TROUPE UPDATES: opening up pitches for spring, next GM

Hiya membership! We've got some updates and info for you before the Thanksgiving break rolls around!
The next GM will be Sunday, December 9th at 7PM in the Student Theater.
We have some unfortunate news. The rights to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf are currently unavailable and it is unknown when Dramatists will make a call on whether we can acquire them. Due to this, we are opening up our Spring Mainstage Pitch Process to the membership again in order to secure our next season. If by December 9th the rights become available, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf will be a part of our spring 2013 season. If the rights are not available, then those who’ve submitted pitches by the new due date will be pitching at the December 9th General Meeting and the membership will vote again.
PITCHES (new and re-submissions) ARE DUE BY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5TH at 3PM.
This means that if you are re-submitting a pitch, we need you to send in your pitch form again (the scripts are not necessary). If you are pitching anew, please submit the form (found here) and two copies of the script in an envelope to 111 Cummington Mall labeled with "Stage Troupe" and this address:
ATTN: Eric Jacobsen
111 Cummington Mall
Rm B17
*Please make sure that the rights to your show are available during the month of April.
*Also please contact Lauren ( if you are interested in being on READING COMMITTEE!
November 29th & 30th & December 1st
Written by Steve Martin
Directed by Julie Kaminski
December 7th & 8th
December 9th
The Last GM of the Semester 
Stay wonderful. Enjoy the Thanksgiving break. If you haven't seen Mr. Marmalade yet, go tonight at 8pm!
Cheers, my dear membership