Final GM Recap & Upcoming Events!

You missed it! You missed it?! How could you? There was much joyous democracy to be had and you weren't there to partake. Also, info. Also, candy canes. You should be sad. Anyway. Here's the recap. It's quite long, but do keep with it

First off, congratulations to the casts & crews of Mr. Marmalade, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and the One Act & Monologue Festival! All were spectacular and finished off our Fall 2012 Season wonderfully.

We finally have a completed Spring Season! The fourth show has been chosen and it is


So, we at last present our Spring 2013 Stage Troupe Season:

Or, Written by Liz Duffy Adams Directed by Celia Gibson Performances: February 28, March 1 & 2

Election Day Written by Josh Tobiessen Directed by Joe Reed Performances: March 21, 22 & 23

Closer Written by Patrick Marber Directed by Allison Crisostomo and Vishaal Reddy Performances: April 4, 5 & 6

Hamlet Written by William Shakespeare Directed by ?????* Performances: April 18, 19 & 20

*If you are interested in directing Hamlet, please contact Andrew for more information at

Special Projects coming up in the New Semester:

Andrew's All-American Axe-Stravaganza: A Charity Event for Charity - Proceeds will benefit the Charity Show/ charity: Americans for the Arts - The Event is February 9 - We need hosts! Signup sheet happened, otherwise if you are interested, contact Lauren at - We also need acts! Signups to do a performance of any kind will occur at the first GM of Spring 2013 - Acts include Pieing the Eboard! Allie & Vishaal Kiss Bucket! Auctioning off awesome things! Cake Making Contest! AND MORE!

Assassins - Signups have occurred, still want to? Just email Lauren at - $2 to play at the next GM

BUSTies Our Annual Award Ceremony! May 1st! - Sign up to be roasted - Sign up to roast the seniors - Think about whether you want to host, stage manage, or help decorate the event. Hosts: help facilitate the event and decide the theme. Think about it: signup next semester

Book of Mormon April 9th - 20-25 tickets in the lottery which will be done at the 2nd GM next semester

Charity Show If you are interested in TDing the show, please contact Andrew at

Tech Show "Where the techies act, the actors tech, and the audience remains the same!" - Signups happened! Please contact Andrew at if you would like to participate. Tech Show is a super fun way for everyone to try something new or different. The Tech Show will be February 15th & 16th

Final Fall 2012 Events:

A Senior (& Friends) Divas Christmas (For Charity) December 12th at 8pm in the Student Theater - Some of our membership is putting together a Christmas concert to raise money for K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations) especially to help out victims of Hurricane Sandy. Join us! - Talk to Steph if you want to donate or have any questions

SPACE CLEANING December 15th at the Space

Our First GM of the new semester will be on January 20th! Auditions are the 21st through the 23rd

That's all for now, membership!