 Members

Join the Facebook Event

Check the website

Check out a fantastic production and support your fellow Troupies!

Cheers, membership!


Fall 2012 One Act & Monologue Festival Cast List!

Variations on the Death of TrotskyLeon Trotsky: Andrew Smith Mrs. Trotsky: Abi Oshins Ramon: Kyle Tague

Dismantling Camelot Lyndon: Ryan Chernin Robert: Sam Hoffman An Aide: Daniella Seidl

Almost, Maine Randy: Will Dowsett Chad: Ben Moll ----- East: Carl Welch Glory: Rachel Wein

All's Well That Ends Well Act. 1, Scene 3 Katie Diekhaus

Richard II Act. 5, Scene 5 David Fontana

Cyrano de Bergerac Act. 2, Scene 8 Charlie Schumacher



Were you huddled in your little British cafes actively refreshing FB/the website/Twitter to find out from your friends what our new season is? Did you not know where the heck SAR was and got too distracted by the freezing temperatures outside to ask? Did you just forget? Well, fortunately, I've got the lovely little recap for you all set you needy membership.

Here we go.

First off, Congratulations to the cast and crews of Little Shop of Horrors and Stop Kiss! Both were absolutely fantastic productions and started off our fall season right. Yay.

The New Vice President of Stage Troupe has been not only nominated, but chosen.

********THE NEW VP********

Vishaal Reddy


********HERE IS THE SPRING 2013 SEASON********

Charity Show:

Or, Written by Liz Duffy Adams Directed by Celia Gibson

*Looking for a Co-Director! Please contact Celia through email at cgibson1893@gmail.com

Closer Written by Patrick Marber Directed by Allison Crisostomo and Vishaal Reddy

Election Day Written by Josh Tobiessen Directed by Joe Reed

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Written by Edward Albee Directed by Marcus Doyle and Kaitlin Bresee ********ONE ACTS FESTIVAL********

Variations on the Death of Trotsky Written by David Ives Directed by Celia Gibson

Dismantling Camelot Written and Directed by Eli Brenna

Almost, Maine Written by John Cariani Directed by Michael Gobiel and Audrey Wood

AUDITIONS November 5th & 6th 6-10PM in CAS B18A

Performances are December 7th & 8th in CAS 224


We need a crew for One Acts! TD, ATD Stage Managers Props Costumes Sound Build & Set Dec? Possibly No lights

WE NEED YOU! Please contact Andrew at smithand@bu.edu


Let Lauren know if you want to participate!

****HOLIDAY MOVIE**** An end of the semester bonding event in the Student Theater! Watching holiday movies! Excitement!

********THE TECH SHOW******** Keep it in your mind. Keep it in your hearts. Sign-ups will be at the next GM! We have two more main stages this semester!

Mr. Marmalade November 15-17

Picasso at the Lapin Agile November 29-30; December 1st

And our NEXT GM is DECEMBER 9th, 7PM in the Student Theater!

Stay amazing, you lovely membership.
