Show Check Ins
Charity Show- The Yellow Boat
Director: Abbey M
Finished blocking the whole show
Had first stumble through- Sarah, Chris, Liv, and Carly were there, was so exciting
Had great meeting with Sarah and producing team Friday
Having a photoshoot/headshots tomorrow
Doing runs all week- open to tech and producing
Planning a little philanthropy event- a card drive on Friday
AD: Maddie R
Blocked my second scene this week
Had our first stumble through- emotional
Excited for the photoshoot and the week to come
TD: Sarah F
Feeling pretty good going into Build Week!
Communicated with my creative team about the producing side of things on Friday which was really helpful
Been in touch with Cam, my MC, about this weeks schedule!
Had a department meeting with Sound this week and am glad to say that we have some exciting new additions that my team is fully capable of making a reality!
Looking ahead to this week, Build and Paint will hopefully be done by Tuesday and other departments will visit the space throughout the week to start to gather some things!
Overall, I’m very excited for this week to come!
SM: Carly M
Happy to be a new part of the team!
Went to rehearsal for the first time this week
Got acquainted with cast
Updated spreadsheets
Producer: Ece Y
No check in at present time
Director: Matt D
Starting blocking and chorus choreo
Meeting w/ Sage and Sean on Wednesday
Have this week almost scheduled
TD: Priya P
Had Medea tech meeting- went great
Department meetings this week- going over more specifics
Meeting w/ MC Friday re: set design
SM: Lena J
Met with cast in more intimate settings
Using master schedules for weekly agendas
Locked out of 700 Beacon room but it’s getting resolved
Producers: Sean D and Sage H
Have a meeting planned for Wednesday where we are going to talk to our team and begin the process
Directors: Evan P and Carrie W
Poor Carrie has the flu :(
Had tech meeting
Rehearsals all week- cast is working so hard
Welcomed Callum on as MD
Pit has been assembled
Planning on having whole show roughly done by spring break
Doing one-on-one character workshops
Had cast bonding- plans to do more of that
TD: Katie G
Had first tech meeting yesterday
Department meetings this upcoming week
SM: Katie H
Spent time with Evan scheduling
Helped out with character meetings in Carrie’s absence
Taking blocking notes
Producers: Juliette H and Marion C
No check in at present time
Eboard Check Ins
President: Kim
Tech Show- TDed; had a good time
Painted the stage with Zach
Communicated with If/Then team re: finding a new MD
VP: Siena
Went to Tech Show- chaotic
Talking with Lena about the locked 700 Beacon rehearsal room
VPSP: Devon
Tech Show happened
Monitored Assassins stuff
Closed BUSTies event managers apps and announced team
Followed up with Isa re: special project pitch
In communications with other groups about CTF/kickball
Secretary: Abbey
Tech Show Tech Show Tech Show
Promoted Tech Show
Emailing with Aidan Meachem re: some SAO concerns
TA: Zach
Tech Show
Tech Show cast bonding
Safety trained most of department heads and tech heads
Got rental contracts from Vagmo
Got email from Playwrights re: their season and quiet times
Submitted POs for the Space